• 根据弹性稳定理论建立转角方程并由此导出稳定方程

    Equations of end Angle deformation of legs are established based on elastic stability theory, where from stability equation is deduced.


  • 运用变形弹性稳定理论几种压杆计算模型进行分析,导出相应的稳定方程

    Based on the small linear elastic stability theory, the stability equation is established by analyzing the mechanical calculating model of a few kinds of columns.


  • 经典弹性稳定理论基础推导考虑节点刚度弯矩方程构件稳定方程将其应用于桁架结构。

    Based on classic elastic stability theory of framework, the four-moment equation and the stability equations of member group considering joint rigidity are derived and extended to study trusses.


  • 稳定蠕变应变本构方程作用盐岩应力偏量的函数能量温度指数函数。

    The steady-state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.


  • 我们薛定谔方程的时候,给出一个稳定氢原子经典力学中做不到的。

    Also, when we're looking at the Schrodinger equation, it allows us to explain a stable hydrogen atom, which is something that classical mechanics did not allow us to do.


  • 2002年,得出一个预测癌症演化扩散方式方程比如说染色体何时开始变得稳定使得癌细胞转移发生变异

    In 2002 he worked out equations that can predict the way cancer evolves and spreads, such as when mutations emerge in a metastasis and chromosomes become unstable.


  • 模型动态特性对偶微分方程描述具有状态空间内任一初始找出多个稳定平衡点的能力。

    The dynamical property of this model is described by dual differential equations and it can find out several stable equilibrium points from any initial point in the state space.


  • 本文采用非线性操纵运动方程,导出了计算内河稳定回转直径方法。

    This paper introduces a method for calculating the steady turning diameter of inland-water ships by using the nonlinear equations of steering motions.


  • 应用交替分段方法求解系数对流扩散方程方法具有很好的并行无条件稳定

    Using alternating segment explicit implicit method for the variable coefficient convection diffusion equation. The method has the obvious property of parallelism and is unconditionally stable.


  • 同时根据这个结果分析得到求解蒸汽发生器传热方程逆风有限差分格式稳定

    At the same time, based on the result, it is concluded that the upwind finite difference scheme for solving the one dimensional heat transfer equation for SG is stable.


  • 本文用正压原始方程模式考察了分离显式积分方案稳定精确性

    The split explicit integration scheme for the barotropic primitive equation model is investigated for the stability and accuracy.


  • 首先目前卫星动力学常用所有人造卫星运动方程数值解法有待改进重要问题就是稳定问题。

    First, now in all common numerical methods for the satellite dynamics equations the most important problem that needs to be improved is stability problem.


  • 利用最小势能原理讨论了空穴分岔方程各个参数区域内稳定解释了空穴生成突变现象

    Stability of solutions of the cavitated bifurcation equation is discussed in each region by using the minimal potential principle, and the catastrophic phenomenon of cavity formation is explained.


  • 变换方法分叉理论研究非线性薛定谔方程和定常解的稳定

    The steady solution and its stability of Nonlinear Schrdinger Equation (NLSE) are studied by means of traveling wave transformation and bifurcation theory.


  • 本文利用微分方程稳定理论研究城市交通容量两种交通方式竞争关系它们适合于根舍模型

    Using the theory for differential equation stability, this paper investigates a struggle relationship between two traffic modes in city traffic volume , and shows they suit Gause' s model.


  • 详细讨论分析涉及灾害性天气预报理论模式稳定,这些模式包括:非静力完全弹性方程组、滞弹性方程组。

    Stability related to theoretical model for catastrophic weather prediction that includes non-hydrostatic perfect elastic model, anelastic model was discussed and analyzed in detail.


  • 然后利用插值方法,外推得到光滑因子零时的积分方程稳定

    The stable solutions of the integral equation are obtained by the extrapolation method when the smooth factor equals to zero.


  • 通常人们采用气井某一时刻稳定产能方程结合废弃井底来计算废弃地层压力

    The abandonment formation pressure(AFP) of gas well is usually calculated by stable productivity equation and abandonment flowing bottom hole pressure.


  • 通过理论分析试验,导出汽心稳定工作基本方程和性能参数之间函数关系;

    The fundamental equation of vapor pump and the functional relationship between, parameters are derived at stable operating condition in this paper.


  • 特征方程决定系统稳定以及各种输入响应特性

    The roots of the characteristic equation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input.


  • 通过分析相应特征方程性质给出系统稳定一个充分条件

    By studying the properties of roots for the corresponding characteristic equation, the sufficient conditions under which the equation is stable are given.


  • 此文根据稳定热传导基本方程积分得到离散方程式,编写计算程序

    This paper gets discretization equation by integrating the basic equation of unsteady heat conduction and writes a calculating program.


  • 经交叉检验,所得重建方程稳定可靠的,重建降水序列是可信的。

    The time series reconstructed is stable and credible under the crossing-test verification.


  • 矢量李雅普诺夫函数解决系统稳定问题必须判断矢量比较方程稳定性。

    On the stability analysis of large-scale systems by Lyapunov functions, it is necessary to determine the stability of vector comparison equations.


  • 稳定电流基本方程出发,通过定义线性微分算子,推导出与之等价的方程

    According to the fundamental equation of steady current field, the corresponding functional equation is obtained by use of the linear differential operator.


  • 基于湍流动能倾向方程推导出了切变大气稳定度的简化方程

    Based on the tendency equation of turbulent kinetic energy, its simplified equation including only wind shear and air stability was derived.


  • 基于湍流动能倾向方程推导出了切变大气稳定度的简化方程

    Based on the tendency equation of turbulent kinetic energy, its simplified equation including only wind shear and air stability was derived.


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