• 基于索引爬行程序的搜索引擎检索往往数量众多准确度低。

    Search engine with crawler based on indexes vary in recall and is less precision.


  • 造成这个问题部分原因由于目前没有可靠搜索引擎发现优秀的应用程序,不过毫无疑问,这种应用程序很快就面世。

    Part of the problem is that there is still no reliable search engine for discovering outstanding apps. No doubt there will soon be an app for that too.


  • 另外可以产品订购信息提供具体结构使搜索引擎其它应用程序能够更加有效地使用数据

    In addition, you could provide more specific structures for product and ordering information, to enable search engines and other applications to use the data more effectively.


  • 他们数以千计聪明程序巨大的服务器以及搜索引擎专家

    They've got thousands of smart programmers, huge server farms, and experts in search on staff.


  • 搜索引擎应用程序可以返回结果文档因此用户搜索字段总是最先出现

    The search engine application might return result documents so that the field that the user searched upon always appears first.


  • 网站访问量收到了绊倒安全机制觉得这个搜索引擎在受到一个垃圾邮件程序的攻击

    The volume of searches the site received tripped safety mechanisms and made the search engine think it was under attack from a spambot.


  • 例如假设构建一个通向应用程序现有搜索引擎功能SOAP接口

    Suppose, for example, that you wish to build a SOAP interface to your application's existing search engine functionality.


  • 人们正在通过其他来源得到越来越多的数字信息包括专门化搜索引擎智能手机软件应用程序

    People are also being offered more and more digital information via other sources, including specialised search engines and software applications on smartphones.


  • 如今许多搜索引擎仍然推荐实现某一级别爬行效率方法就是使爬虫程序可以爬行基于HTML站点地图页面

    Today, the approach that many search engines still recommend for some level of crawling efficiency is to make an HTML-based site map page available for a crawler to pick up.


  • 搜索引擎凭借关键搜索相关网页不同的程序会进行逻辑推理

    Unlike a search engine, which finds relevant web pages statistically using key words, True Knowledge is able to reason.


  • 问题所有软件驱动的东西都会完全忽略显示比如搜索引擎残疾人帮助程序

    The problem is that presentation is flat-out ignored by anything software-driven or mechanical, like all those search engines and helpers for the disabled.


  • 搜索引擎使用称为搜寻器(称蜘蛛机器人)自动程序随着网页连接一起超级链接足迹收集资料

    Search engines rely on programs known as crawlers (or spiders) that gather information by following the trails of hyperlinks that tie the Web together.


  • 相反重点讨论交付有效搜索结果所需组件数据库索引搜索引擎PHP应用程序编程接口(API)。

    Instead, the focus is on the components required to deliver effective search results: the database, the index, the search engine, and the PHP application program interface (API).


  • 方法会创建一个高效站点地图,以搜索引擎爬网程序整个站点中遍历尽可能URL针对这些URL建立索引

    This method creates an effective site map for search engine spiders to traverse and index as many URLs as possible in your entire site.


  • 他们永远专注他们程序更加用户友好”,把我们的使用搜索引擎这样的私人举动甚至社交活动都编成了剧本

    Relentlessly focused on making their programs more "user friendly," they're scripting the intimate processes of intellectual inquiry and even social attachment.


  • 这些语义对于页面非视觉用户(包括使用屏幕阅读器这样辅助技术的用户)搜索引擎爬虫这样计算机程序重要

    These new semantics are important for non-visual users of the page (including anyone using assistive technologies like screen readers) but also for computer programs like search engine crawlers.


  • 不过,将应用程序构建搜索引擎的基础上能够提供几个强大的功能其他传统途径无法实现的。

    However, basing your application on search offers several powerful features where many other approaches traditionally fail.


  • 每个搜索引擎都有自己爬行网页的自动化程序叫做网络蜘蛛web spider)”“网络爬虫(web crawler)”。

    Each search engine has its own automated program called a "web spider" or "web crawler" that crawls the web.


  • 例如,通过一个用于Google搜索引擎公共api可以发出搜索请求但是实际上是由Google的代码搜索Google的数据然后结果返回程序

    For instance, a public API to the Google search engine would let you make search requests, but Google's code would search Google's data, and return the results to your program.


  • 这种分布式导航可能形式包括RSS阅读器博客链接搜索引擎可以是其他一些形式的内容聚合程序

    This "distributed" navigation might come in the form of a feed reader, a link on a blog, a search engine, or some other content aggregator.


  • 搜索引擎名为searchd的守护程序

    The search engine is a daemon called searchd.


  • SimplyHired应用程序Facebook朋友网络推荐功能工作搜索引擎合并在一起以便获得自定义的工作推荐。

    The SimplyHired application combines the power of Facebook friend networks and recommendations with a job search engine to get customized job recommendations.


  • 很早以前篇文章中,介绍了如何使用基于rdfWordNet数据库应用程序专用的搜索引擎增加一些自然语言能力

    In a much earlier article, I showed you how to use an RDF-based WordNet database to add some natural language power to application-specific search engines.


  • 假设应用程序存储很多memo文档采用清单4中的范式而且包含搜索引擎

    Suppose you have an application that stores many memo documents using the pattern in Listing 4, and it includes a search engine for them.


  • 搜索引擎程序提供入口,以使爬网程序轻松地跟踪Web页面链接

    Provides an entry point for the search engine crawler to easily follow the links within your Web pages.


  • 程序员们事儿没谱。 他们还抱怨诺基亚旗舰Ovi store(译注:诺基亚手机应用程序商店搜索引擎已经坏了个月

    That sounds good but developers say it hasn't happened yet and complain that for two months the search engine of Nokia's flagship Ovi store wasn't working.


  • 如果没有功能方面的让步,基于Ajaxmashup应用程序可能会发现自己失去了部分用户搜索引擎吸引力也会降低

    Without graceful degradation, Ajax-based mashup applications might find themselves missing out on both a minority user base as well as search engine visibility.


  • Compass主要功能之一就是应用程序模型搜索引擎声明式映射

    One of Compass main features is the ability to have declarative mapping from within the application model into the search engine.


  • Compass主要功能之一就是应用程序模型搜索引擎声明式映射

    One of Compass main features is the ability to have declarative mapping from within the application model into the search engine.


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