• 高兴机会来到美丽下龙湾各位代表难民移民问题交换看法,交流意见。

    We are very pleased to have this good opportunity to come to the beautiful, historic ha Long Bay to exchange ideas on refugee and migration issues with all the distinguished delegates.


  • 广西境内资源县由于历史地理移民因素,与湖南南部湘语关系密切方言一般认为属湘语。

    Ziyuan of Guangxi is closely linked to the southern area of Hunan as a result of history, geography, immigration and other factors, and its dialect is generally considered to be Xiang dialect.


  • 英国一份报告视野》(New Horizons)11月出炉集中介绍住宿休闲资金移民诸多方面问题

    The New Horizons report, published in November, focuses on a number of issues ranging from accommodation and leisure to finance and immigration.


  • 武装冲突被迫移民许多关键全球成绩存在分歧这个时辰,人民应该为了共同目标,携起手来,而不应该由于恐惧而互相背弃

    At a time of divisiveness on many key global issues, from armed conflict to forced migration, people need to turn toward each other in common cause, not away from each other in fear.


  • 武装冲突被迫移民许多关键全球问题存在分歧这个时刻人民应该为了共同目标,携起手来,而不应该因为恐惧而相互背弃

    At a time of divisiveness on many key global issues, from armed conflict to forced migration, people need to turn toward each other in common cause, not away from each other in fear.


  • 这部麦凯恩·肯尼迪方案注重边境防卫以及对随意雇佣非法移民的雇主的惩罚并且强调要加强法律执行力度并且吸收移民等举措。

    The new McCain-Kennedy bill will put more emphasis on beefing up the border, punishing errant employers, enforcing the law and assimilating new immigrants.


  • 移民提供了廉价劳动力降低农产品新房一切商品价格消费者口袋里能多留一些

    Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets.


  • 另一些人强调非法移民学校医院监狱公共服务带来的压力

    Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails.


  • 应该支出更多资金用于改善诸如学校医院道路基础设施——移民热潮使这些设施承受额外的压力

    More money should be spent to improve infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and roads, that is being put under extra pressure by an upsurge of immigrants.


  • 今天澳大利亚超过四分之一人口国外出身的,大多数移民不是来自新西兰英国的就是来自印度、中国其他亚洲国家

    Today over a quarter of the population were born abroad, and most migrants, if they are not from New Zealand or Britain, are from India, China or some other Asian country.


  • 美国加拿大欧洲国家澳大利亚新西兰国家更加关心的是移民政策配额问题不是家庭人口限制

    Countries such as the us, Canada, European countries, Australia and New Zealand are more concerned with immigration policy and quotas rather than family limitation.


  • 然而虽然很多家庭饱受移民早孕离婚遗弃问题的困扰,不少墨西哥人珍视父母和小孩组成的家庭

    But while many families have been fractured by migration, teenage pregnancy, divorce and abandonment, most Mexicans still cherish the ideal of a nuclear family.


  • 不久前,黄西首次亮相荧屏,出现美国哥伦比亚广播公司的著名午夜节目——《大卫·莱特曼秀》中,颇具冷面笑匠风范起了有关移民家庭生活开车故事。

    Wong recently made his TV network debut on CBS 'Letterman show - the hugely popular US late-night talk show - with dead-pan delivery on immigrants, family life and driving.


  • 墨西哥人的敌意也开始在美国扩散。 一些脱口秀用到“法士达流感”(译者:法士达,即墨西哥肉卷,在带有一定侮辱性)被感染非法移民称呼。

    Hostility towards Mexicans spread to the United States where talkshows referred to "fajita flu" and "infected illegal aliens", injecting fresh rancour into the immigration debate.


  • 这项提案包括提议设立临时劳工项目惩罚制度比如缴纳罚金、补交税款或者通过社区劳动服务途径允许非法移民留在美国。

    The outline also includes proposals for a temporary worker program and penalties that would allow illegal immigrants to stay such as paying fines and back taxes and performing community service.


  • 美国英国国家的经验表明,一旦那些技术人才可以很快安定下来其他技术水平较低移民最终可以适应

    The lesson from America, Britain and elsewhere is that the more highly skilled people settle in very quickly and that many of the lower-skilled also catch up eventually.


  • 这些学校澳大利亚长期缺乏职业技术人员情况下,如雨后春笋般冒出,那时,诸如美发,餐饮职业资格能够提供一条快速移民澳大利亚的通道。

    These had flourished at a time of chronic skills shortages, when hairdressing and catering qualifications opened up a fast track to permanent residence in Australia.


  • 就拿愿意》这论坛报(tribune)写的散文来说,在这里,他移民谈到漫画,他完全像是个高傲文学巨狮只是的打字机。

    Take the "as I Please" essays he did for Tribune, where he talks about everything from immigration to comic books - he was no proud literary lion, but a typewriter for hire.


  • 正当怀疑这么好的突如其来时候立刻您又看到铺天盖地瑞典移民圈套瑞典移民被遣返新闻

    When you have such a good thing when a sudden doubt, you will immediately see a frenzy of Swedish immigrants trap, news, such as Sweden immigration repatriated.


  • 可以61520年拿到家庭签证移民。”一个经营移民支持商业组织 ——美国移民服务(ImmigrationWorks USA)总裁·雅各比(TamarJacoby

    "You can wait six years, 15 years or 20 years to come on a family visa, " said President Tamar Jacoby of ImmigrationWorks USA, a coalition of pro-immigration business groups.


  • 南部居民多欧洲血统溯源19世纪初来自意大利德国波兰西班牙乌克兰葡萄牙移民

    Southern residents are of European descent can be traced back to the early 19th century from Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Ukraine and Portugal and other countries of immigration.


  • 上周三博尔顿录制节目其他孩子还问卡梅伦关于移民问题以及首相是什么感觉

    The other children asked Mr Cameron questions on immigration and "what it is like to be Prime Minister" during the programme which was filmed in Bolton last Wednesday.


  • 包括西班牙日本丹麦国家得更远,推出了走人我买单计划鼓励移民领取现金资助返回原籍

    Countries including Spain, Japan and Denmark have taken this to its logical conclusion, with "pay as you go" schemes, under which migrants get cash handouts to return to their countries of origin.


  • 熟练工人移民限制西澳大利亚资源丰富的省尤其担忧的。这些地区,劳动力需求中国自然资源的需求所支撑。

    Curbs on skilled migration are of particular concern in resource-rich states like Western Australia, where demand for labor is being buoyed by China's appetite for natural resources.


  • 熟练工人移民限制西澳大利亚资源丰富的省尤其担忧的。这些地区,劳动力需求中国自然资源的需求所支撑。

    Curbs on skilled migration are of particular concern in resource-rich states like Western Australia, where demand for labor is being buoyed by China's appetite for natural resources.


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