• 孙直升机在巨大漂浮岛屿岩石如一粒尘埃般移动。阳光穿过云层照耀峭壁上斑其他飞行动物峭壁盘旋。瀑布沿陡峭的悬崖暴跌数千英后溶入山底的虚无飘渺中。

    The Samson is tiny moving among the vast floating islands of rock. Bansheerays and other smaller flying species circle next to the cliffs in the sunlit shafting between the clouds.


  • 飞机可能上下移动2030乘客来说夸张了,但是航空学角度来看没有什么问题。

    The plane can move 20 or 30 feet up and down, which is quite dramatic for passengers but is of no consequence in aeronautical terms.


  • 空间站65长的机械手臂可以用来设备地方移动个地方,有的时候需要宇航员到末端协助操作。

    The station's 65ft-long robotic arm is used to move equipment from one place to another, but sometimes an astronaut climbs on the end to help.


  • 他们可以延伸成千上万公里,这是其一,同时他们也能移动如此大量水分虽然有时候通过飓风的力量确实可以如此,但是在几千高的空中简直令人无法想象。

    They can stretch thousands of miles, for one thing, and move vast amounts of water, sometimes with winds of hurricane force, but focused a few thousand feet above the earth's surface.


  • 由奥地利房车公司马奇移动制造的这辆豪华房车,名为“元素”,车身40配有215平方的伸展式屋顶露台地暖设施以及间酒吧

    Austrian company Marchi Mobile is behind the 40ft long palace on wheels, called the eleMMent palazzo, which comes complete with a pop-up roof terrace measuring 215 sq ft, underfloor heating and a bar.


  • 纸板40 000空投下跟踪200英里它嗖嗖地飞速移动,让我想起百货商店里气压管道声音

    The pipe, which can be dropped from 40, 000 feet and tracked for 200 miles, makes a whoosh on its descent, reminding me of the sound of those old pneumatic tubes in department stores.


  • 纳米布沙漠世界最大移动沙丘所在地,

    The Namib Desert is home to the world's biggest migrating dunes, which reach heights of nearly a thousand feet.


  • 二月二十七日,在智利莫尔附近发生的8.8级大地震康塞普西翁座城市西移动

    The magnitude 8.8 quake that struck near Maule, Chile, Feb. 27 moved the entire city of Concepcion 10 feet to the west.


  • 座椅间距超过2,发生撞车就可以限制孩子移动距离

    Seats are also positioned no more than two feet apart, which limits the distance a child moves during a crash.


  • 一英高的红色机器人群快速地沿着主要走廊移动它们靠着下面的轮转移动像一群大型昆虫

    Zipping down the main hallway, the foot-long (0.3 meter) red robots pivoted this way and that on their three wheels, resembling nothing so much as large insects.


  • 事实上,树分钟移动牠们成为世界上迟缓的动物

    In fact, sloths only move two to three meters per minute, which makes them the slowest mammals in the world.


  • 人们继续告诉小山已经移动而且继续告诉他们高跳跃酒吧已经容易地掉落我一次清除现在我是不可能

    People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that he high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.


  • 这座36英头部雕像42移动铬板组成,板面可以同向反向移动

    The 36-foot-high head is made up of 42 moving chrome-plated layers, which move both in synchronicity and in opposing directions.


  • 一个10层建筑里模拟器运动范围无与伦比的,移动多达6040垂直水平。

    Housed in a 10-story building, the range of motion of the simulator is unmatched, moving as much as 60 feet vertically and 40 feet horizontally.


  • 移动时间超过试图拉动老化更安全。

    It moves a little more than a foot at a time, but is much safer than attempting to pull up the entire, aging slab.


  • 中心拥有一个75移动,这艘移动船只调至8521远。

    The centre also boasts a 75-tonne mobile boat travel-lift capable of handling vessels up to around 85 feet and 21 feet in beam.


  • 但很久地球表面10人类很标准寸,因为重力小于现在,可让身体快捷移动

    Long ago, 10-foot human forms upon the surface of the earth were the norm, and gravity far less of a pull allowing the form to weigh less and move in ease.


  • 移动楼梯可以运营了,周三从楼顶20英下的工作人送往医院

    And that moving staircase was also operational Wednesday after a crew member was sent to the hospital following a reported 20-foot fall from the top Tuesday.


  • 微调移动X接近“十”字比较直到数字比较指示灯零点右边

    Move with the X axis micrometric movement the sharp shadow, till the digital comparator red light is on the zero right position.


  • 他们一次又前进后退,而车子每次只移动三公

    They drove forward and backward, moving 10 feet at a time, again and again.


  • 无论的年龄19还是22无疑一个移动性强的7球员。

    Whether you believe he's 19 or 22, Yi is an unquestionably mobile 7-footer.


  • 这座占地290000层建筑物成为世界上第一座关于探索组织移动影像历史未来博物馆

    The propsed six-story, 290,000-square-foot complex promises to be "the worlds premier museum dedicated to exploring and curating the history and future of the moving image".


  • 测量时90采集数据,借助数据可以拟合井眼轨迹计算相同形状眼轨迹移动一根弹性钻杆所需最小能量

    It USES the well survey data gathered every 90 ft to model the well path and calculates the minimum energy needed to move an elastic beam through a hole in that shape.


  • 本文不同焊接方法钢轨质量进行比较提出线路优选移动闪光焊焊接钢轨,提出基地焊接长定钢轨的参考工位工序配置。

    This paper makes a comparison of the quality of rail joints welded by different methods, proposes that the movable flashed welded rail should be adopted on passenger dedicated line, and pres...


  • 阿莫尔移动设备制造公司拥有20制造经验315平方的制造面积国内最大值得信赖医疗车和定制房车制造商

    With over 315,000 square feet of fabrication space, and 20 years of experience, Armor is one of the nations largest and most trusted medical and custom coach builders.


  • 阿莫尔移动设备制造公司拥有20制造经验315平方的制造面积国内最大值得信赖医疗车和定制房车制造商

    With over 315,000 square feet of fabrication space, and 20 years of experience, Armor is one of the nations largest and most trusted medical and custom coach builders.


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