• 新型Kindle 的不可移动存储设备现在容纳倍的书籍

    The new Kindle's nonremovable storage now holds twice as many books.


  • 允许格式化移动存储设备

    Allows formatting file sysytems for removable storage.


  • 另外我们还要提醒大家注意就是移动存储设备

    In addition, we would also like to draw attention to is the removable storage device.


  • 无论是一个物理设备移动存储设备另一台计算机,都是可行的。

    It is largely irrelevant whether that is another physical device, a removable storage solution, or another machine altogether.


  • 可以用来改变驱动器分配一个移动存储设备

    This can also be used to change the drive letter assigned to a removable storage device.


  • 移动存储设备数据传输一个令人难以置信廉价高效方法

    Removable storage devices are an incredibly cheap and highly-efficient method of data transfer.


  • 发明实施提供一种移动存储设备数据保护方法、装置移动存储设备

    The embodiment of the invention provides a data protection method and a data protection device of movable storage equipment and the movable storage equipment.


  • 已经成为常用移动存储设备闪存易于采购和携带多种容量

    U disk has become a very common mobile storage devices, more easy to carry than flash memory and provided a variety of capacity to choose.


  • 个人网络存储系统具有一般移动存储设备所不具备优点受到许多的欢迎。

    Individual network storage system has many advantages that the general portable storage facilities do not have and it has been very popular with many people.


  • 需要一个移动存储设备进行综合管理平台,因此必须解决移动存储设备识别问题

    A general management software is needed, and the problem of identifying the removable storage device must be solved.


  • 基于TPM安全优盘系统具有优盘访问控制功能最大限度控制移动存储设备使用

    TPM based security USB disk system has access control functions, to maximize control over the use of USB disk.


  • 2小心使用移动存储设备使用移动存储设备之前进行病毒扫描查杀病毒拒绝在外。

    2 careful use of mobile storage devices. The virus scanning and killing in the use of mobile storage devices, but also the virus was rejected.


  • 可以搜索多种文件系统-所有一个单一通行证-文件夹驱动器移动存储设备甚至网络股

    You can search multiple file systems - folders, drives, removable storage devices, even network shares - all in a single pass.


  • 所设计驱动程序能够支持移动存储设备HID设备,对其它嵌入式usb主机驱动的开发有一定参考意义。

    The driver designed in this paper can support portable storage device and HID device. It is helpful for the developing of other embedded USB host driver.


  • 播放器播放本地媒体文件能识别CFU移动存储设备能对移动设备存储的媒体文件进行播放。

    The player can not only play local media files, but also identify the CF card, U disk and other removable storage devices and play media files stored on them.


  • USB移动存储设备由于突出优点得到广泛的应用。普通us B存储盘安全性能适合用来存储敏感信息

    USB flashy storage equipment is widely used because of its advantages, while common USB storage equipments are low in safety and not suitable for the storage of some confidential messages.


  • 一次又一次,在涉密网络公共网络之间这个空气间隙桥接上其中很大一部分是通过使用光盘移动存储设备

    But time and time again, the so-called "air gaps" between classified and public networks have been bridged, largely through the use of discs and removable drives.


  • NVD播放机除了播放光盘上的音视频资源外,能够播放网络媒体资源,也能够通过USB接口播放移动存储设备上的音视频资源。

    Besides playing the audio and video resource from CDROM, NVD also could play the audio and video resource from network or from mobile storage device across the USB interface.


  • 灾难恢复角度来看移动存储设备(磁带磁盘甚至usb)可靠备份因为可以存储的信息保存现场以外的其他位置

    The removable storage solution (tape, disk, or even USB) is the most reliable backup from a disaster recovery standpoint, in that the storage can be kept offsite in a different location.


  • 今天我们可以看到大量应用usb接口的终端设备出现。键盘鼠标调制解调器打印机扫描仪数码相机摄像头以及移动存储设备等等

    Now we see a large number of computer peripherals using USB around us, such as keyboard, mouse, modem, printer, scanner, digital camera, video CAM and removable storage device etc.


  • 基本上指的是这样一种基础设施其中数据存储数据处理移动设备之外完成。

    Basically, it refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and the data processing happen outside of the mobile device.


  • 但是今天大多数应用还是移动设备不是完成大多数数据存储处理

    However, the majority of applications today still do most of the data storage and processing on the mobile devices themselves and not in the cloud.


  • 然而所有数据本地存储移动设备中的SQL数据库中

    However, all data is stored locally on the mobile device in a SQL database.


  • 这个特性可能是存储容量有限移动设备而设计的。

    This feature was probably motivated by the need to support mobile devices with limited storage capacity.


  • 提供能够移动设备摄像头本地文件存储系统相交互特性

    It also has features that enable you to interact with the mobile devices' camera and native file storage system.


  • 同时我们经常讨论关于数字文本的转变,转变提高了我们阅读存储个人图书馆的能力尤其是通过移动设备的方式。

    And often, discussions surrounding the move to digital texts involves our enhanced ability to read and store our libraries, particularly via mobile devices.


  • 个人非常高兴WebKit选择SQLite,可不是所有移动设备支持因此我们写了一个Lawnchair隐藏内部存储

    I'm personally not very happy with WebKit choosing SQLite and not all the mobile devices support it so we wrote a library called Lawnchair to hide the storage internals.


  • 个人音乐存储个人云中并且可以同步到移动设备中。

    Mobile music streaming Store your music library in your personal cloud and stream to your mobile phone.


  • 因此正视这些存储敏感机密数据移动设备丢失事实并且需要保护这些数据。

    So you have to plan for the fact that these devices will be lost with sensitive data on them, and you need to protect that data.


  • 移动设备管理文件订阅相关操作,以便方便地移动应用程序发布设备并且可以执行存储DB 2数据库中的存储过程

    The mobile device also manages operations related to file subscriptions for easy distribution of mobile applications to the device and can execute stored procedures stored on a DB2 database.


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