• 然而,今年却有了不同故事。一月份现代公司宣布推出现代担保计划年内凡是购买或是租用公司新款的用户,如果丢掉工作,可以退还汽车。

    The automaker announced in the first week of January it was launching the Hyundai Assurance program to let buyers or lessees return their new vehicles for up to a year if they lost their jobs.


  • 由于第一代移居北美部分日本能够直接租用购买农田其他人联合起来组成了农业公司,因此经济取得有限发展

    A limited amount of economic progress was made as some Issei were able to rent or buy farmland directly, while others joined together to form farming corporations.


  • 那天晚上6已经7公司签订了合同,他们这里租用植物支付费用培养它们

    By six o'clock that evening I had signed contracts with seven companies to rent plants from me and pay me a fee tomaintain maintain them.


  • 那天晚上6已经7公司签订了合同,他们这里租用植物支付笔费用培养它们

    By six o'clock that evening I had signed contracts with seven companies to rent plants from me and pay me a fee to maintain them.


  • 飞机属于厄瓜多尔航空公司由法航租用用于波哥大飞往厄瓜多尔首都基多航线

    The aircraft belonged to Ecuador Airline, but it had been chartered by Air France for the route from Bogota to the Ecuadorian capital Quito.


  • 与其网站的运营建立自己服务器上,这些公司更愿意租用亚马逊的服务器,使用亚马逊占用的,高度复杂服务处理能力

    Rather than hosting their sites on their own servers, these customers turn to Amazon, which essentially rents out its unused -- and highly intricate -- server capacity.


  • 美国商业公司建造能够载人太空飞船之前,美国计划俄罗斯支付费用租用联盟号宇宙飞船美国宇航员送入太空。

    S. commercial firms build spaceships capable of carrying humans, America plans to pay Russia to ferry U. S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft.


  • 随后地质调查油价波动促使英国一家公司DesirePetroleum租用钻井装置,准备自己几家其他公司钻探最多座油井

    Subsequent seismic surveys and the surge in the price of oil prompted Desire Petroleum, a small British company, to hire the rig, which will drill up to ten wells for itself and several other firms.


  • 最近BT正努力拓展新的领域通过租用其他公司网络容量重新打入移动通信领域,可惜收效甚微。

    Recent efforts to branch out into new areas, such as a re-entry into mobile telecoms using network capacity leased from other firms, have not come to much.


  • 如若不然企业也简单地所谓计算运营商(amazonWebServices公司)租用额外磁盘容量

    Alternatively, firms can simply rent extra capacity from operators of what are called "computing clouds", such as Amazon Web Services.


  • 公司收集空间租用的想法应用一代产品设计中

    The company applies the insights gleaned from space renters to its own next-generation furniture designs.


  • 例如沙特阿拉伯阿联酋的许多公司租用苏丹巴基斯坦的土地,生产粮食

    Companies from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for example, have leased farmland in Sudan and Pakistan, among other countries, to produce food.


  • 件东西已经成为哪家跨国公司老板正在中国指示器--哪家公司租用北京机场城区公路旁的巨型广告牌上边宣传公司产品,大家对此都已心知肚明。

    One example has become a well-understood signalling device for who is visiting China: the rental of a huge billboard on the road between Beijing airport and the city to advertise a firm's products.


  • 很多公司进行陌生访问一个上门销售员很多城市租用林肯城市轿车作为代步工具,常常为了降低消费,他在后座睡觉

    He dropped in on companies unannounced, like a door-to-door salesman, arriving in a "big and safe" Lincoln Town Car he rented in every city. Once, to keep costs low, Gou slept in the backseat.


  • 大厦的管理费租金非常合理,最适合公司租用

    Besides, the management fee and rent are reasonable for your company.


  • 目睹许多专业服务公司倒闭原因是它们签署了一份长期租约租用过多办公空间,支付了价格离谱的房租——而公司收入随后出现了大幅下降

    I have witnessed many professional services companies go under because they signed a long-term lease on too much office space at the wrong rent -and then revenues collapsed.


  • 这些公司希望空客支付他们填补此差额租用较小波音飞机空客飞机的租金。

    They will want Airbus to pay for the leasing of smaller Boeings or Airbuses to plug that gap.


  • 英国石油公司是这家联营企业龙头老大,又是出事平台租用方,所以这次漏油事件有不可推卸的责任——理所当然有义务承担“清油”一些第三损失赔偿费用。

    As BP led the consortium which owned the well and was leasing the rig, it is responsible for the spill-and therefore liable for the costs of cleaning up and some third-party damages.


  • 星期五港湾你可以向M&W公司租用汽车

    Rental cars are available on Friday Harbor via M&W Auto.


  • 一家航运货运公司经理,雅宝路商户租用货舱车皮的数量急剧减少。

    One shipping-company manager says that demand from traders for commercial space in Yabao Road has fallen sharply.


  • 去年年中,中远在租用船舶业务赚得盆满钵满,于是,该公司筹码倍,上升买入远期运费协议。

    Halfway through last year it was sitting on big gains on chartered-in vessels, so it doubled up the bet that charter costs would rise and went long FFAs.


  • 仍旧是出租方--租车公司财产,如果要一辆车,你可以选择购买或者租用

    The leased vehicle remains the property of the lessor -- the company that issued the lease.


  • 克尔公司没有公司专用飞机公司总部规模很小北卡罗来纳州一个租用的地方办公。

    NUCOR had no corporate jet and operated with a tiny headquarters staff out of rented space in North Carolina.


  • 或者我们可以提前安排当地汽车租赁公司租用

    Or we can arrange beforehand to hire a car from a local car rental company.


  • 几年人们当地电话公司租用电话时只要选择额外一次性地付点钱就拿到一个彩色电话机。

    Years ago, people rented phones from the local telephone company and had the option of paying a one-time fee to have a color model.


  • 公司当地供应商那里租用汽车

    The company leases its cars from a local supplier.


  • Leegte甚至清楚公司租用飞机他们带去哪里,应该欧洲以外的某处吧。

    Leegte says she doesn't even know where the jet the company chartered is taking them, other than somewhere in Europe.


  • 人们不但可以购买租用完整系统可以单个的网络印刷系统整合到现有解决方案(例如adobe公司的InDesign)中。

    Not only are complete systems available for purchase or rental but individual Web-to-print applications can also be combined or extended with existing solutions such as Adobe's InDesign.


  • 人们不但可以购买租用完整系统可以单个的网络印刷系统整合到现有解决方案(例如adobe公司的InDesign)中。

    Not only are complete systems available for purchase or rental but individual Web-to-print applications can also be combined or extended with existing solutions such as Adobe's InDesign.


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