• 秘鲁安第斯山脉东部马丘比丘古城遗址可以看到世界上一些精美的石头建筑

    Some of the world's finest stone architecture can be seen in the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the eastern Andes Mountains of Peru.


  • 秘鲁巴苏马带我们库斯科马丘·比丘印加神圣山谷旅行,这强烈精神体验

    A ride through the sacred valley of the Inca, from Cusco to Machu Picchu, on a Peruvian Paso is a haunting, spiritual experience.


  • 观光秘鲁理由很多很多:马丘·比丘古城遗址探险辨认一些世界上稀少的鸟类远足一些地球上最深的峡谷

    There are plenty of reasons to visit Peru: to explore ancient ruins at Machu Picchu spot some of the world's rarest birds or trek some of Earth's deepest canyons.


  • 马丘·比丘古城海拔2350,位于秘鲁南部鲁班河谷中心地带,距离首都利马510公里

    Machu Picchu sits at 2, 350meters above sea level in the heart of the Urubamba valley in southern Peru, 510 kilometers south of Lima.


  • 目前投票数达2千万,其中很多来自泰姬陵祖国印度长城祖国中国印加要塞马丘·比丘的祖国秘鲁

    About 20 million votes have already been lodged, including many from India, for the Taj Mahal; China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas.


  • 观光秘鲁理由很多很多:马丘比丘古城遗址的探险,辨认一些世界上稀少的鸟类远足一些地球上最深的峡谷

    There are plenty of reasons to visit Peru: to explore ancient ruins at Machu Picchu, spot some of the world's rarest birds, or trek some of Earth's deepest canyons.


  • 光看就让觉着紧张眺望秘鲁马丘比丘山。

    It makes me nervous to look at it overlooking Machu Picchu in Peru.


  • (照片中)摇摇欲坠的山崖俯瞰秘鲁马丘比丘印加遗址,使有些紧张

    She is shown here standing precariously on a cliff. It makes me nervous to look at it overlooking Machu Picchu in Peru.


  • 为了纾缓马丘比丘压力鼓励观光客再访秘鲁官员业者早就努力鼓励游客者探索秘鲁其他景点。

    To relieve the pressure on Machu Picchu, and to encourage repeat visits, officials and operators have long tried to encourage visitors to explore other parts of Peru.


  • 今年早些时候秘鲁举行马丘·比丘古城发现100周年纪念活动。

    Earlier this year, Perucelebrated the 100th anniversary of the scientific discovery of the citadel of Machu Picchu.


  • 的旅行清单包括游览秘鲁马丘·比丘,澳洲大堡礁潜水亚利桑那州大峡谷蹦极开着福特野马穿过66号公路

    Still on his hit list are visiting Machu Picchu in Peru, diving at Australia's Great Barrier Reef, bungee jumping into the Grand Canyon in Arizona, driving across Route 66 in a Ford Mustang.


  • 位于第七位的马丘·比丘,它位于秘鲁的乌鲁姆班巴峡谷

    At number seven and situated somewhere in Urumbamba Valley in Peru is Machu Picchu.


  • 马丘·比丘(老人峰)指前哥伦比亚印加石头遗址,它高耸于秘鲁安第斯山山巅。

    Machu Picchu or Old peak is the name given to the stone ruins of a pre-Columbian Incan city perched high atop the Andean peaks of Peru.


  • 著名古代印加城市马丘比丘(Machu Picchu,古城,位于秘鲁中部偏南),通常人们称之为印加失落之城”。今天,它已成为一个传奇场所可是在100以前,外边的人对它还一无所知。

    The famed ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu, often called "The Lost City of the Incas, " is a legendary site today, but was unknown to outsiders until 100 years ago.


  • 秘鲁之所以现在收回这些文物是因为他们2011年美国探险家海勒姆·宾厄姆发现马丘·比丘一百年纪念时候公开展出这些文物。

    Peru was seeking to retrieve the artifacts now because it aimed to put them on public display in 2011 for the centenary of Machu Picchu's rediscovery by U. S. explorer Hiram Bingham.


  • 中国人们一定长城,而到秘鲁不能错过就是马丘比丘了。

    One may not miss the Great Wall in China , nor will he miss Machu Picchu in Peru.


  • 失落之马丘·比丘坐落秘鲁热带山地森林直到1911年美国探险家海勒姆·宾厄姆发现

    Machu Picchu, a lost city located in Peru's tropical mountain forests, wasn't discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham until 1911.


  • 图为雪纳瑞GG奥斯卡秘鲁境内安第斯山脉中的失踪”——马丘比丘留影。

    The picture shows Oscar Schnauzer GG Andes in Peru in the "disappearance of the City" - pictures of Machu Picchu.


  • 秘鲁马丘比丘,一享誉全球的考古学家不知名昆虫咬伤数小时后身亡。

    While on an expedition to some recently discovered ruins near Machu Picchu in Peru, world renowned archaeologist Max Jones is bitten by an unknown insect.


  • 秘鲁马丘比丘,一享誉全球的考古学家不知名昆虫咬伤数小时后身亡。

    While on an expedition to some recently discovered ruins near Machu Picchu in Peru, world renowned archaeologist Max Jones is bitten by an unknown insect.


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