• 什么欧文斯科宁屋面系统

    What is a roofing system?


  • 共和党参议员科宁美国撤军速度必须是有条件的。

    They also focused on the testimony to Congress by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, with Republican Senator John Cornyn saying the pace of U.S. withdrawals must be based on conditions.


  • 上海科宁油脂化学品有限公司中国10历史

    With a history of 10 years in China, Shanghai Cognis Oleochemicals Co., Ltd.


  • 甚至去年深度衰退下,一直获得现金流偿清债务

    Even in the depths of last year's recession Cognis was generating cash and paying down debt.


  • 逮捕入狱了逮捕警察,用以感谢被捕后受到的友好对待

    "He nevertheless gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest," Koenig said.


  • 培训涉及欧文斯·科宁复合材料公司未来需求预测用户解决方案制定办法。

    Training also concerns the ways OCC can anticipate future needs and develop customized solutions.


  • 警方发言人沃克·科宁,“只是鲜花美酒给女朋友一个惊喜,结果事情了。”

    "He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong," said Korbach police spokesman Volker Koenig.


  • 赛事发言人OssiArvela表示,上周日40岁的考科宁住院接受治疗,目前情况稳定

    Kaukonen, about 40, was hospitalised in stable condition Sunday, contest spokesman Ossi Arvela said.


  • 其他公司克瑙夫阿姆斯特朗三角洲使类似产品他们往往费用不到玻纤欧文斯·科宁

    Other companies, such as Knauf, Armstrong, and Delta, make similar products, and they often cost less than fiberglass from Owens-Corning.


  • 例如欧文斯·复合材料(OCC)公司的培训计划包含了大客户经理,也包含了其他职能参与者

    Example: the training program at Owens Corning Composites (OCC) embraces both key account managers and participants from other functions.


  • 现在巴斯夫希望相同方法购买科宁较小公司产品用于其他方面例如化妆品食物添加剂家用清洁产品上。

    Now BASF hopes to repeat the trick with its purchase of Cognis, a smaller firm whose products are used, among other things, in cosmetics, food additives and household cleaning products.


  • 如今巴斯夫希望再耍一次把戏公司,一家小一些企业的收购6月23日定案。 除了其它领域外后者的产品用于化妆品家用清洁产品。

    Now BASF hopes to repeat the trick with its purchase, confirmed on June 23rd, of Cognis, a smaller firm whose products are used, among other things, in cosmetics and household cleaning products.


  • 忘记了马利是个近乎清教徒人。

    Bykov had forgotten that Malinin was something of a puritan.


  • 1896年九月21日,布莱出生明尼苏达州早年居住在达南部

    Breuning was born on 21 September 1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota.


  • 1896年九月21日,布莱出生明尼苏达州早年居住在达南部。那时候他家里没用上电自来水

    Breuning was born on 21 September 1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota. His family had no electricity or running water.


  • 生物学家瑞姆尔就读于荷兰瓦赫大学博士论文中称已经研究疟蚊行为特性

    Biologist Remco Suer believes he's figured out the mosquito behavior, for his doctoral thesis at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.


  • 这个协会的成员向当地的一些企业申请贷款,包括用于种植一种非传统作物——覆盆子

    Its members are growing raspberries, a non-traditional crop, and have raised finance for this from local businesses, including Mininco.


  • 本大学研究者确凿证实一句古话:精打细算。妮丽莎汉报道说他们水果副产品转成身体健康的充足来源——抗氧剂

    Melbourne researchers have truly applied the old adage ‘waste not want not’, turning fruit by-products into a rich source of antioxidants for human health. Nerissa Hannink reports.


  • 现年13岁丹尼尔。柯洛特·俄罗斯加里格勒地区发现了一个啤酒瓶里面有一封信来自弗兰克5岁时的投递。

    Daniil Korotkikh, 13, spotted the beer bottle glittering on a beach in Russia's Kaliningrad region, and found a letter inside from Frank Uesbeck, 5.


  • 特布斯球员马丁·也对媒体表示自己正在抑郁症斗争。

    Energie Cottbus player Martin Fenin admitted in a press release that he was seeking treatment to overcome his depression.


  • 弗拉基米尔·纳博,《阿》、《佩》、《微暗的引人犯罪的超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一代的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 将近二十的时间里,哥伦比亚大学的历史学家·马拉贝一直致力于关于马尔·艾克斯的一部学术著作的创作。希望一部有所定论的著作。

    For nearly twenty years, Manning Marable, a historian at Columbia, labored on what he hoped would be a definitive scholarly work on Malcolm X.


  • 大部分超级牛仔使用布料来自于总部设在美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯罗市牛仔公司(ConeDenim),这家公司同时也是国际纺织集团一个下属单位、美国欧洲高端牛仔面料主要制造商

    Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.


  • 可靠性似乎这样,因为只有瓦莱由于太过激进而将赛车在打滑撞向了路边的障碍物因此缩短他们周四赫雷兹的测试时间。

    The reliability seems to be there and it was only the enthusiasm of driver Heikki Kovalainen that cut short their Thursday session at Jerez, after he spun the car into the barriers.


  • 今天获得不错积分我们说说起步后第一个弯角瓦莱事故吧,起事故同胞轮胎被扎破了。

    Q. Kimi, a good points' scoring day for you. Tell us about that first corner incident with Heikki Kovalainen which resulted in a puncture for your compatriot.


  • 也不再为这些村民提供工作

    The jobs once provided by Mininco have gone.


  • 本大学研究者确凿证实一句古话:精打细算。妮丽莎汉报道说他们水果副产品转成身体健康的充足来源——抗氧剂

    Melbourne researchers have truly applied the old adage 'waste not want not', turning fruit by-products into a rich source of antioxidants for human health. Nerissa Hannink reports.


  • 比赛第二部分意识到我可能靠近瓦莱并且尝试在进站之前尽可能超越他,我成功

    In the second part of the race, I realized that I could close on Kovalainen and try and make the most of the run of pit stops to get ahead of him and I managed it.


  • 五月份时,英国检察方表示,另一克格勃特工安德烈·鲁高佛伊涉嫌谋杀他们准备起诉此人。

    In May, British prosecutors announced their intention to prosecute Andrei Lugovoi, another ex-KGB agent, for Litvinenko's murder.


  • 五月份时,英国检察方表示,另一克格勃特工安德烈·鲁高佛伊涉嫌谋杀他们准备起诉此人。

    In May, British prosecutors announced their intention to prosecute Andrei Lugovoi, another ex-KGB agent, for Litvinenko's murder.


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