• 不管医疗科学取得了什么样进步,免疫系统我们抵抗疾病主要防御手段

    Despite anything the science of medicine may have achieved, the immune system is our main defence against disease.


  • 这份来自生物多样性生态系统服务政府科学政策平台IPBES)的报告明确指出什么利害攸关的以及什么需要改变

    The report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is clear on what's at stake and what needs to change.


  • 某些方面科学没有大的不同科学中,我们不断寻找系统解码意义这样我们就可以一种新的方式来看待和欣赏这个世界

    In some ways, it's not so different to science, where we are constantly looking for systems and decoding meaning so that we can view and appreciate the world in a new way.


  • 创建一个海洋保护区系统CCAMLR 正在进行科学政策讨论关键部分。”补充说

    "The creation of a system of marine protected areas is a key part of ongoing scientific and policy discussions in CCAMLR," he added.


  • 其次学校每一教育科目都是系统的,语文数学科学哲学

    Secondly, every subject of education in school is systematic, such as Chinese, mathematics, science and philosophy.


  • 一些科学质疑这样假设,即自然生态系统中,外来物种出现是绝对不会接受的。

    A number of scientists question the assumption that the presence of alien species can never be acceptable in a natural ecosystem.


  • 这个意义上说SETI科学系统发展又一个重要推动力,不断拓展我们知识面

    In this sense, SETI is another cog in the machinery of pure science which is continually pushing out the horizon of our knowledge.


  • 科学研究表明生态系统某些部分对于大气污染减少反应迅速这些发现应该成为允许污染的理由。

    Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute.


  • 人类最好朋友生殖系统似乎现代科学一个未解之谜

    It seems the reproductive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.


  • AIS 系统科学研究许多运动项目,并其中一项运动中学到技能——例如如何增强高尔夫球手的肌肉力量——运用其他项目上,比如游泳壁球

    AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in onesuch as building muscle strength in golfersto others, such as swimming and squash.


  • 蟒蛇吞噬一整只老鼠小时之后科学利用最新成像技术窥视了其体内消化系统

    Scientists have used the latest imaging techniques to peer inside the digestive system of a python an hour after it had eaten a rat whole.


  • 科学工程师开始研究鱼类这种能力希望能设计出有效船舶推进系统

    Scientists and engineers are beginning to study this ability of fishes in the hope of designing more efficient propulsion systems for ships.


  • 他们没有拿出美国电力科学研究院需要的500万美元,这笔钱为了通过制造便宜激光器开发一个商业系统

    They have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system, by making the lasers yet smaller and cheaper.


  • 高中的科学展上,他介绍了自己的最新发明——HORIZON 操作系统

    At his high school science fair, he introduced his newest invention HORIZON OS.


  • 第一威胁商业创造力我们灭绝危险教育系统,向下去世科学数学以及对于基础学科越来越狭隘

    The first threat to business creativity is our endangered education system, with its downward trends in science and math, and its increasingly narrow focus on basic subjects.


  • 如今只有12%地区受到正式保护低于科学呼吁的至少保护此地生态系统50%。

    Only 12% of the region is now formally protected, well below the 50% scientists say is necessary to save its ecosystem.


  • 这个问题不会立即得到解决,还不足避免明显气候暖,除非地球系统改变倾向没有大多数科学想象中的那样明显。

    That problem will not be solved soon enough to avert significant climate change unless the Earth system is a lot less prone to climate change than most scientists think.


  • 帮助船上科学维修他们研究装备维护船上电气系统

    As well as maintaining the ship's electrical systems he helps the onboard scientists with their research equipment.


  • 同时专注不同层次抽象概念。算法接近于计算机科学应用边缘,人们期望它运行真实的系统

    Focus on thinking simultaneously at different levels of abstraction.Closer to the applied end of computer science, algorithms are expected to run on real systems.


  • 请记住成功应用这些模式软件系统必须建立计算机科学中的常识性经证实实践基础上。

    Remember that to succeed in applying these patterns, your software system must build on common-sense and proven practices in computer science.


  • 我们以为我们自由意志然而神经系统科学深深接触人类大脑秘密时候,错觉变得更加难以证明是合理的。

    We think we have free will, yet as neuroscience digs ever deeper into the mystery of the human brain, that delusion becomes harder to justify.


  • 雀巢公司的科学家们检测橄榄油缓慢通过系统的全过程。

    The Nestle scientists monitored the oil's progress as it gradually went through the system.


  • 如果系统管理员,并且所管理AIX系统是在所大学计算机科学专业某个班级使用,那么您可以每位学生创建一个系统WPAR

    If you happen to be an administrator for an AIX system used in a university computer science class, you can create a system WPAR for each student.


  • 英国布里斯托大学研究者发现,生活澳大利亚大堡礁海域的螳螂视觉系统科学迄今所的视觉系统复杂的。

    The mantis shrimps, found on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, have the most complex vision systems known to science, researchers at Bristol University have found.


  • 不断新的关于大脑可塑性证据激励着,西方神经系统科学家们有了强烈兴趣

    Spurred by the cascade of new evidence for the brain's plasticity, Western neuroscientists have taken a keen interest.


  • 位于选定跨洋路线飞行员收到气旋的实时更新然后系统反馈提供科学们。

    Pilots on selected transoceanic routes will receive real-time turbulence updates and then provide feedback on the system to the scientists.


  • 现有的条例中,系统阐述科学实验的“路线图”,讨论了其中的缺点错误漏洞

    Formulate a "road map" of scientific experimentation to address shortcomings, inaccuracies and gaps in existing doctrine.


  • 现有的条例中,系统阐述科学实验的“路线图”,讨论了其中的缺点错误漏洞

    Formulate a "road map" of scientific experimentation to address shortcomings, inaccuracies and gaps in existing doctrine.


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