• VTK一个用来进行数据可视化图像处理开放源码系统,它科学社区广泛地使用

    The VTK is an open source system for data visualization and image processing that is widely used in the scientific community.


  • 公司研发制造航空器先进仪器以及用于战略战术科学领域传感器元件数据开发系统射频解决方案

    The company develops and manufactures spacecraft, advanced instruments, and sensors, components, data exploitation systems and RF solutions for strategic, tactical and scientific applications.


  • 七个系统中,两个用来实现控制太空船功能诸如定位数据处理。其他五个用来实现卫星科学设备管理功能。

    Among the seven systems include, two control spacecraft functions such as position-keeping and data-handling, and five will manage functions on the satellite's scientific instrument.


  • 而这类系统通常很难找到尤其是科学数据存在于的Web

    Such systems are often difficult to find - particularly on the Web, where all that scientific data resides.


  • 于是一些科学开始构想生物系统中获取更多数据手段

    Some scientists began to think of new ways of mining more information from biological systems.


  • 科学分析了340,000横跨南极洲三个冰芯地址的氢氧同位素数据,并与同位素启用整体循环模式系统得出的结果

    The authors analysed 340,000 years of oxygen and hydrogen isotope data from three ice core sites across East Antarctica, alongside isotope-enabled general circulation model results.


  • 通过脑电图数据分析科学判断大脑一部分控制着刹车信号,相应的以此来改进这个系统

    This data enabled the scientists to analyse the EEG information to determine which parts of the brain are key to braking. They improved the detection system accordingly.


  • 美国航太总署地球大观制图:杰西·艾伦使用了由戈达德宇航中心热带降雨测量任务科学数据信息系统提供的准实时数据

    NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using near-real-time data provided courtesy of TRMM Science data and Information System at Goddard Space Flight Center.


  • 科学家们正在将各个通讯系统连接起来,从而将收集到的数据资料传输任何转化为有用知识的使用者。

    They are linking communications systems to shunt these data to whomever can work them into useful knowledge.


  • NASA图片采集自jesseAllen使用戈达德宇航中心TRMM科学数据信息系统好意提供准实时数据

    NASA image by Jesse Allen, using near-real-time data provided courtesy of TRMM Science data and Information System at Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.


  • 计算机应用领域包括科学计算数据处理信息管理自动控制辅助设计制造测试系统仿真

    Computer applications including scientific computing, data processing and information management, automatic control, computer-aided design manufacturing and testing, the system simulation.


  • 埃姆斯研究中心负责地面系统规划任务运作科学数据分析

    Ames is responsible for the ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis.


  • 统计科学数据系统中的数据管理项十分复杂的任务

    It is a difficult task to manage the meta-data in statistical and scientific database systems.


  • 这种方法语言已经用于我们设计统计科学数据管理系统原型HUSSDB。

    The method and the language have been used in the statistical and scientific database management system HUSSDB designed by us.


  • 得到数据显示科学原以为一个单一行星系统实际上拥有四颗行星,他们的轨道分别为大约46912

    The resulting data revealed that what the scientists thought was a single planet was actually four that orbit their star roughly every 4, 6, 9 and 12 days.


  • 科学数据已经安置好。任务分配回收系统已经回复正常。

    The science database has been successfully relocated. The splitters and assimilator are back online.


  • 针对目前油田生产数据采集合理状况,通过大胆尝试,提出一种科学系统的生产数据采集方式

    In accordance with the irrational state of data acquisition in current oilfield production, a scientific and systematic acquisition method has been proposed.


  • 长江三峡人文信息多媒体数据系统国家社会科学基金委员会资助项目

    The Multi -media database system about the Yangtze River's humane information is a project subsized by the national society and science fund committee.


  • 最后通过对赤潮预测数据挖掘应用分析验证系统应用科学合理性

    At last, the data mining application of the red tide forecast is analyzed, and it proves that the system application is scientific and reas.


  • 智能公共交通系统信息数据通信、电子控制卫星定位、计算机网络科学技术应用于整个公共交通系统

    The public transport intelligent management system is such a system with application of advanced techniques of information, electronic control, GPS and computer network.


  • 系统生物学方法生物医学科学中的广泛应用产生大量复杂数据

    The broad application of systems biology approaches in biomedical science has created massive and complex data sets.


  • 科学》杂志的另外一篇论文另外研究小组报道:他们利用开普勒数据发现了一个三星系统其中包括一颗巨星颗红矮星

    In another paper in the same issue, a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars, which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs.


  • 根据《地球系统科学数据努力斗争的千哭报告,美国上钻孔弄干净2016年下降1.7%,颇翻由于煤炭消费量摇晃。

    U. S. emissions were projected to fall by 1.7 percent in 2016, also driven by declines in coal consumption, to the study published in the journal Earth System Science Data.


  • 作为门交叉学科建立数据数据仓库人工智能统计学数据可视化系统科学学科基础之上

    As a crossing discipline, It sets up on the foundation of disciplines, such as data base, data warehouse, artificial intelligence, statistics, data visualizing, systematic science, etc.


  • 计算机科学基准测试已经用来比较计算机系统性能检索算法信息数据其他一些技术

    Benchmarks have been used in computer science to compare the performance of computer systems, information retrieval algorithms, databases, and many other technologies.


  • 药学信息评价文献数据是指可提供科学系统方法评价过的药学信息文献资料源。

    The data sources of evaluated literature refer to drug information are the literature resources provide drug information which evaluated by scientific and systematic methods.


  • 药学信息评价文献数据是指可提供科学系统方法评价过的药学信息文献资料源。

    The data sources of evaluated literature refer to drug information are the literature resources provide drug information which evaluated by scientific and systematic methods.


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