• 航天局科学家们回避这些突然从科学杂志出来迅速网络上流行的报道说那个地方也许什么东西生存。

    Space agency scientists waved off reports - which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet - that something might be stirring out there.


  • 报道说,科学家首次基因如何影响咖啡心脏病发作危险作用进行系统分析研究

    This is the first time that scientists have done a systematic analysis of how genes can influence the effect of coffee on heart attack risk.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》8月18日报道,有小行星行进条会地球直接相撞的轨道上,为此科学家计划航天器发射至这颗行星。

    Scientists plan to fire a spacecraft into an asteroid in an effort to prepare for one being on a direct collision course with Earth.


  • 英国《每日邮报》8月9日报道:通过对坠落地球之前已存在了数十万亿陨石进行分析,美国宇航局科学家发现地球上的生命或许起源于太空

    Life on Earth may have its origins in outer space, according to NASA research. Scientists have analysed meteorites that formed billions of years ago before falling to Earth.


  • 科学家报道微软研究者目前致力于解决如何直接识别关节而不是先探测身体各个部分预测关节位置

    The New Scientist reports that Microsoft researchers are now trying to figure out how to identify joints directly, instead of detecting body parts and then estimating joint location.


  • 自然方法最近篇文章报道科学家们已经北部犀牛身上提取出了干细胞(北部白犀牛是世界濒危犀牛,存世数屈指可数)。

    A recent paper in Nature Methods reported that scientists had created stem cells from northern white rhinos - the most endangered rhino in the world, with just a handful left in existence.


  • 自然周刊网上刊登报道科学家们已经应用基因疗法使色盲松鼠能够全新的视角水果

    According to a report published online in the journal Nature, researchers have used gene therapy to allow color-blind squirrel monkeys to look at their fruit in a whole new light.


  • 科学家们在线7月14日的科学公共图书馆(PLoS-the Public Library of Science)杂志1上,详细报道研究结果。

    The scientists detailed their findings online July 14 in the journal PLoS ONE.


  • 华盛顿(报道)—科学家们终于发现了吸烟者在戒烟后体重增加的原因

    WASHINGTON - Scientists say they've finally discovered why smokers tend to gain some weight when they kick the habit.


  • 美国连线杂志网站报道艾滋病目前仍然一种无法完全治愈绝症科学家们此前却发现有人天生就具备HIV抗体

    According to the U. S. "connect" magazine Web site reported that AIDS is still not fully cured of a fatal disease, but scientists had found that some people born with the HIV antibody.


  • 报道科学家人类死因最后一次评估还是在10年前,当时,研究人员曾预言说感染艾滋病人数下降

    It is reported that the scientists of human death of the last assessment or 10 years ago, when researchers predicted that the number of people infected with AIDS will be reduced.


  • 报道科学家正在寻求新的方法解决这个难题

    It was reported that the scientists were searching for new ways to solve this problem.


  • 报道美国布兰戴斯大学科学家们已经开发出一种计算机程序,能使用自然选择法则机器人进化

    Reportedly scientists at Brandeis University in the U. S. have developed ba computer program that uses the principles of natural selection to evolve robots.


  • 据英国广播公司报道来自弗吉尼亚科学家们发现瘦身人士如果三餐杯水,就平均多减轻5体重。

    Scientists from Virginia found that dieters can lose an average of 5 pounds extra if they drink two cups of water three times a day before meals, BBC reported.


  • 但是科学家们现在报道根据鸵鸟来了解有关恐龙运动蛛丝马迹。

    But now scientists say we can discern a hint of dinosaur movement - from ostriches.


  • 现在科学家正在分析艺术家杰作探究是否帮助改进模拟全球变暖计算机模型。大卫·亚当报道

    Now, David Adam reports, scientists are analysing artists' works to see if they can help improve computer models used to simulate global warming.


  • 根据新闻稿报道马斯特里赫特大学医学中心科学家们研究了大约 100 位孕妇胎儿,看她未来的孩子对于刺激如何反应的。

    Scientists at Maastricht University Medical Centre studied about 100 pregnant women and how their unborn children responded to stimulation, according to a news release.


  • 最近几十科学家们已经达成了共识据他们报道人类活动引起地球气候变化,这以前不能控制的。

    In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth's climate-something previously seen as beyond seen as beyond our control.


  • 最近几十科学家们已经达成了共识据他们报道人类活动引起地球气候变化,这以前不能控制的。

    In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth's climate-something previously seen as beyond seen as beyond our control.


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