• 马萨诸塞州综合医院社会神经科学主任CarlMarci博士说,那些来访者一起咨询会让来访者感觉亲密

    Therapists who laugh with their clients increase feelings of connection and bonding, reports Dr. Carl Marci, the director of Social Neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital.


  • (英国)皇家制止虐待动物协会动物科学主任RosClubb博士谈到:“家养环境中,动物们野生的行为表现一个家庭而言可能是不恰当并且具有潜在危险的。”

    In a domestic environment the expression of natural behaviours could be unsuitable and potentially dangerous in a family home.


  • 哲学家罗恩·克利斯利是英国苏塞克斯大学认知科学研究中心主任,他表示这样技术正在改变机器人面貌

    Technology like this is now changing the face of robotics, says philosopher Ron Chrisley, director of the Centre for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Sussex in England.


  • 国家美术馆科学研究部主任、本次展览联合策展阿肖克·罗伊认为尽管科技能够认定不是画的,但是不能证明是谁画的。

    Ashok Roy, the National Gallery's director of scientific research and co-curator of this exhibition, believes that while technology can determine who did not paint a picture, it cannot prove who did.


  • 最近一次科学大会上节目组采访了加利福尼亚大学水文模型中心主任杰伊·费明力提

    EarthSky spoke at a recent science meeting to Jay Famiglietti, director of the University of California's Center for Hydrologic Modeling.


  • 斯考特·盖茨奥斯陆国际和平研究所内战研究中心主任,同时是挪威科学技术大学教授

    Scott Gates is director of the Centre for the Study of Civil War at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, and a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


  • 国家科学基金会(nsf)环境生物项目主任亨利高兹说:“全球排放量估值惊人的”,此项研究由NSF资助

    "This new global emission estimate is startling," said Henry Gholz, a program director for the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the research.


  • 外国人在观望很少有人前往巴格达。”国家科学研究中心(CNRS)研究室主任法国考古学家ChristineKepinski说道。

    "Foreigners are watching but few would go to Baghdad," said French archaeologist Christine Kepinski, a research director at the National Centre for Scientific research (CNRS).


  • SusanaMartinez - Conde美国菲尼克斯(凤凰城)巴罗神经学研究所(BarrowNeurologicalInstitute)视觉神经科学实验室主任

    Susana Martinez-Conde is director of the Laboratory of Visual Neuroscience at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix.


  • 科学与环境中心组织的“沿海地区,沿海人口及其关注的问题”研讨会上,印度国家海洋资讯中心的主任萨西什谢诺依博士发言时警告说,海洋表面的测量和卫星观测证实,人为气候变暖在印度洋将区域海面上升的变化加剧。

    Dr Satheesh C. Shenoi, director, Indian National Centre for Ocean Infor-mation Services, speaking at a workshop on "Coasts, Coastal Populations and their Concerns" o.


  • 同意出任劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室主任部分原因是我想招募一些世界上最好科学研究气候变化的对策。

    I became the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in part because I wanted to enlist some of the best scientific minds to help battle against climate change.


  • 英国心脏基金会医务主任杰里米·皮尔森教授:“科学们向我们解释了人体循环中一重要蛋白质主要组成部分如何构建的。”

    Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: "These researchers have deciphered how a crucial part of a crucial protein in our circulation is built."


  • 可能就是我们清洁汽车研究突破了,”忧思科学联盟清洁汽车项目研究主任戴维·弗里德曼

    "This could be the breakthrough we've been looking for on clean cars," said David Friedman, research director of the clean vehicle program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.


  • 这次赛事的发起者是密歇根州体育指导主任马克·霍利斯,他自称「疯狂科学」,常梦想着奇异场地举办比赛

    The genesis for this event came fromMark Hollis, the athletic director at Michigan State, a self-describedmadscientist” and visionary for hosting games in bizarre locations.


  • 西北大学认知神经科学项目主任,文章的共同作者KenPaller说道我们对此当然感到惊讶”,说明之前未能料到该研究会有如此好的结果

    "We were certainly surprised," says co-author Ken Paller, director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Program at north-western, explaining that he did not expect such strong results.


  • 白英彩, 教授, 1961年毕业于清华大学,现任计算机科学技术研究院院长、金桥网路工程中心主任等职。

    Professor bai yincai, graduated from tsinghua university in 1961, is the vice - president of academy of computer science and technology, and president of engineering center of golden bridge network.


  • 现任江苏省科普美术家协会理事长秘书长中国科普作家协会理事、科学美术专业委员会副主任

    Currently, he is vice chairman and secretary general of Jiangsu Association for Science Artists, Trustee of China Science Writers Association. He is also the vice-director of Committee on Science Art.


  • 德克萨斯州自然科学课程管理主任克莉丝康麦坚称最近被迫辞职由于进化政见

    In Texas, the state's director of science curriculum, Chris Comer, maintains she was forced to resign recently due to evolution politics.


  • 这项工作我们更好了解大脑调控食欲部分,”悉尼garvan研究所神经科学研究室主任- - -赫伯特·赫尔佐克

    "This work has given us a better understanding of the part of the brain that regulates appetite," said Herbert Herzog, director of neuroscience research at the Garvan Institute in Sydney.


  • 赫尔辛基公共健康主任研究员索玛·萨尼科学家们已经了解女性体重吸烟之间相互关系。

    Scientists know a correlation exists between women's weight and smoking, said lead study author Suoma Saarni, a researcher with the Department of Public health in Helsinki.


  • 主任科学实施心理健康教育提供了若干可行具体方法,使主任更好地发挥学校教育教学中的作用

    What I write in this article provides the base of theory for carrying out psychology health education scientifically so that the functions of headmasters can be promoted well.


  • 高级农艺师,曾任武汉市蔬菜科学研究所研究室负责人,现任武汉市蔬菜所新品种展示中心主任

    Senior agronomist. Former Director of Vegetable Seed Propagation Research Division of Wuhan Vegetable Research Institute, now Director of Wuhan Center for Demonstration of Vegetable Cultivars.


  • 高级农艺师,曾任武汉市蔬菜科学研究所研究室负责人,现任武汉市蔬菜所新品种展示中心主任

    Senior agronomist. Former Director of Vegetable Seed Propagation Research Division of Wuhan Vegetable Research Institute, now Director of Wuhan Center for Demonstration of Vegetable Cultivars.


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