• 这样出现科学人类生活越来越息息相关科学与公众之间却越来越远离的现象。

    The life which science and the mankind is more and more closely bound up has appear, but the phenomenon that science and the public is far away.


  • 人类联系密切两个物种——猕猴松鼠——进行热量限制的项目使科学对模拟热量限制可以帮助人类抱有乐观的态度。

    Caloric-restriction projects underway in two species more closely related to humansrhesus and squirrel monkeys—have made scientists optimistic that CR mimetics could help people.


  • 这项研究结果今年晚些时候登载在《进化人类行为科学杂志上面。

    The results of the study will be published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behaviour later this year.


  • 计算机科学个分支,研究如何使用电脑模仿思维执行一些通常人类智能有关功能

    The branch of computer science that deals with using computers to simulate human thinking and to perform functions normally associated with human intelligence.


  • 广义经济进步不比科学进步更加精确地人类进步相符

    Nor does economic progress broadly defined correspond to human progress any more precisely than does scientific progress.


  • 就是海军研究实验室科学正在努力尝试设计的机器人,机器人可以很好的人类进行互动

    This is what scientists at the Naval Research Lab were going for in trying to design a robot that can interact well with a human.


  • 这项C科学冰岛大学共同研究出版报告出版最近一美国学术研究与人类学》一书上。

    The report, by scientists from the CSIC and the University of Iceland, was also published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.


  • 太多自然科学受让人欣慰的假定研究自然可以(实际上应当)人类世界分离,把人类当作纯粹旁观者

    Too many natural scientists embrace the comforting assumption that nature can be studied, indeed should be studied, in isolation from the human world, with people as mere observers.


  • 科学公布第一能够培养情感人类建立紧密联系机器人

    The first robot capable of developing emotions and forming bonds with humans has been unveiled by scientists.


  • 1958年,易路斯的科学家们就开始收集婴儿牙齿研究地面试验人类接触之间联系

    In 1958 scientists in st Louis began a campaign to collect baby teeth to study the link between above-ground testing and human exposure.


  • 最近自然-神经科学杂志发表一份研究中指出简明的戒烟信息会影响大脑人类自我认知有关区域

    A recent study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience shows that tailored antismoking messages engage brain regions involved in how people see themselves.


  • 科学已经分离出一种看起来决定人体衰老速度基因序列发现首次DNA人类寿命联系起来。

    Scientists have isolated a gene sequence that appears to determine how fast our bodies age, the first time a link between DNA and human lifespan has been found.


  • 科学家们经常利用经过特殊喂养或者基因工程改造小鼠获取人类疾病相似疾病模型,并通过这些模型来研究这些疾病的深层大脑结构的病理改变。

    Scientists study many diseases of the deep brain using mouse models, mice that have been bred or genetically engineered to have diseases similar to human afflictions.


  • 科学家的鬼斧神工下,机器人正逐步学会思考,它们将行动自如,人类息息相关。

    Robots are being created that can think, act, and relate to humans.


  • 科学理性本质具有终极人文关怀精神”,是一充满人类理想和激情人类自身发展前途命运息息相关的。

    In nature, science and reason have "the spirit of ultimate human concern", which is full of human ideal and passion and closely linked to the own development and the future of the mankind.


  • 计算机科学个分支,研究如何使用电脑模仿思维执行一些通常人类智能有关功能

    The branch of computer science that deals with using computers to simulate people thinking and to execute functions usually associated with human comprehension.


  • 为了印证环境情况人类历史之间的关系,科学家们研究超过7200多块树龄在2500年以上古树化石

    To match the environmental record with the historical one, researchers looked at more than 7, 200 tree fossils from the past 2, 500 years.


  • 为了印证环境情况人类历史之间的关系,科学家们研究超过7200多块树龄在2500年以上古树化石

    To match the environmental record with the historical one, researchers looked at more than 7,200 tree fossils from the past 2,500 years.


  • 因为动物人类有许多共同特点科学使用动物小组患者试验测试安全性有效性开发药物

    Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing on small groups of patients.


  • 其中至少15个基因版本人类非常相似,这意味着科学家们可能通过这些基因来减慢老化进程治疗一些老化相关的疾病

    At least 15 of those genes have very similar versions in humans, suggesting that scientists may be able to target those genes to help slow down the aging process and treat age-related conditions.


  • 日前科学家们猴的基因找到了人类艾滋病毒(HIV同属一个族谱病毒

    Recently, scientists in the chinchilla gene lemurs found HIV and the human (HIV) viruses belong to one family tree.


  • 有些科学小鼠模型是否人类相关需要确定而态度谨慎

    But some scientists cautioned that it remained to be determined whether the mouse model was relevant to humans.


  • 科学随后成功分离培养可以人类细胞受体结合的病毒

    Crucially, the scientists were also able to isolate and culture a live virus that binds to a receptor on a human cell.


  • 产生工业文明以来,科学教育人文教育分离导致人类人性失落

    Since industrial civilization, the separation of science education and liberal arts education has led to the loss of human nature.


  • 科学人文作为人类认识把握世界思想维度缺一不可

    Being the human ideological latitudes to explore and grasp the world, neither of science and humanities is dispensed with.


  • 遥远天际自然人类文明相遇,而科学人文艺术界限也变得模糊。

    In the distant horizon where nature and human civilization meet, the boundary between science and arts vanishes.


  • 现代后现代讨论引发对科学理性人类生活世界关系及对科学知识文化研究的思考

    In the end, we will think about the relationship between scientific truth and human "life world" from the modern and post-modern discuss.


  • 现代后现代讨论引发对科学理性人类生活世界关系及对科学知识文化研究的思考

    In the end, we will think about the relationship between scientific truth and human "life world" from the modern and post-modern discuss.


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