• 分析家认为,有国家支持石油公司比如中国石油或者科威特石油公司都是潜在的买家。

    But analysts also suggest a potential role for state-backed oil companies such as China's PetroChina or Kuwait oil.


  • 作为科威特石油公司相关公司母公司科威特石油集团坦言已有应急方案应对罢工

    The Kuwait Petroleum Corp., which is the parent company of the Kuwait Oil Co. and other related firms, said it has implemented an emergency plan to cope with the strike.


  • 怎样故事科威特石油变成了一个现代阿拉丁神灯石油是“”,丰富了科威特

    The story of how oil transformed Kuwait is like a modern version of Aladdin and his magic lamp. Oil is the "lamp" that enriched Kuwait.


  • 科威特石油公司通过一技术进行集中处理利用连续油管中部注入,而在起止段避免酸液注入。

    Having this information allowed KOC to focus the treatment, using coiled tubing to spot acid along the middle section while leaving the toe and heel untouched.


  • 交易年前能源价格企时公布,据此科威特石油化学工业支付陶氏75亿元购买几家化学工厂的50%股份

    The deal, announced a year ago amid high energy prices, would have seen Kuwait’s Petrochemical Industries pay Dow $7.5 billion for a 50% stake in several chemical factories.


  • 科威特石油大臣欧莱姆上星期尽管欧佩克愿意市场需要的情况下生产更多石油,但是欧佩克并不油价负责

    Last week, Kuwait's oil Minister Mohammad al-Olaim said while OPEC was willing to produce more oil if the market required it, the organization was not responsible for high prices.


  • 交易年前能源价格企时公布,据此科威特石油化学工业支付陶氏75亿元购买几家化学工厂的50%股份

    The deal, announced a year ago amid high energy prices, would have seen Kuwait's Petrochemical Industries pay Dow $7.5 billion for a 50% stake in several chemical factories.


  • 大火使科威特石油工业陷入糟糕境地

    The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state.


  • 1989年,科威特每天出口150万石油

    In 1989, Kuwait was exporting 1.5 million barrels of oil a day.


  • 尽管KPC上游部门科威特享有垄断石油生产,但零售部门Q8则欧洲各国公司进行竞争

    Although KPC's upstream division enjoys a monopoly over oil production in Kuwait, its retailing arm, Q8, competes with multinational rivals in Europe.


  • 但是卡塔尔阿联酋科威特沙特这些国家一样,文莱出口的是石油天然气最终受益日本核工业毁坏

    But like those of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Brunei's exports comprise oil and natural gas, which will eventually benefit from the damage to Japan's nuclear industry.


  • 去年,生产成本不断增加美国炼油企业Tesoro被迫放弃项生产计划科威特国家石油公司不得不将其计划一推推。

    Tesoro, an American refiner, scrapped one scheme last year because of rising costs. Kuwait's national oil company has delayed another for the same reason.


  • 全国340万人口其中只有1/3科威特户籍,这个国家是号称拥有世界8%石油储备酋长国

    With just 3.4m residents, only a third of them indigenous citizens, the emirate sits on a claimed 8% of the world’s petroleum reserves.


  • 得益于这些年石油盛产国民储蓄有着巨大储存量再加上大量的持续收入尽管油价下跌,科威特人终究还是能够继续一吵。

    Given their huge stockpile of national savings from the oil boom years, plus plenty of continued income despite the drop in oil prices, Kuwaitis can probably afford to go on bickering anyway.


  • 预测石油何时会枯竭往往困难又充满争议但是现在科威特科学家指出,全球石油产量在2014年达到顶峰

    Predicting the end of oil has proven tricky and often controversial, but Kuwaiti scientists now say that global oil production will peak in2014.


  • 其他海湾石油生产国有巴林,伊朗伊拉克科威特卡塔尔阿拉伯联合酋长国。

    The other Gulf producers are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.


  • 科威特石油生产大国中方石油领域建立长期友好合作关系

    He noted that as Kuwait is one of the world's major oil producing countries, China is willing to establish long-term cooperative relations in the oil field with the Kuwait.


  • 石油如何改变科威特故事简直就是《天方夜谭》中阿拉丁神灯故事现代版本石油就是使科威特富起来的“如意神灯”。

    The story of how oil transformed Kuwait is like a modern version of Aladdin and his magic lamp. Oil is the "lamp" that enriched kuwait.


  • 石油输出国包括:厄瓜多尔委内瑞拉印度尼西亚巴林伊朗伊拉克科威特阿曼卡塔尔沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯联合酋长国,阿尔及利亚加蓬利比亚尼日利亚

    Oil exporters include Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.


  • 一家石油企业某个时候豪言,声称有着西方科威特”之称苏格兰各种预测都要长久,历经半个多世纪而长盛不衰

    An oil industry that at one stage inspired talk of Scotland as "the Kuwait of the West" has already outlived most predictions, having enjoyed a hydrocarbon heyday of almost five decades.


  • 场遮天蔽日沙暴周二横扫科威特沙特阿拉伯的部分地区扰乱了空中交通石油出口

    A blinding sandstorm swept through Kuwait and parts of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, disrupting air traffic as well as oil exports.


  • 科威特拥有大量石油存款其它海湾国家足够金融实力,可出现更多交易问题时救助这些机构

    Kuwait and other Gulf states, with massive oil savings, have plenty of financial firepower to throw at institutions if more problem trading emerges.


  • 石油使科威特成为一个富饶国家

    Oil made Kuwait a rich country.


  • 石油科威特重要资源

    Oil is Kuwait's most important resource.


  • 科威特科学家预测世界常规原油产量2014年达到峰值这一发现可能会促进储存石油努力

    In a finding that may speed efforts to conserve oil, scientists in Kuwait predict that world conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014.


  • 陕北地区拥有十分丰富的煤炭石油天然气等能源矿产资源,中国科威特”之美誉开发潜力非常巨大

    The north of Shaanxi province is abundance in coal, oil, and natural gas. It is finely reputed as "China's Kuwait", and has the extremely huge development potential.


  • 虽然全球能源主管人员也许热切想要开始科威特沙漠钻探石油,此间却有许多不想国家赚钱油田任何控制权让渡出去。

    But while global energy executives may be eager to begin drilling under the Kuwaiti desert many here don't want to relinquish11any national control of the lucrative 12oil fields.


  • 虽然全球能源主管人员也许热切想要开始科威特沙漠钻探石油,此间却有许多不想国家赚钱油田任何控制权让渡出去。

    But while global energy executives may be eager to begin drilling under the Kuwaiti desert many here don't want to relinquish11any national control of the lucrative 12oil fields.


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