• 八十年代早期很多时间往返于韦尔帕索之间

    I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between Waco and El Paso.


  • 种类最多5依次、多孔菌蘑菇、红菇球盖菇

    The 5 families which contain the most species are Tricholomataceae, Polyporaceae, Agaricaceae, Russulaceae and Strophariaceae in proper order.


  • 医院精神门诊中心。

    Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics.


  • BP认为纳达三井应该承担各自份额

    BP thinks both Anadarko and Mitsui should pay their share.


  • 但是离开库斯利马旅馆其他设施经常受限

    But away from Cusco and Lima, hotels and other facilities are often limited.


  • 卡罗尔·拉斯格洛丽亚·布暂时接管工作

    For the time being, Gloria Cabe and Carol Rasco took over his responsibilities.


  • 卡瓦略暂时队,前者也希望一扫个赛季阴霾

    Deco, for now, and Ricardo Carvalho remain at the club, with the centre-half eager to put last season's toils behind him.


  • 目前清楚德里卡多·卡瓦略是否安切洛蒂计划之内

    It remains to be seen whether Deco and Ricardo Carvalho are part of Ancelotti's plans.


  • 得到援助的另外几个城镇包括库斯利马、华努特雷希略

    Several other towns including Cusco, Lima, Huanuco and Trujillo also benefit from these medical missions.


  • 德国队萨维·琴索尔·维,两度世界冠军-已210.60获得铜牌

    The German team of Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy - the two-time reigning world champions - won bronze with 210.60 points.


  • 北美洲世界冠军其中包括动物——可以说他们是人类朋友

    But North America too has given the world its champions, including the dog, camel, and horse families-arguably man's best friends.


  • 星期三25岁博斯阿米拉,试图逃离围困波黑首都前往塞尔维亚时,被人开枪打死

    Bosko Brckic and Admira Ismic, both 25, were shot dead on Wednesday trying to escape the besieged Bosnian capital for Serbia.


  • 只有类————会引起注意他们之间,象早已开拓地球居土地。

    Only two are of any note —the families Hominidae and Elephantidae—yet between them elephants and humans have colonized the habitable surface of the earth.


  • 超普图伊比勒陀利乌大学佛朗斯模拟了这种碰撞,并得到极其复杂相对论详细数据。

    Now Choptuik and Frans Pretorius of Princeton University have simulated such collisions including all the extremely complex mathematical details from general relativity.


  • Sunshine评为A +级别,与它同一级别城市还有弗朗西斯(令人惊讶)芝加哥

    Sunshine gives it an a +, putting it in the company of cities like San Diego and (surprisingly) Chicago.


  • 今年2月,马拉斯同事报告说,他们已经找到了10个可以与颈部保守结合抗体(顶部视频)。

    In February, Marasco and colleagues reported that they had found 10 antibodies that bind to a conserved pocket on the stalk (see video, top).


  • 手机巨头诺基亚合作,已经开发出了传感器的原件,主要一个柔性的,灵敏的触摸构成

    Dr Lacour has already made a prototype sensor with Nokia, a mobile-phone giant, consisting of a thin, stretchable, touch-sensitive film.


  • 比如泌尿放射肿瘤的医师,他们面对病痛死亡威胁的病人,对减少筛检主张很容易产生抵触情绪。

    Specialists like urologists, radiologists and oncologists, who see patients who are sick and dying from cancer, often resist the idea of doing less screening.


  • 喉咙痛,背痛头痛支气管炎需要单独去耳鼻喉整形外神经治疗,除非没有使症状好转

    Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.


  • 除了巴克利先生外,参与这次木乃伊制作专家包括乔安·弗莱切博士,马克辛·法医病理学家彼得·维纳兹。

    As well as Dr Buckley, the team of experts behind the mummification included Dr Joann Fletcher, Maxine Coe and forensic pathologist Peter Vanezis.


  • 曼城维拉公园温顺1比0告负加盟的埃丁·达伦·本特他们球队球队表现不错只有一个取得进球

    City fell meekly 1-0 at Villa Park, where newcomers Edin Dzeko and Darren Bent both had good games for their new teams but only one found the back of the net.


  • 梅特卡夫博士高兴安德鲁·奥德雷兹本杰明•太雷位学者2005年出版文章对“梅特卡夫定律”的驳斥

    Dr Metcalfe delights in a paper published in 2005 by two academics, Andrew Odlyzko and Benjamin Tilly, that presents a detailed refutation of his law.


  • 俄罗斯能源交易情况常常如此这次协议也有着复杂晦暗计划这些计划也许可以卢卡申普京的老友从中抽取利益

    As is often the case with Russian energy deals, this one includes complicated, murky schemes that may enable cronies of Mr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin to skim off some of the profits.


  • 这部话剧曾获得托尼奖最佳戏剧奖,讲述的是艺术家马克·罗斯科和助手肯恩(也就是奥斯蒙特扮演的角色)一同创作自己著名作品的故事。

    The play follows artist Mark Rothko as he constructs his most famous work alongside his assistant Ken- played by Osment.


  • 佩特洛娃斯托瑟下第,比赛似乎倒向她们一边但是超级七规则不得不重新开始杜尔佩内塔似乎更适应这项规则。

    Petrova and Stosur seemed to have momentum on their side after winning the second set, but the super-tiebreak format allows both teams to start anew, and that worked in Dulko and Pennetta's favor.


  • 阿尔巴尼亚活动人士薇拉·莱斯哥斯达黎加活动人士玛丽莲娜·莫拉莱斯·巴里欧斯代表名2009年报告中称为反贩卖人口英雄的活动人士。

    Activists Vera Lesko of Albania and Mariliana Morales Barrios of Costa Rica represented the nine activists hailed in the 2009 report as anti-trafficking heroes.


  • 平均18万3千人狂热球迷面前,客队很难能活着逃出这个球场。巴西历史上出色的球星,如贝利、加林查、罗马里奥曾在这里上演过一幕幕的精彩演出。

    Some of Brazil's greatest ever players, Pele, Garrincha, Zico and Romario, have all graced the hallowed ground where fanatical crowds of up to 183,000 mean only the very toughest visitors survive.


  • 列车迪德雷丁停车。

    This train calls at Didcot and Reading.


  • 莉特哈里结婚获得绿卡

    Nicollette married Harry so she could get a green card.


  • 看来架。

    He and Cohen appeared to be heading for a major blowup.


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