• 卡尼日语又称“kunimasu”,1940年就认为已经灭绝,那时北部一个水电项目使得那里的天然波水质酸化

    The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.


  • 去年11月阿根廷法官鲁道夫·卡尼巴·拉尔发出了涉嫌爆炸案男子国际逮捕令

    Last November, Argentine Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral issued international arrest warrants for eight men wanted in connection to the bombing.


  • 1949年《白热》,是一部吉米·卡格尼主演的电影在其中饰演黑帮老大·贾勒特。

    I had a hankering to see 1949's White Heat, the Jimmy Cagney flick where he plays gangster Cody Jarrett.


  • 第一位战后出生法国总统外祖父来自萨洛尼卡犹太人

    Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.


  • 桩丑闻开始五月卢斯尼的妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥宣称离婚并且无法再忍受一个“与未成年人交往”的男人一起

    The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi’s wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who “consorts with minors”.


  • 此外布罗迪还告诉陪审团,2009年杜根大脑扫描,说明不了当年杀死吉奈恩·尼卡·里的大脑是个什么样子

    Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.


  • 还记得贝卢斯亲吻卡扎菲手背画面吧?

    Or the sight of Silvio Berlusconi kissing the hand of Muammar Qaddafi?


  • 卡曾巴赫咨询公司创始人·坎纳指出,面对挑战,我们不应只把眼光局限在如何填补财务漏洞上,还要努力开拓新的经营战略

    Niko Canner, co-founder of consultancy Katzenbach Partners, notes that the challenge is to look beyond the critical work of plugging financial holes to forge fresh strategies.


  • 斯图·尼卡先生讲话让人惊人地想起米罗塞维克的演讲——但罗马尼亚现在却还受到欧盟北约的控制。

    Mr Kostunica's speech was shockingly reminiscent of Milosevic 's-but Romania is now in both the EU and NATO.


  • 美国有线新闻网马克西姆·特卡琴乌克兰的巴格尔·诺亚报道莫尼•巴蜀从亚特兰大报道。

    CNN's Maxim Tkachenko reported from Mogilnoye, Ukraine, and Moni Basu reported from Atlanta.


  • 是意大利一个主要湖泊,在卡雷诺阿尔杰尼奥之间面积56平方英里(146平方公里),深达1358英尺(414)。

    A major lake of the country, Lake Como covers 56 square miles (146 square kilometers) and reaches a depth of 1, 358 feet (414 meters) between Careno and Argegno.


  • 贝鲁斯说服卡扎菲过去意大利利比亚殖民同意2008年支付价值约50亿美元的赔款物。

    Berlusconi Qaddafi to look past old colonial grievances by means of a $5 billion reparations package, agreed upon in 2008.


  • 琳达画廊·亚克·图斯卡的“发动,调入退离汇集来自拉丁美洲艺术家,但并没有界定成为特殊运动艺术界对话

    At Linda Gallery, Nicoykatiushka's "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out" brings together artists from across Latin America without delineating a specific movement or dialogue in the art.


  • 桩丑闻开始五月卢斯尼的妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥宣称离婚并且她无法再忍受一个“与未成年人交往”的男人一起

    The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi's wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who "consorts with minors".


  • “面对中国对手,说真的,我们震惊了,”斯坦蒂尼后来凭借外卡参加奥运会

    "We were shocked, actually, to be playing against someone Chinese," said Costantini, who was later added to the Olympics as a wild-card entrant.


  • 卡图尼察村居民他们问题拉斯家族相关,而非广大罗姆人

    The inhabitants of Katunitsa say that their problem is with Mr Rashkov rather than the Roma in general.


  • 摘要巴斯利·卡塔意大利一个鲜为人知葡萄酒产区尽管知名度不高,这个产区还是出产了一些美酒,例如艾格·尼红葡萄酒。

    ABSTRACT: Basilicata is a little-known wine region of Italy. Despite its little notability, it still produces some great wines, and that is Aglianico red wines.


  • 罗兹庄园拥有大片专属的葡萄园主要品种赤霞珠艾格索洛莎当妮法兰吉娜诺,格雷

    Rose with vast estate exclusive vineyard, main varieties cabernet sauvignon, etam nico, Thoreau palmer card, chardonnay, flange zina, phenanthrene north, gray grams, etc.


  • 期待一切去年要顺利。,我受伤了。”布冯补充说,2005年的贝鲁斯尼杯中,布冯卡卡相撞肩膀脱臼。

    "I hope things are better than the last time - when I injured myself," added the man who dislocated his shoulder after colliding with Kaka in the 2005 edition.


  • 今年夏季失去这位金球奖或者者之后,贝卢斯非常渴望留下皇马目标卡卡

    After losing the former Golden Ball winner last summer, Berlusconi was eager to tie down Real Madrid target Kaka.


  • 保罗·马尔蒂·尼本周休战,亚历桑德罗·内斯塔雅普·斯塔姆站到了中卫位置上,马尔·斯·卡福和卡哈·卡拉泽扮演边后卫的角色

    Paolo Maldini was rested so Alessandro Nesta and Jaap Stam played in the centre of defence, with Marcos Cafu and Kakha Kaladze in the full-back roles.


  • 贝卢斯表示自己只是帮了比,否认警方施加不当压力。据意大利报纸报道,鲁比真名为卡莉玛·埃尔·马罗格

    Berlusconi says he helped Ruby, whose real name is reported by Italian newspapers to be Karima el Mahroug, but he denies exerting any improper pressure on police officers.


  • 希尔维奥·卢斯圣西罗0:0僵局赞赏了尤文漂亮组织谈到卡卡罗纳尔多

    Silvio Berlusconi praised Juve's well-organized play after the 0-0 stalemate at San Siro, and also talked about kaka and Ronaldo.


  • 我们希望毛罗·卡莫拉内西,克劳迪奥·马尔基西奥拉·莱格·洛塔列在国家队比赛结束重新回到球场,对球队来说他们至关重要

    Hopefully we can get Mauro Camoranesi, Claudio Marchisio and Nicola Legrottaglie back from injury after the international break - that would be very important.


  • 裁判丹尼•卡证实朗菲斯特因放屁收到第二黄牌。 他解释称:“认为蓄意挑衅

    The referee, Dany Kako, confirmed that Ljungkvist had received the second yellow card for breaking wind, explaining: "I perceived it as deliberate provocation."


  • 马德里-我们永远不会卖掉卡卡”,留在米兰很多很多年”:鲁斯西班牙马卡报澄清。

    MADRID - "We shall never sell Kaka" who will remain at Milan "for many more years" : this was declared by Silvio Berlusconi to the Spanish newspaper 'Marca'.


  • 马德里-我们永远不会卖掉卡卡”,留在米兰很多很多年”:鲁斯西班牙马卡报澄清。

    MADRID - "We shall never sell Kaka" who will remain at Milan "for many more years" : this was declared by Silvio Berlusconi to the Spanish newspaper 'Marca'.


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