• 时尚穿遍世界”,科倍企业永恒不变追求,是科倍员工孜孜以求的目标

    "Making fashion accessible to the world" is the everlasting pursuit of COBEST, and is also a target diligently pursued by COBEST's employees.


  • 马提岩于1969年首次发现,它地球上已知古老的火山岩镁量大多数火山岩的

    First identified in 1969, komatiites are Earth's oldest known volcanic rocks and contain three times as much magnesium as do most volcanic rocks.


  • 平均来说居住新泽西州亚裔美国要比南达他州美国印第安人惊人26拥有研究生学位可能性11

    The average Asian-American in New Jersey lives an amazing 26 years longer and is 11 times more likely to have a graduate degree than the average American Indian in South Dakota.


  • 表示,波士顿咨询公司年轻同事建议,让一位40岁的印度裔营销专家另一家咨询公司找到了工作薪水指导者

    Mr Pecaut says advice from a young colleague at Boston Consulting helped a 40-year-old Indian marketing specialist land a job at a rival consultancy at more than double the mentor's salary.


  • 啊,听说那些大象数量年里已经增加到三啊,需要引证

    Cody: Yeah, I heard that elephant populations have tripled in three years, citation needed.


  • 两种症状重要区别,得了消瘦症的比得了夸希奥存活率高出

    One significant difference between the two syndromes is that children with marasmus are twice as likely to survive malnutrition as those with kwashiorkor.


  • 亚当家里斯莫达到了超常的73分贝——一般的咕噜声要响16,”根据·普顿学院新闻稿的说法。

    At Adams' home, Smokey "reached an extraordinary 73 decibels16 times louder than the average cat," according to a Northampton College press release.


  • 周贝卢斯尼先生曾鲁莽的承诺在裁撤之前还要将数字增加十

    This week Mr Berlusconi incautiously promised to increase that number tenfold, before backing away.


  • “即使母鼠血糖浓度正常脂肪出生子鼠血糖浓度也另一组的,”塔斯特拉·斯基

    "At birth, offspring in the high-fat group had blood sugar levels that were twice as high as those in the control group, even though their mothers had normal levels," Strakovsky said.


  • 可以看见导致结果就是从圣弗朗西斯向西1000英里到太平洋有一大片垃圾,大量碎片分布相当于德州面积

    You can literally see the result 1, 000 miles (1, 600 km) west of San Francisco in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.


  • 可以看见导致结果就是从圣弗朗西斯向西1000英里到太平洋有大片的垃圾大量碎片分布相当于德州面积

    You can literally see the result 1,000 miles (1,600 km) west of San Francisco in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.


  • 罗- 7b已知外部行星最小一个直径超过地球直径的

    The smallest known exoplanet is Corot-7b, which has a diameter less than twice that of Earth.


  • 卢斯内阁8公布一揽子施政措施中,订购付费电视的增值税明年1月开始提高一

    In a package of measures approved by Berlusconi's cabinet eight days ago, VAT levied on pay-TV subscriptions will double from January 1.


  • 呼吁医生人数“增至2甚至3”,特别是急救基本技术方面经验医生。

    He called for "a doubling or even tripling" of doctors, particularly general practitioners with experience in emergencies and basic surgical skills.


  • 一亿零四百三十万美元的价格2008年5月于纽约佳士得拍卖行二千七百四十万美元成交的蒂1959-60的作品《站立女士II还要

    The $104.3 million was more than three times the record for a Giacometti, which was set at Christie’s New York in May 2008 when “Standing Woman II” from 1959-60 sold for $27.4 million.


  • 谷歌公司洛朗·迪尔(Laurent Cordier),“访客找回”技术可以使点击率提高到十

    Laurent Cordier of Google says that retargeting can raise click-through rates five - or tenfold.


  • 电站项目第一阶段发电量目前位于德克萨斯州具有世界第一称号罗斯(Roscoe)风电场发电量的12

    This is the first stage of a massive wind power complex, which will produce 12 times the amount of power of the world's current No. 1 — the Roscoe Wind Farm in Texas.


  • 低收入国家10万人才有1名精神医生,和高收入国家150,两者的落差非常大。

    The difference between the number of psychiatrists per 100, 000 population in low-income countries versus high-income countries is 150-fold, which is enormous, "said Saxena."


  • 在蒙特勒的皇宫酒店,弗拉基米尔·纳博曾在这里住16提供舒适的住房,价格466法郎,1法郎大概是1.11美元。

    Vladimir Nabokov lived for 16 years, offers belle époque luxury, from 419Swiss francs, about $466 at $1.11 to the franc, for a double.


  • 克拉人们所处环境多环芳烃含量纽约8

    In Krakow, the women on average were exposed to eight times higher concentrations of PAHs than the women in New York City.


  • 菲尔德博士研究小组高清显微镜对比研究室里培养切叶牙齿野外切叶蚁已经磨损的牙齿。 他们发现蚁蛹的锯片比老龄切叶蚁的锯片锋利340

    Dr Schofield and his team used hi-tech microscopes to compare the pristine teeth of laboratory-reared pupae with the worn teeth of the wild forager ants.


  • 尽管如此已经兄弟最大电影计划——准备先前拍摄一炮而的《所依》增加一资金。

    Nonetheless, it is already the biggest draw of any Coen brothers filmpoised to at least double the business of "No Country for Old Men, " their biggest previous hit.


  • 和家现在产品兴趣了。营销策略是什么?是否一些特殊的推广活动或是其它方式促进市场竞争

    Hejia: Really, I am interested in Beko's products now. Well, can we see some special marketing activities or other methods to win in the competitive market?


  • 安德鲁·下达命令之际,纽约已经20,000流感病症报告一数字超过去年同期的4

    The order by Andrew Cuomo comes as New York deal with nearly 20,000 reported cases of influenza, that's more than 4 times the for the entire last season.


  • 方法动态观察高血压病人服用素亚、波依定克后血压变化情况。

    Methods We observed continuously the blood pressure of the patients with hypertension orally taken by Losartan, and compared with others by Betaloc or Plendil.


  • 小猫斯木叫声平均可达80分贝普通类叫声3

    Smokey the cat's purrs average an astonishing 80 decibelsmore than 3 times louder than most cats.


  • 不会这样欺骗消费者我们定价依据产品品质的。

    But Beko will not cheat the customers. We put the prices according to the products match.


  • 和家09年过去5个月业绩如何

    Hejia: How about Beko's achievement in the passed 5 months of 2009?


  • 和家09年过去5个月业绩如何

    Hejia: How about Beko's achievement in the passed 5 months of 2009?


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