• 近,中国的“嫦娥四号”月球着陆器携带的迷你花园成为了第一个地球之外的种植地

    A mini garden carried on China's Chang'e 4 moon lander recently became home to the first plant to grow on another world.


  • 该文种植地选择种苗选育田间管理果实采收等方面总结了栽培管理要点。

    This paper stated key points of cultivation and management from some aspects including field selection, seedling selection, field management, and harvest.


  • 阿富汗目前仍然世界最大鸦片种植地,2010年内,阿富汗鸦片产量占据全球总产量的74%。

    Afghanistan continued to be the world's leading grower of opium poppies accounting for 74 percent of global production in 2010.


  • 金沙萨是较市区种植地试验中之一。

    Kinshasa was one of the early test centers for urban gardens.


  • 不仅仅不利于,对咖啡种植地农民热带生态系统都有不好影响。

    That’s not just bad for you, it’s bad for the farmers and the tropical ecosystems in which the coffee is grown.


  • 虫害破坏了世界第二种植地印度作物过去升了10%的价格再次攀升

    Pests have damaged crops in India, the world's second-largest grower, and prices which are already up 10% in the last three years are climbing again.


  • 他们认为非洲理想的生物燃料种植地并且从长远考虑吸收更多的

    They reckon Africa is the best place to grow biofuels, and the one that will lead to most carbon capture in the long run.


  • 法国以及其他世界葡萄酒瓶标会标明葡萄的种植地以及葡萄酒酿造地

    French and other "Old World" wines tell you where the grapes were grown and the wine was made.


  • 美国城市中就许多类的种植地虽然这些种植地种植者来说绝非生死攸关

    There are many small gardens in American cities, although these plots rarely mean the difference between life and death for their tenders.


  • 发现这个年轻女人Plaquemine小镇蔗糖种植地去了她家别墅

    He discovered that the young woman had traveled to her family's cottage from their sugar plantation near the town of Plaquemine.


  • 还从茶爱好延伸至茶文化,种植地、生长状况、气候影响、采摘加工的过程。

    My passion extends to the country the leaves are grown, the agricultural conditions of the year the tea is plucked, and the cultural differences in the way the tea leaf is dried, and processed.


  • 据说种植地阳光以及特纳火山周围的火山使得这种水果获得独特风味颜色

    It is believed that the sun and volcanic soil around Mount Etna where the oranges grow are what give the fruit its unique flavor and color.


  • 18世纪早期新的香料种植地非洲印度被发现,使得商人们货源又多了几个。

    By the early 1800s new plantations of spices in Africa and India meant that there was a greater choice of supply available to the traders.


  • deVries表示一些农作物种植地之所以离城市更近由于它们必须尽快加工。

    Mr. de Vries says some crops are grown closer to cities because they must be processed quickly.


  • 树皮坏死(BN)目前危害了世界大部分园,胶园受害严重度取决于橡胶品种、树龄种植地种植

    Bark Necrosis (BN) now affects most modern rubber plantations worldwide, with a wide range of severity across sites depending on the clone, the age of the trees, the site and the country.


  • 种植选择那些耐寒植物种植地的选择要面向西面南面,或者靠近其他植物栽培起到保暖的作用。

    Try to choose plants that live best with cold weather, and planting areas that face west and south. Being near other growth may also provide warmth.


  • 兹证明在母本植物种植地没有豌豆枯萎病菌的发生,这些植物生长季节后期进行田间检查未发现豌豆枯萎病菌。

    Pisi have not been recorded, and these plants were inspected on the field during the late growing season and found to be free from the pest mentioned above.


  • 知道葡萄的秘密帮助人们摆脱葡萄种植地无限制的观念,因为不管是气候因素或者当地疾病都可能使葡萄树致死

    Knowing the pinot noir genome should also help people who would like to grow grapes in places now off-limits to them-either for climatic reasons or because local diseases would kill them.


  • 费德·托夫阿富汗目前仍然世界最大鸦片生产种植地,2010年内,阿富汗的鸦片产量占据全球总产量的74%,也就是,将近四分之三鸦片,产地都是阿富汗。

    Fedotov said Afghanistan continued to be the world's leading grower of opium poppies accounting for 74 percent of global production in 2010, a 14 percent drop from the year before.


  • 最终丈夫一起买了一小开始自己种植食物

    She ultimately purchased a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.


  • 种植园补贴丰厚,农民抱怨地都让种植园占去了。

    Farmers complain that land is being taken out of use by generously subsidised tree plantations.


  • 如果我们种植那种植物,我们只需投入少量能量并且植物仍然可以良好地生长

    If we cultivate just that kind of plant, we only put tiny amounts of energy in and the plants still grow nicely.


  • 人们化肥来种植庄稼植物很多化肥最终陆地流入海洋

    People use fertilizer for their crops and plants and a lot of it eventually makes its way from land into the seas.


  • 但是草地上种植灌木丛的时候,孩子们更多地参与幻想游戏中并且社会等级此时便建立想象力创造力的基础上。

    But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based on imagination and creativity.


  • 新西兰这种植物传播地很快,它将沼泽地边缘变成了广阔的盐土草地并且使利用片沼泽(生存)的鸟类动物数量种类下降

    In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh.


  • 果可能的话,你应该谨慎地种植不同的花供蜜蜂选择。

    If possible, you should be careful to plant different flowers for bees to choose from.


  • 象一下,如果树木能提供免费的无线网络,人们会疯狂地种植更多的树木。

    Imagine if trees gave free WiFi, people would plant more trees like crazy.


  • 究人员表示,为了确保城市健康发展,种植和保护树木是必要的,但我们还需要做更多的工作来更好地了解城市树木,因为它们可能与乡村森林不同。

    Researchers say planting and protecting will be needed to make sure cities can develop healthily, but more needs to be done to have a better understanding of city trees which may be different from countryside forests.


  • 究人员表示,为了确保城市健康发展,种植和保护树木是必要的,但我们还需要做更多的工作来更好地了解城市树木,因为它们可能与乡村森林不同。

    Researchers say planting and protecting will be needed to make sure cities can develop healthily, but more needs to be done to have a better understanding of city trees which may be different from countryside forests.


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