• 库车褶皱冲断秋里塔格构造发育断坡有关的位移转换构造。

    In the Kuqa fold-thrust zone, a lateral ramp-related displacement transfer structure is developed in the eastern Qiulitag structural belt.


  • 看着妈妈绿色眼睛,”秋说道,“来说,人与人之间交流的很大的进步人们说你能够眼睛里看到一个人的灵魂。”

    "She looked at me and said 'Mom, I know that you have green eyes,'" Rochelle Morse said. "that was a huge step for her in making that human connection."


  • 按照犹太教传统说法,天地万物创造就是秋天里完成的。因此,犹太人新年——拉什·哈夏节定夏末秋初。

    The Creation itself was achieved in the autumn, according to a tradition of judaism-whence the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, at summer's end or the start of fall.


  • 他们站在长满了新叶子的山毛榉林里,绿色的车叶草他们脚下散发着香气;淡红的秋牡丹一片绿色中显得分外的华丽。

    And they stood in a beech-wood that had just put on its first green, where the woodroof* at their feet sent forth its fragrance, and the pale-red anemony looked so pretty among the verdure.


  • 今天Artillery公司使用努里特雷达系统使他们能够发现以色列发射包括奇格勒、卡萨姆卡秋莎导弹

    Today, the Nurit Radar System is used by the Artillery Corps and it enables them to locate missiles including Grad, Qassam and Katyusha missiles that have been fired at Israel.


  • 最近一天,瑞秋(RachelCouchenour)20英里马拉松赛前最长距离

    On a recent day, Couchenour is running 20 miles - the longest distance she'll run before the marathon itself.


  • 谢里丹1864年与一支弱小的疲惫不堪的南方军连续作战,取了个又一个的胜利

    Sheridan's army battled its way through the valley in the autumn of eighteen sixty-four. It gained victory after victory against a smaller, weaker Confederate force.


  • 空气得到幽幽大茴香和秋麒麟草的香味

    A faint anise smell is on the air, goldenrod scent.


  • 现在黄叶又已失落去辽远里,剩下灰色长空片透彻寂寞冷风独语?

    Now even the cloudy yellow leaves are all fallen, the rest of the grey sky a thorough loneliness, you can listen to the monologue of the cold?


  • 全世界伟大的节日里仰首俯首全部幸福追随着

    In this great festival all over the world, and is willing to: stayed up is spring, the bow is in the autumn. May all the happiness is following you.


  • 秋来风景异衡阳留意四面边角起,长烟落日孤城

    Plug under the autumn scenery, Hengyang go without attention. From all sides of the sound from the angle. The thousand peaks in the sunset in the closed.


  • 动感游戏介绍:款游戏里的服装沿袭一些夏季动感活泼一定会喜欢

    All fall clothing also dynamic game on the game: This summer, some wearing followed a lively and dynamic, you will like it!


  • 有些批评家中国文人学士尤其是诗人带着浓厚的颓废色彩,所以中国的诗文里,赞颂的文字的特别的多。

    Some literary critics say that Chinese literati, especially poets, are mostly disposed to be decadent, which accounts for predominance of Chinese works singing the praises of autumn.


  • 如果树林一片片掉落叶子感受一个一个美丽的故事结束壮美

    If it is autumn, the trees drop leaves a film can make you feel like a story of a beautiful end to the sublime.


  • 自由加沙运动组织者星期五发表声明,“瑞秋科里”号目前距离加沙大约240公里处的国际海域上,正在“向目的地行进”。

    Organizers with the "Free Gaza Movement" released a statement, Friday, saying the Rachel Corrie is in international waters about 240 kilometers from Gaza and "on her way.


  • “张小说里提到得并不他们试图电影的情节里丰富和填充这个人物的形象,不过觉得更多的手笔和空间可以用来填充

    Cho's mentioned briefly in the books, but they try to cram so much into the films that I don't think there'll be room for her.


  • 哈里霍格·莫德约会,赫敏卢娜·洛夫古德安排塔·斯基特采访哈利故事卢娜爸爸本名为《唱唱反调》的杂志上。

    Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade, and Hermione and Luna Lovegood arrange for Rita Skeeter to interview Harry, with his story to be published in Luna's father's paper, the Quibbler.


  • 白桦林放牧山羊

    From spring till autumn she pastured the goats in the birch wood.


  • 春天落叶也许只有江南国度可以演绎飘零

    The fallen leaves in spring, perhaps can deduce in the wandering autumn of one section only in the country of the South.


  • 张秋莹全部生活画廊里,喜欢喜欢音乐,画廊里总是悠扬乐曲

    Zhang Qiuying has invested all her life in her gallery. She enjoys looking at the paintings, and she also loves music. The Qin Gallery is always filled with melodious music.


  • 不远千里,杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由不过饱尝”,故都的秋味。

    I come all the way from Hangzhou to Qingdao, from Qingdao, to catch the Beiping reasons, but also to have a taste of this "autumn", the onetime capital.


  • 各着名诗人长篇田园诗四季诗里总以关于部分

    A well-known poet long pastoral poems or four seasons poem, also for the part of autumn.


  • 展柜所有、所有所有的雕塑,都是……历尽千秋不死的灵魂!

    Showcase it all the silk, all silk, all this mud sculpture and color, all my love to you all... I experienced all kinds of future immortality of the soul!


  • 轻轻地握着从此世界不再孤单相识斜阳里守望着命运安排美丽传奇

    Hold my hand lightly, from now on your world will no longer be lonely. We met in late fall sunshine, looking for the beautiful legend.


  • 轻轻地握着从此世界不再孤单相识斜阳里守望着命运安排美丽传奇

    Hold my hand lightly, from now on your world will no longer be lonely. We met in late fall sunshine, looking for the beautiful legend.


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