• 私下里说确定没有超出他们的理解

    Confidentially, I am not sure that it wasn't above their heads.


  • 可以私下里说吗?

    May I speak off the record?


  • 私下里说到年底呀,搞出来财务报表看准十分糟糕

    Off the record, I see a very bad statement coming out at the end of the year.


  • 一些私下里说记录天价酒的蒸发损耗得令人起疑。

    The record - breaking bottle had, some muttered, suffered suspiciously little ullage (evaporation).


  • 结婚朋友过,可是只是私下里说,跟她们健康没有关系

    She had heard her married friends talk, but only in whispers and not specifically about their health concerns.


  • 的一些同事私下里的更为尖刻:“她跟人辩论时,她会一直下去,下去。

    When she gets into an argument she talks all the time. Talk.


  • 曼德先生亲密朋友私下里,92高龄的几个月身体健康状况已经恶化

    But close friends of Mr Mandela say privately at 92 his health has deteriorated over recent months.


  • 大多数管理者都遇到这样一个让人纠结的问题员工提供反馈应该公开还是私下里

    Here's a common question that most managers grapple with: Should the feedback that you provide to employees regarding their performance be public or private?


  • 沉默寡言性格使斯莱·穆尔大多数同事都不知道内心真实的想法,人们私下里说野心勃勃。

    Sly Moore's taciturn demeanor kept her inner agenda unknown to most of her colleagues, though it was whispered that she possessed a very strong ambitious drive.


  • 许多自然推测到发生事情几天魔法部政策变化太大了,他们私下里一定伏地在幕后指使。

    Naturally many people have deduced what has happened: There has been such a dramatic change in Ministry policy in the last few days, and many are whispering that Voldemort must be behind it.


  • 面对部分媒体足球人士质疑自己的名气刚刚获得欧洲足球金球奖的卡纳瓦罗私下里:“不是

    Facing the partial media and the soccer public figure questioned own fame, just won the European soccer golden ball award Karner Warro to say in secret: "This is not my mistake."


  • 许多执行董事首席执行官董事会成员甚至一些标新立异私下里他们董事会准备不足,往往误导损害误解背负自己角色

    Many executive directors, CEOs and even some maverick board members say privately that their boards are poorly prepared, misinformed and often burdened with damaging misconceptions about their roles.


  • 有人私下里拉斯维加斯强大市场宣传攻势(“WhathappensinVegas,stays in Vegas”)向打算印第安纳州或是犹他州搬迁过来商务人士传达错误的信号。

    Some whisper that Las Vegas’s potent marketing campaign (“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”) carries the wrong message to a businessman thinking of relocating from Indiana or Utah.


  • 约翰逊名字出现录像很多私下联系他的听听研究(癌症艾滋病毒基因调控中)。

    Johnson, whose name appears in the video, said that many people have been contacting him personally, wanting to hear about his research (which is on gene regulation in cancer and HIV).


  • 比如:“会议上责骂批评工作时,感到很沮丧尊重我,我叫到一边私下提出你的批评。”

    Say for example, when you call me names and criticize my work in meetings I feel demoralized Please address me respectfully and take me aside to discuss criticisms in private.


  • 私下总裁们调侃他们寻找特定类型董事:要能装点门面,无事生非。

    In private, chief executives say they will look for female board members of a particular type: those who will look decorative and not rock the boat.


  • 阿巴斯Mr Abbas)一些批评者已经要求下台他们当中的很多人批评阿巴斯(Mr Abbas)团队公开场合套在私下里一套。

    Some of Mr Abbas's critics are calling for him to step down; many of them castigate him and his team for saying one thing in public and another in private.


  • 美国队的大门原则上永远向詹姆斯敞开,私下他们,詹姆斯留在5000外的美国玩微着实他们省了不少心。

    Team USA wouldn't have turned away James, but privately they'll all tell you it's been a relief to have him tweeting from 5, 000 miles away.


  • 多年来,基本把对共和党人批评憋在了心私下听过,那些评语非常尖刻。

    For years, she has mostly bottled up her critiques of Republicans, but they are scorching, say those who have heard the private version.


  • 公开场合公司很快赢利私下他对此并非乐观。

    In public he said that the company will soon be in profit, but in private he was less optimistic.


  • 消息约翰逊曾经私下里得意洋洋地宣称,一夜风流女人超过2500个。

    It is reported that Johnson had privately declared triumphantly, and he had a romantic night of a woman more than 2500.


  • 第二天早晨,看到孩子不见了,人们便在私下议论,王后恶魔竟然杀死了自己的孩子。

    Next morning, when the child was not to be found, it was whispered among the people that the Queen was a man-eater, and had killed her own child.


  • 私下有些人竟然恶意中伤施展女性魅力巴结总经理

    In private, some even went so far as to fling mud at3 her, saying she tried to ingratiate herself with4 the general manager using her feminine charms.


  • 私下有些人竟然恶意中伤施展女性魅力巴结总经理

    In private, some even went so far as to fling mud at3 her, saying she tried to ingratiate herself with4 the general manager using her feminine charms.


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