• 陶布蒙古族古老弹拨乐器,大约产生于匈奴时代

    Tovshuur is a two-stringed instrument, it is the most ancient of all Mongolian musical instruments, even older than the Morin Khuur.


  • 美国大约有35000辆秀尔索兰托2010 - 2011款车型92召回。

    In the United States, about 35,000 Souls and Sorentos from the 2010 and 2011 model years were recalled Sept. 2.


  • 美国大约有35000辆秀尔索兰托2010 - 2011款车型92召回。

    In the United States, about 35, 000 Souls and Sorentos from the 2010 and 2011 model years were recalled Sept. 2.


  • 秀尔眼睫毛实力雄厚重信用合同保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    Shor eyelash factory strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 卡普弗雷说:“通过很多窥视时装互联网有助于建立意识渴望。”

    "The Internet helps build the awareness and desire by letting so many people peep into the catwalk, " Mr. Kapferer said.


  • 上海居住着来自纽卡斯20英国姑娘贝卡,她去年与美国、德国、加拿大等地年轻人一起在上海参加了《冲刺,上海! 》“真人电视节目,向境外游客常住上海的外籍人士介绍真实而富有趣味的上海,现在她是上海广播电视台外语频道“乐学中文”节目的主持人

    Rebecca Miller, a 20-year-old British girl from Newcastle, who now lives in Shanghai and hosts Learning Chinese in Fun on local TV, was full of expectations about the Shanghai Expo.


  • 告诉说,史泰龙今日》节目中开导了马特·那“身体损伤很严重的。”

    I tell him Stallone enlightened Matt Lauer on the Today Show, that "it takes the wear and tear" from the body.


  • 2002年,当时米德正在一个学生时装上走台步。

    Middleton models on the catwalk at a student fashion show in 2002.


  • 短短一周内,浏览英国真人《英国达人》中表演视频人数创下记录而且数字丝毫没有回落的趋势。

    The video of Boyle's performance on the reality show Britain's Got Talent has set the record for the number of views in a weekand it shows no sign of slowing down.


  • 一家报纸报道沃基鹿队老板近日致信在第一轮选中被选中中国前锋易建联请求与其会面

    The owner of the Milwaukee Bucks has written to first-round draft pick Yi Jianlian requesting a meeting with the Chinese power forward, according to a newspaper report.


  • 本周五皇家婚礼前夕,一场威廉王子准王妃凯瑟琳·米顿的模仿正在如火如荼地进行

    Ahead of the British royal wedding on Friday, contestants take part in a Prince William and Catherine Middleton lookalike competition in London.


  • 匪徒俘虏白先生,玉邦·法先生,百灵鸟父亲不见了。

    The prisoner of the ruffians, M. Leblanc, M. Urbain Fabre,the father of Ursule or the Lark, had disappeared.


  • 然而奥兰多魔术首轮丹尼·奥顿得先学会耐心

    Instead, Orlando Magic first-round draft pick Daniel Orton has learned patience.


  • 23女孩康妮·费舍2006年的电视大赛力搏群雄赢得了在音乐剧《音乐之扮演女主角玛丽亚的机会。

    Connie Fisher, a 23 year old actress from Wales, competed in a TV competition in 2006 against many other hopefuls and won the role of Maria in the famous musical the Sound of music.


  • 但是提到将大失所望因为这个引人关注才艺表演并不是西蒙、路易斯·主持的的英国达人

    But mention Cowell's name and you do not get the reaction you might expect. Because the talent show in question is not the one presided over by Simon, Louis Walsh and co.


  • 去年来自苏格兰的单身大妈苏珊•博伊英国达人电视选节目悲惨世界》中的一首《曾有梦》红遍全球

    Scottish spinster Susan Boyle shot to global stardom after she was discovered last year on the "Britain's Got Talent" television show with her performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Miserables".


  • 本季裸色时尚趋势使人青春亮丽,就像造型美”·卡戴珊姐妹肯达·詹娜一样,为指甲泼洒霓虹灯般亮丽色彩

    Rejuvenate this season's nude runway trends like modeling beauty and Kim Kardashian's little sis Kendall Jenner with a splash of neon color.


  • 《人物》杂志证实普斯开始约会真人演员布兰特妮-加斯蒂内奥,出名得于老爸全国橄榄球联盟球员马克-加斯蒂内奥。

    People confirms that Phelps has begun dating Brittny Gastineau, a reality-television personality whose claim to fame is that she's the daughter of former NFL player Mark Gastineau.


  • 日 前一档电视节目中,台湾名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为男版苏珊·博伊

    A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.


  • 虽然哥切并非全民公决的官方代表,但是最近几个月俨然已经成为媒体宠儿,经常出现在脱口节目或者公开辩论会上,全民公决辩护

    While he doesn't officially represent the campaign, Mr. Goetschel has become a media darling in recent months, arguing for the referendum on talk shows and in town-hall debates.


  • 英国达人”决赛中,苏格兰歌坛神话苏珊•波意外败给了一个年轻街舞组合。 之前曾凭借该节目在全球走红

    Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle was dealt an unexpected blow when she lost out to a group of young street dancers in the final of the British talent show that made her a global star.


  • 苏珊·波LAX机场,来参加美国天才歌手选,即众多粉丝媒体包围

    Susan Boyle was mobbed by fans and the media as she arrived at LAX Airport ahead of her performance on America's Got Talent.


  • 纽约时装结束后飞往伦敦参加那里的走

    ONce New York fashion week is over, Kel will board a plane and head to London, to work the shows there.


  • 粉色到处都有。JLM时装安娜·雷姆阿克拉安妮·巴吉、阿弗雷德·安吉洛伊内斯·桑托等时装全都展示粉红绯红色系的长礼服

    Pink was everywhere: JLM Couture, Anna Maier, Reem Acra, Anne Barge, Alfred Angelo and Ines Di Santo all showed off beautiful pink and blush-colored gowns.


  • 看过现场猜出背后必有高手相助

    One look at Al Gore's live show and you can see he got help from the best.


  • 从“英国达人”选节目炮而红的苏珊·波伊首张专辑《曾有梦》有望成为年度畅销专辑,与此同时,苏珊的一期个人特别节目将亮相美国电视台

    Susan Boyle has landed her own us television special as her debut album I Dreamed a Dream shapes up to become the year's fastest seller.


  • 美国“名嘴”西蒙·考埃主持《美国偶像》真人节目评价歌手表现平淡(insipid)”,之后,韦氏网站上这个查询率迅速上升

    After Simon Cowell, the acid-tongued host of the television show "American Idol," called one singer "insipid," Merriam-Webster noticed a dramatic spike in the number of lookups for the word.


  • 凭借《英国达人》成名苏珊·博伊表演成为今年YouTube受欢迎的视频在全球拥有超过1.2亿观众

    Susan Boyle, who made her name on the TV show Britain's Got Talent, topped ratings for 2009's most watched video on YouTube, with more than 120m viewers worldwide.


  • 卡门·十六了,正坐在白蒂雅角酒店的洗衣房里兰·邓波儿酒﹡,已是今晚第五杯了。

    Carmen Elcira was 16 years old, sitting in a laundry room in Punta Paitilla, and drinking her fifth Shirley Temple of the evening.


  • 一些报道暗示颇具传奇色彩时尚女魔头、《vogue》的总编安娜•温图,对于最近巴黎时装上盖文森自己的坐次问题,有点愠。

    Some reports suggest that Anna Wintour, the legendary and feared editor-in-chief of Vogue, was not best pleased when Miss Gevinson was given a better seat than her at a recent Paris couture show.


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