• 成为全美棒球大联盟第四位日本球手

    Hideki Irabu will become the fourth Japanese player to make the grade in Major League.


  • 小岛秀夫西方游戏比作好莱坞的作品面向全世界

    Kojima likens Western game development to Hollywood, with its products being made for the entire world, and reveals that his team is currently receiving "a makeover from the ground up."


  • 当地警方发言人最新证实死亡是,78的平山秀夫南部福冈县的泥浆里。

    The latest confirmed fatality was a 78-year-old Hideo Hirayama who was buried under mud in southern Fukuoka prefecture, a local police spokesman said.


  • 棒球联赛中经过几个星期的甩热身日本投球手野间秀夫终于星期二出现扬基体育场上

    After weeks warming up his throwing arm in minor league matches, Japanese picher Hideki Irabu at last mode it to the Yankees stadium on Tuesday.


  • 星期六,野间秀夫参加了哥伦布快船队迎战托莱多队的国际比赛但是全美棒球联赛舞台正向他招手。

    On Saturday, Hideki Irabu turned out for the Columbus Clippers in an international league game against Toledo, But the Big stage, the Major League is beckoning.


  • 日本第一生命经济研究所首席经济学熊野秀夫说:“一般说来男性收入总体上会比女性高得经济恶化受到的打击也大得多。”

    "Basically, men's salaries were much higher in general, and they took a much bigger hit when the economy worsened," said Hideo Kumano, chief economist at the Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.


  • 要了解西方开发商如何制作他们FPS游戏以及管理他们的团队对于小岛秀夫要的游戏全球化的目标,开发西方风格的游戏看上去并不令人惊奇了。

    He may simply be doing so to gain insight on how Western developers structure and manage their teams, but an FPS made with the West in mind might not seem so surprising coming from the worldly Kojima.


  • 俄罗斯斯塔罗波尔,只参加走猫咪起了眼睛

    A cat closes its eyes during a cat show in Stavropol, Russia.


  • 哈伦裤最早出现3年前·圣罗兰此后便迅速普及成了炙手可热的单品。

    These were first seen on the catwalk at Yves Saint Laurent 3 years ago, and have been churned out by every high street label since.


  • 诺维科一直是吸收外来想法早期典范,例如去年俄国电视真人学徒”节目的负责人。

    He has been an early exponent of other imported ideas: last year he was the front man for the Russian version of the reality television show, “The Apprentice”.


  • 周六晚上慈善时装,鸠山由纪身着勃艮第西装,挂着趾高气扬笑容那风趣幽默的共舞

    It was Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a Burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show.


  • 多个装系列,同年她因圣洛朗的服装担任主震惊许多人

    Fortunately, these distractions did not sway her: she roamed the runways for several fall collections and astounded so many that she headlined the Yves Saint Laurent show that same year.


  • 其他一些值得一提的二轮包括c.j迈尔斯,伊利亚·索瓦,罗尼图里亚马辛戈塔特,冯韦佛里安·戈麦斯

    Other useful second-rounders from that draft include C.J Miles, Ersan Ilyasova, Ronny Turiaf, Marcin Gortat, Von Wafer and Ryan Gomes.


  • 跟踪五位令人难忘创业家我们今年对其进行特别报道,包括叛逆面包师电视真人(reality - TV)明星高曼

    Catch up with five unforgettable entrepreneurs we featured this year, including rebel baker and reality-TV star Duff Goldman.


  • 柯南·克里斯托·欧布莱恩(Conan Christophero' Brien)生于1963年4月18日美国脱口主持人喜剧表演员作家制作人

    Conan Christopher o 'brien (born April 18, 1963) is an American television host, comedian, writer, producer and performer.


  • 人们仍然争论梅德韦杰真心亲民,还是演技。

    People still argue about whether Mr Medvedev's affability was sincere, or a stunt.


  • 今年“狗狗”的得胜者只名叫“斯”的牛头梗狗。

    This year's " Best is Show "was " Rufus", a bull terrier.


  • 贝尔巴托2008年九月曼联对阵利物浦的比赛中上演处子

    Dimitar Berbatov made his United debut against Liverpool at Anfield in September 2008.


  • 陈庭,在陈庭死后,希望身上找到更多关于陈庭生命轨迹,那些陈庭不愿提起过去

    City man in love with Chen Ting, Ting Chen's death, it would be to show the body more sensitive to find out more about the life trajectory of Chen Ting, Ting Chen reluctant to talk about that past.


  • 这些不同只存在与想象中,而非现实就如石油大亨也是普金竞争对手米哈伊尔•霍多尔斯基第二次审判证明的那样,这场滑稽剧般的审判梅德韦杰注视下进行。

    These are more notional than real, as the farcical second show trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil boss and a Putin rival, which is taking place on Mr Medvedev's watch, demonstrates.


  • 布莱顿最新的一电视节目上播国际厨师交流”,这档真人节目将荷兰英国的厨师互换身份,各自体验彼此的几天生活

    Latest TV has "International Chef Exchange", a reality show in which Dutch and English cooks swap lives for a few days.


  • 丹尼尔·雷德·克雷急切盼着能够上《欢乐合唱团》客串一把,好好自己新学的歌舞能力

    Daniel Radcliffe is desperate to land a role in hit TV show Glee so he can show off his newly-acquired singing and dancing skills.


  • 红线女扮演足智多谋妻子唐氏(简称唐氏),宋唐氏援助一个叫杨珍的妇人,杨被诬毒害姚廷美

    Hong Xiannu plays his resourceful wife, nee Tang (Song Tang Shi or simply Tang Shi), who wants to aid a woman, Yang Xiuzhen, who was wrongly accused of having poisoned her husband, Yao Tingmei.


  • 伊森另外一个例子昨晚树在教室友亚拉怎么日语骂人

    Ethan: Another example is last night. Hideki was teaching my roommate Jaroslav to (5) curse in Japanese.


  • 有一部NBC电视台1984 至1992 年流行电视节目叫“斯比“,明星比尔- 考斯比由克利- 哈克斯代博扮演菲莉西亚- 雷沙德扮演妻子克莱尔

    One of the most popular TV shows ever was "The Cosby Show, " on NBC from nineteen eighty-four to nineteen ninety-two. It starred Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair.


  • 有一部NBC电视台1984 至1992 年流行电视节目叫“斯比“,明星比尔- 考斯比由克利- 哈克斯代博扮演菲莉西亚- 雷沙德扮演妻子克莱尔

    One of the most popular TV shows ever was "The Cosby Show, " on NBC from nineteen eighty-four to nineteen ninety-two. It starred Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair.


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