• 日本经济产业省原子安全和保安院14日宣布,岛第一核电站3机组当地时间11时01分(北京时间10时01分)发生氢气爆炸反应堆所在建筑遭到损坏,但是放置反应堆容器损坏的可性很小。 保安呼吁周围居民尽量待室内。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Monday that hydrogen blast occurred at the No. 3 nuclear reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 02:01 GMT (11:01 local time).


  • 对此,斯坦表示:“今天我们脂肪胆固醇困扰是因为我们随时超市这些食品将自己填饱。”

    "We have an obsession today with fat and cholesterol because we can go to the market and stuff ourselves with it," Stanford said.


  • 岛县反应器关闭的时候,应该核心汲取的水冷却。

    When the reactor at Fukushima shut down, it should have been kept cool by water pumped through the core.


  • 为了更好的观察它们斯坦分子细胞生理学教授斯蒂芬·史密斯以及团队研发了一种称作层面摄影法的方法。

    To get a better look at them, Stephen Smith, a professor of molecular and cellular physiology at Stanford, and his team developed a process called array tomography.


  • 他们认为传的时机希望教会传递社会公益信息和举办相关活动

    They said they hoped the local Church could grasp this evangelization opportunity by holding many activities for the public good.


  • 尔森:“薄荷醇刺激受体,给人一种凉飕飕感觉。”

    "Menthol stimulates cold receptors, so it produces a cooling sensation," Foulds said.


  • 上周核电站附近海水进行放射检测的结果要比普通海水1,250——但是周末数据已经攀升1,850倍。

    Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1,250 times higher than normal last week - but that number had climbed to 1,850 times normal by the weekend.


  • 上周核电站附近海水进行放射检测的结果要比普通海水1,250——但是周末数据已经攀升1,850倍。

    Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1, 250 times higher than normal last week - but that number had climbed to 1, 850 times normal by the weekend.


  • 如果这种效率转到泛欧交易所,则法兰克伦敦交易所必须降价应对

    If it can bring some of that efficiency to Euronext, Frankfurt and London will have to respond with price cuts of their own.


  • 事实上,斯坦有点沮丧因为找到星虫一种属于星虫动物奇怪动物,如果找到,那么发现的动物种类正好是十个

    Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten.


  • 大二的时候感觉这里一起约会根本没有,”克里斯托,她女生比例达55%的纽约坦莫大学高年级生。

    "By my sophomore year, I just had the feeling that there is nobody in this school that I could date," said Ashley Crisostomo, a senior at Fordham University in New York, which is 55 percent female.


  • 原子机构总干事之弥星期一会议开始时,就岛核灾难一事,提出了最新的进展报告。

    IAEA chief Yukio Amano gave an update on the Fukushima disaster as he opened the meeting on Monday.


  • 虽然最近几个月来人类学研究一直没有停止争论欧洲之间关系但是现在为止,还没有达到史丹的思想高度如此清楚、公开地阐述一论点。

    Debate over a European connection has dogged anthropology in recent months, though until now no one of Stanford's stature had stated it so un-equivocally and publicly.


  • 星期五早些时候日本原子保安院的一名官员记者披露岛核电站3反应堆受到的损坏的消息。

    Earlier Friday, an official with Japan's nuclear regulatory agency told reporters about the possible damage to the reactor core, which is located in Fukushima's number three unit.


  • 原子力安全保安事件描述昨天得到位于奥地利维也纳国际原子机构的支持,他们5派出一个真相调查团。

    NISA's version of events was backed up yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which sent a fact-finding mission to Fukushima in May.


  • 巴马继承罗斯统一全国

    Mr Obama will follow FDR in uniting the country.


  • 由于3月11日大地震,日本岛的核电站中的反应堆停止了运行(其他三个早就停运了),搞得很清楚这里面到底出了啥子状况。

    No one understands yet all the things that went wrong in the three Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors that were shut down by the March 11 earthquake (the other three were already shut down).


  • 我们宝宝看上去有点要是我们那样微笑的话那么全家会更好看可惜呀!

    Our baby looked a little bit tired, if she could smile like us, then the family pictures would be much more nicer, what a pity!


  • 如果正在寻找一个欣赏更多风景不仅仅只是高楼林立的地方,那么必须前往加尼尼亚

    If you are looking for a venue that offers more in terms of scenery than just a concrete jungle, then you must head to California.


  • 觉得电视本身既不是也不是如果我们正确使用,我们就可以从中受益避免伤害

    As far as I am concerned, television itself is neither a blessing nor a curse. If we use it properly, we can benefit from it and avoid its harmfulness.


  • 这些漩涡收紧成为龙卷风那样的结构吸入正在燃烧残骸燃烧气体菲尔解释道

    These eddies can tighten into a tornado-like structure that sucks in burning debris and combustible gases, RMRC's Forthofer explained.


  • 国际原子表示大地震中受损的日本核电站继续泄漏核辐射但是科学家确定核辐射究竟是从哪里泄露出来

    The International Atomic Energy Agency says radiation is still leaking from the earthquake-stricken nuclear plant at Fukushima in Japan, but scientists are unsure exactly where it's coming from.


  • 斯坦研究小组转换效率已经达到17%的太阳电池中添加钙钛矿时,他们测到一个功率很小的增加,达17.9%。

    When the Stanford group addedperovskite to silicon solar cells whose efficiency was already 17 percent, forexample, they measured a much smaller increase in power output, to 17.9percent.


  • 这些活泼、精力旺盛的,体形从小到大都有,体形较小有罗梗、凯安梗及西部高地梗,体形高大的有万梗等。

    These are feisty energetic dogs whose sizes range from fairly small as in the Norfolk cairn or west highland white terrier to the grand airedale terrier.


  • 接近公司运动替都。。舍恩。安杰瑞声明中保证大量获得替诺绝活关键的。

    "Securing wider access to TDF (Tenofovir) is absolutely crucial, " Tido von Schoen-Angerer of the group's Access Campaign, said in a statement.


  • 对准雷斯特小屋定向扩音器几百远的地方捕捉里面的人所说的任何一句话

    The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.


  • 促进细胞内的循环流动进而降低细胞分裂速度——细胞分裂在保证我们身体正常运转的同时也是导致我们衰老的罪魁祸首。

    Metformin helps to increase oxygen flow on the cellular level, thereby slowing the necessary cell divisions that keep our bodies both functioning correctly but ultimately lead to aging.


  • 促进细胞内的循环流动进而降低细胞分裂速度——细胞分裂在保证我们身体正常运转的同时也是导致我们衰老的罪魁祸首。

    Metformin helps to increase oxygen flow on the cellular level, thereby slowing the necessary cell divisions that keep our bodies both functioning correctly but ultimately lead to aging.


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