• 福瑞斯越南时害怕吗?

    Hey, Forrest? Were you scared in Vietnam?


  • 我会想念福瑞斯

    I will miss you, Forrest.


  • 而实际上福瑞斯特为现代社会创造了一个新的神话:无知

    Actually, Forrest creates a new mantra for the modern world: ignorance is bliss.


  • 你好福瑞·特——福瑞斯特。甘普,吃巧克力吗?

    Forrest: Hello, my name is Forrest-Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate?


  • 生活福瑞戈兹希尔的“淘气明显邻居花园由于塑料防水缘故也没注意到脚下的池子

    Mischief, who lives in Godshill in the New Forest, had apparently wandered into a neighbour's garden - unaware of the pool because of a plastic tarpaulin sheet.


  • Stella采用杰伊·福瑞斯大型计算机上制订动态系统方法,再把移植苹果电脑可视化界面上。

    Stella takes the dynamic systems approach worked out by Jay Forrester on mainframe computers and ports it over to the visual interface of a Macintosh.


  • 根据项来自福瑞斯特尔市场调查公司统计:44%的欧洲消费者表示对捆绑式服务没有兴趣,49%的人表示如果折扣可能会有兴趣。

    In a survey it carried out, 44% of European consumers said they were not interested in such service bundles, though 49% said they might be interested if there was a discount.


  • 是什么逻辑啊——尤其是哈克德瑞福尔刚刚还在支持哲学和批判性思考争辩

    Where's the logic here-especially since Hacker and Dreifus have just been arguing in favor of philosophy and critical thinking?


  • 私营情报公司达福中东分析员瑞瓦·巴勒表示搜集情报中情局基本工作

    Reva Bhalla, Middle East analyst for the private intelligence firm, Stratfor, says gathering intelligence is the most basic function of the CIA.


  • 新南威尔士澳大利亚大学玛丽瑞福认为,采取这种措施能够缓解正在受海平面上升困扰的国家法律问题但是不能完全根除。

    Adopting this idea would ease, but not totally solve, the legal problems created by disappearing states, according to Rosemary Rayfuse, a law professor at Australia's University of New South Wales.


  • 不过似乎今晚仪式上演员们包括英国女星海伦米伦科林凯瑞‧穆里根,已经不好意思接受奢侈的礼物了。

    Yet it seems that actors at tonight's ceremony – who include British stars Helen Mirren, Colin Firth and Carey Mulliganhave been shying away from accepting the lavish giveaways.


  • 但是戛纳电影节艺术总监泰瑞·福瑞,他们不会有意“照顾”知名电影导演。

    But Thierry Fremaux, artistic director of the festival, says there was no deliberate promotion of well-known filmmakers.


  • 福瑞德·西格尔,《城市杂志特约编辑曼哈顿研究所高级研究员布鲁克林弗朗西学院校教授。

    Fred Siegel is a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a scholar in residence at St. Francis College in Brooklyn.


  • 有人会听到福兰西 加布瑞尔演唱的浪漫民谣不渝》;有的则听到的是由文森特 德莱姆带来的“中性歌曲”《饮茶时间》。

    They heard either a romantic ballad – Je L'aime a Mourir (I Love Her to Death) by Francis Cabrel, or L'heure du The (Time For Tea) by Vincent Delerm which was classed as neutral.


  • 坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的桑德拉埃罗尔德家里,这个名叫特拉维黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 布鲁·德·阿尔弗雷德,哈格瑞福。莫尼卡,。鲁伯特提供了有价值建议

    Alfred Broaddus, Monica Hargraves, and Robert King have provided valuable comments.


  • 福瑞·研究机构的分析师苏卡利塔,穆尔·普鲁亚马逊经验说明无论是网络实体交易目前经济消费型态偏向于折扣零售商

    Forrester Research analyst Sucharita Mulpuru said Amazon's experience shows the current economy is favoring discount retailers, both online and offline.


  • “家里孩子学生时代家族企业工作比例差不多100%,”FamilyBusinessInstitute总裁韦恩•瑞表示,“有些事情的。”

    "The rate of children working for the family business while students is virtually 100%, " said Wayne Rivers, president of the Family Business Institute. "There's always something to do."


  • 卡瑞尔·福格特生活美国内布拉加州林肯市,1959开始查尔·塔克伟泽约会

    Caril Fugate lived in Lincoln, Nebraska, and in 1956, she started dating Charles Starkweather (five years her senior).


  • 杜福·瑞先生请描述一下太太那天晚上之间的争执。

    Mr Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife at the night she was murdered.


  • 吧,卢福杰瑞这个家伙在一起开心吗?。

    Hey, come on, Rufus, could you have fun with mean old Jerry?


  • 柏林牧师亨瑞·得福对于现在天使充斥市场现实非常不满。

    Protestant minister Hinrich Westphal of Hamburg is critical of the way angels are marketed nowadays.


  • 地狱离婚吧。”根据邻居证词曾经说过句话吗?杜福·瑞先生

    "I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reino." Those were the words, you used Mr Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbours?


  • 瑞福拉··劳伦蒂陈述中没有给出他父亲的死亡原因

    The statement from Raffaella De Laurentiis did not give a cause of death.


  • 发挥职业选手一样加西亚辛格福瑞,卡米洛·维莱加廷·3不同世界各地斐济美国山脉和英国乡村

    Play pro golfers like Sergio Garcia, Vijay Singh, Jim Furyk, Camilo Villegas and Justin Rose in 3 varied locations around the world: Fiji Island, American Mountains and English countryside.


  • 瑞德福·米尔农场位于靠近的山地郊野,我们第一站。

    Radford Mill in the hilly country near 3 Bath was our first farm.


  • 经典音乐部门最大限度利用网络方面做好的工作。”福瑞·研究公司的数字音乐分析师马克·马·利根说。

    "The classical-music sector has done a very good job of maximizing the opportunity of the Internet," notes Mark Mulligan, a digital music analyst at Forrester Research.


  • 个古罗马生育节,每年215日举行,人们会一天献祭罗马神福纳以及罗马建立者罗穆

    Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.


  • 美国选手萨拉fabyan夫人福瑞·哈默·利,福瑞达·詹姆英国怀特曼球员其中温网击败伦敦,1939年628日6 - 2,6 - 3,比赛。

    American player Sarah Fabyan, during her match with Mrs. Freda Hammersley, the former Freda James, the British Wightman Cup player, whom she beat 6-2, 6-3, at Wimbledon, London, on June 28, 1939.


  • 美国选手萨拉fabyan夫人福瑞·哈默·利,福瑞达·詹姆英国怀特曼球员其中温网击败伦敦,1939年628日6 - 2,6 - 3,比赛。

    American player Sarah Fabyan, during her match with Mrs. Freda Hammersley, the former Freda James, the British Wightman Cup player, whom she beat 6-2, 6-3, at Wimbledon, London, on June 28, 1939.


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