• 据接近此事的消息人士周五透露,目上述检查官至少已经包括雷曼首席执行官尔德在内相关证人发出了一传票

    Lehman Brothers, issuing at least a dozen subpoenas including one to the chief executive.


  • 为了与自己的亲戚得更近一些,努努一家不久刚刚位于新罕布什尔州东南部的勒姆镇搬到了汉普顿尔斯

    The Sununus recently moved from Salem to Hampton Falls to be closer to relatives.


  • 使达到了在25这个发生切尔诺贝利灾难高度(尽管岛泄露的放射性物质只是切尔诺贝利泄露的十分之一,而且没有于泄露的放射性物质)。

    That places it on a par with the Chernobyl disaster 25 years ago this month (though the radiation released at Fukushima is only a tenth of Chernobyl's, and nobody has died from it yet).


  • 沃尔威茨:“,正是这个大厅里,提出个宏伟的愿景,一个标志着人类进步希望的愿景。”

    "Five years ago, a remarkable vision was laid out in this very hall," Wolfowitz said. "a vision which spelled progress and hope for humanity."


  • 24张长搬进这间房子,这里还是一个小村庄当地大队农场工作默默养育着家庭

    When Zhang moved into his house 24 years ago it was in a village. He worked on the local collective farm and quietly supported his family.


  • 24张长搬进这间房子,这里还是一个小村庄

    When Zhang moved into his house 24 years ago it was in a village.


  • 同样争论在之后的1912年响起,当时这个奖项给了罗斯国务卿伊莱休·鲁特

    The same argument would be heard in 1912, when the prize was awarded to Roosevelt’s former secretary of state, Elihu Root.


  • 中,这名法兰克队员发现自己机会用身体接触影响埃的身体平衡,并断掉埃辛脚下足球,于是他用全身的力气将自己的肩膀向埃辛。

    He had spotted the opportunity to knock an off-balance Michael Essien off the ball in a pre-season fixture two weeks ago and he had slammed his shoulder into him with all of his force.


  • 20本月,沃尔威茨来到雅加达,就任美国印度尼西亚大使

    It was 20 years ago this month that Wolfowitz took his post in Jakarta as United States' Ambassador to Indonesia.


  • 王邦领事表示最终调查结果公布不便更多评论此事,但领事馆尽力保证蒋海松的合法权利得到妥善保护,确保庭审公正性

    Wang did not comment further on the case until final investigation results were out, implying that the consulate will work to ensure Jiang gets a fair trial and his legal rights are fully protected.


  • 1876年,加州州长利兰·斯坦旧金山购买了650英亩农场作为自己的乡村住所,开始建造著名帕拉托畜牧场

    In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm.


  • 如果回想20或者25斯坦中确实没有人对此进行研究

    But if you go back, 20 years ago or 25 years ago, it didn't really exist in Stanford long field.


  • 该岛巴利阿里群岛大岛之一,(三个岛为梅诺卡岛、伊比沙门特拉岛)公元二世纪成为罗马殖民地

    The island is oneof the four major Balearic Islandsthe others are Menorca, Ibiza, and Formenteraand it was colonized by the Romans in the secondcentury B.C.


  • 去年排名城市苏黎世杰尼瓦温哥华维也纳奥克兰杜塞道夫法兰克慕尼黑伯尔尼悉尼

    Last year the top ten cities were Zurich, Geneva, Vancouver, Vienna, Auckland, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Bern and Sydney.


  • 安切洛蒂应该肯定提醒过队员不久的安菲尔德,利物浦如何以节奏中场统治力让曼联疲于奔命的,他应该已要求队员在斯坦如法炮制

    Ancelotti would certainly have reminded his players how Liverpool's tempo and midfield determination clearly unsettled United at Anfield recently, and would have demanded similar here.


  • 自从荷兰克尔飞机制造公司10破产后,TAM公司一直逐步更换掉自己旗下克尔飞机

    TAM has been replacing its Fokker planes since the Dutch aircraft maker went bankrupt 10 years ago.


  • 马尔堡出血热最初德国的马尔堡和法兰克以及南斯拉夫贝尔格兰德市同时出现暴发之后被人类发现的。

    Marburg haemorrhagic fever was initially detected following simultaneous outbreaks in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany and Belgrade, former Yugoslavia.


  • 王邦领事表示最终调查结果公布不便更多评论此事,但领事馆尽力保证蒋海松的合法权利得到妥善保护,确保庭审公正性

    Wang did not comment further on the case until final investigation results were out, implying that the consulate will work to ensure Jiang gets a fair trial and his legal rights are fully protected


  • 当时来自麻省麦迪·图·斯特大学化学家大卫·沃尔特顾问,来自哈佛大学的化学家乔治白边一起组队,他们一起提出了一个向引信中加入一系列金属盐的想法。

    At the time David Walt, a chemist at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, teamed up with his former adviser George Whitesides, a chemist at Harvard University.


  • 德国瑞士城市生活质量排行上表现相当抢眼,苏黎世慕尼黑杜塞尔多夫法兰克日内瓦以及伯尔尼均位列

    German and Swiss cities also performed especially well in the quality of living rankings, with Zurich, Munich, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva and Bern in the top 10.


  • 种正在开发技术应用斯坦研究所的PenRad透视雷达技术,士兵进入一栋建筑就能看到里面的情况。

    Also under development is a system that USES SRI's PenRad penetrating-radar technology to allow soldiers to see inside a building before entering it.


  • 他们8开始交往,当时他们都就读于法安德鲁斯大学在那里他们合租套住所

    They began dating eight years ago while studying at st Andrews University in Fife, where they Shared a house.


  • 从麦凯恩这方面讲话就泰迪.罗斯的一样,抨击华尔街要求证券交易委员会ChrisCox辞职

    McCain, for his part, has talked like Teddy Roosevelt in recent weeks, railing against Wall Street and calling for SEC chairman Chris Cox's head.


  • 与Fodor博士不同斯坦研究者利用被称为探针”的合成DNA,然后其利用机器人放置“标记”玻片之上。

    Unlike Dr Fodor's method, the Stanford researchers used pre-synthesised DNA strands, called probes, that were placed or “spotted” on the slide by a robot.


  • 最高法院法官Sandra Dayo'Connor斯坦经济学专业。

    Sandra Day o 'connor, former Supreme Court Justice, majored in economics at Stanford.


  • 2007年,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)首席执行官迪克·尔德(DickFuld)认为,尽管算术上信用在不断增长几何学上来说,却是在下降。

    In 2007 Dick Fuld, the former head of Lehman Brothers, observed that whereas credit grows arithmetically, it shrinks geometrically.


  • 拉菲先生自己3因为尼亚高税收田纳西州

    Mr Laffer himself left California for low-tax Tennessee three years ago because he felt that bad taxes were destroying the state’s economy.


  • 拉菲先生自己3因为尼亚高税收田纳西州

    Mr Laffer himself left California for low-tax Tennessee three years ago because he felt that bad taxes were destroying the state’s economy.


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