• 环境评估旨在环境、社会经济考虑纳入项目规划设计实施的过程。

    Environmental assessments are processes which aim to integrate environmental, social and economic concerns into project planning, design and implementation.


  • 也有人担心公民社会组织纳入共同努力可能还是问题

    But some fear that the inclusion of civil society groups in the health effort may still be an issue.


  • 哪些社会媒体工作纳入非营利组织资源或是建议呢?

    What resources or tips do you have to getting the social media job in your nonprofit organization?


  • 制定一项纳入有关流行病学社会科学方法通用方案明确结核病规划范围影响获得服务治疗障碍以及与性别有关的问题

    Develop a generic protocol incorporating appropriate epidemiological and social science methods to identify barriers and to confront gender-related problems of access to and care within TB programmes.


  • 依照前款缴纳罚款全部纳入道路交通事故社会救助基金

    The fines paid in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be totally included into the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents.


  • 最后社会网络服务(就最近被Nokia收购Twango)也开始把在线存储纳入他们的业务框架。

    Finally, social networking services such as Twango, recently acquired by Nokia, have online storage as an essential part of their make-up.


  • 一些银行包括Goldmansachsubs开始环境社会管治问题纳入他们资产净值研究

    Some of the big Banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, have started to integrate environmental, social and governance issues in some of their equity research.


  • 所以我们现在努力确保社会性别的意义纳入我们的一切工作土地所有权设计社会保障制度,到基础设施工程建设

    So we'll now work to ensure that the implications for gender are embedded in everything we do, from land-titling, to designing social security systems, to infrastructure projects.


  • 当今世界上吸烟不再被认为是大多数社会交际方面可以接受的行为,因此社会问题也可以纳入一系列吸烟理由之中。

    In today's world smoking is no longer considered socially acceptable by the majority of people, so social problems might be included in a list of reasons for not starting to smoke.


  • 当前我国社会同样面临身份契约转变有着将契约因素纳入刑事诉讼中需要

    At present, our society is faced with the same identity to the contract by changing the factors have to be incorporated into the contract to the needs of criminal proceedings.


  • TRIPS协议医药产品纳入专利保护范围以后,引发了国际社会药品专利公共健康二者利益如何平衡的争执。

    After the medical products came into the scope of patent protection by TRIPS agreement, international com - munity debated how to balance the interests between drug patents and public health.


  • 研究结果显示:社会地位纳入考量范围时,年长妈妈们的宝宝拥有更强能力

    The findings showed greater ability among children born to older mothers once social class was taken into account.


  • 社会性别意识纳入公共政策对于改善女性地位、调整原有的性别利益格局,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is important to raise gender awareness among policy makers and bring a gender perspective in public policy in order to respond to gender issues and improve womens status.


  • 可以采用农村保险方式农业保险纳入农村社会保障体系更好解决农民面临风险问题

    The rural insurance can be adopted to bring crop insurance into the rural social security system so that it will be better to deal with the risk and problems that face farmers.


  • 依照前款缴纳罚款全部纳入道路交通事故社会救助基金

    All the fines paid in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be incorporated into the social aid fund for road traffic accidents.


  • 重新定义“家庭功能地位以便社会纳入自身政策组成部分

    To redefine the status and function of the "family" in order for society at large to make this new social reality part of their policies.


  • 由于跨国公司全球运营国际贸易社会人际网络,各个区域的地方产业网络被价值链纳入全球经济系统

    The global operation of MNC, international trade and social network bring the local industrial network into the global economic system through value chain.


  • 文学作品一旦纳入社会成为了一话语’。

    Once literary works are put into a social context, they become a kind of discourse.


  • 霍桑在创作《福传奇》时的确有意无意地把美国社会权力运作机制纳入视域

    While writing the Blithedale Romance, actually Hawthorne has taken the working system of American social power into consideration, whether he realizes it or not.


  • 商品化现代社会生活中新出现一种权利类型国际组织美国一些发达国家已经将其纳入法律保护范围

    Merchandising fight is a new kind of right, it have included in the scope of legal protection by international organizations and the United States and some other developed countries.


  • 乡土社会现实状况表明如果一切乡土冲突强行纳入制定法统辖范围,结果适得其反

    The real conditions of rural society indicate that the result may be just the opposite to what is expected if all the rural conflicts are compulsorily brought into the ruling of statutes.


  • 决定纳入利比里亚社会

    And I have decided to be integrated into Liberian society.


  • 通过对以上国际合作项目设计数据收集方法学发现回顾和整理研究发现仅有很少的项目和研究纳入社会性别的观点

    By examining research design, data collection, methodology and findings of, those studies, the author finds that few studies have taken gender issues into consideration.


  • 监护制度功能深入理解有助于我们在立法和实践层面进行探索,尝试将包括老年人在内更多社会弱势纳入监护制度的保护范围。

    This profound interpretation of the function of guardianship may be beneficial for us to cover more social vulnerable members, including the elders, under the protection of guardianship.


  • 在本普遍说法:本我并不去“说服”大脑忽略社会规范而是思考行为”的时候根本没有社会规范纳入范围内。

    A popular interpretation of the id is not that it is "convincing" the mind to ignore social norms, but rather in itself just does not take social norms into account when 'thinking' or 'acting'.


  • 休闲作为一个新的社会经济文化现象学者纳入哲学经济学社会文化学研究视野

    Leisure, as a new phenomenon of economy and culture in society, has been studied by scholars from the perspective of philosophy, economics, sociology and culture studies.


  • 我们立法机构必须社会问题纳入立法进程之中,否则长期以来破坏社会稳定

    It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda; otherwise it will upset stability of this nation in the long run.


  • 我们立法机构必须社会问题纳入立法进程之中,否则长期以来破坏社会稳定

    It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda; otherwise it will upset stability of this nation in the long run.


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