• 这些费用包括健康社会照顾以及损失收益

    That includes the cost of health and social care as well as the loss of earnings.


  • 远距描述任何服务一般自己家中带来健康社会照顾直接用户信息通信技术支持

    Telecare describes any service that brings health and social care directly to a user, generally in their homes, supported by information and communication technology.


  • 提要:项调查显示三分之一社会照顾管理人员资金短缺视作工作中的最大障碍另外三分之一认为官僚作风影响工作。

    One third of social care managers see a lack of resources as the biggest obstacle to success at work and a further third cite bureaucracy, a survey published yesterday says.


  • 关于看护性别规范社会期望可能会使男性更难照顾生病配偶

    Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses.


  • 性别规范关于照料家人的社会期望可能会使男性更难照顾生病配偶。”Karraker

    "Gender norms and social ex-pectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses,"Karraker said.


  • 社会工作者发现妻子通常会尽其所亲自照顾自己丈夫,以免耗尽他们生活积蓄

    Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings.


  • 社会工作者老龄问题专家看护人和潜在的看护人安排照顾老年亲属方面提供帮助

    Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative.


  • 话说,父母国家深切关注的,原因很明显照顾孩子不仅在道德上是非常需要而且社会未来至关重要

    What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society.


  • 美国社会体制母亲应该待在家里照顾孩子

    Under the old system in America, a mother was supposed to stay home and take care of her children.


  • 不仅照顾着我们,而且每天都在治疗新冠肺炎患者,无私地为社会服务。

    Not only was he taking care of us, but also he has been treating patients with COVID-19 every day and serving the community selflessly.


  • 我们人类社会中,当一个孩子的父母因为某种或多种原因不幸去世,或者其父母病重而无法照顾自己时,这个孩子就得找一个寄养家庭,尤其当他还是个婴儿或年龄较小时。

    In our human society, when a child's parents meet their unfortunate deaths for a certain reason or reasons, or its parents become too sick to look after it, this child will have to find a foster family, especially when it is a baby or at a very young age.


  • 只是到了后来当地社会服务机构他们正在调查这个孩子是否得到了恰当的照顾

    Only later did the local social services say they were investigating to see whether the baby would be properly looked after.


  • 相反哥特式小说中,不接受的再生人希望得到创作者的认可照顾,并且努力融入社会

    Instead, the rejected creation pleads to be accepted, and cared for, by its creator and tries hard to fit in with society.


  • 作为一个社会工作者以她怜悯心而闻名:她一直照顾20年前车祸丧生弟弟两个孩子

    A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.


  • 穿着漂亮衣服可以显示社会地位身份,突出的身材且说明你懂得照顾自己

    Wearing nice clothes demonstrate social status; accentuate your physical features and shows that you take care of yourself.


  • 他们绝对相信只有长老承担着照顾世界责任社会其他人职责功能就是确保他们这样

    The belief of the Mamos in their responsibility for taking care of the world is absolute, and it's the duty and function of the rest of their society to ensure they do that.


  • 社会男人自身对于男性体重态度造成服务体系没有真正照顾男人。

    The result of society's and men's own attitude to men's weight is that services do not really cater well for men.


  • 这种自律来自所有日本人从小灌输社会从众性,来自照顾自己责任感以及陌生人添麻烦心理。

    It comes from the social conformity that is imposed on all Japanese from an early age, as well as from the duty to take care of one's own and the fear of causing trouble to strangers.


  • 多年以来就是忠诚伴侣扮演传统妻子角色照顾生病的简、处理社会信函安排旅行计划。

    Over the years she became Jane's devoted companion, virtually playing the role of a traditional wife: tending to her when she was ill, handling her social correspondence, making travel arrangements.


  • 主张近期不会实现,因为社会愿意无私照顾美国小孩人不多。

    It's not going to happen soon. There are no patrols of social workers ready to abscond with the fat kids of America.


  • 根据国际精神健康中心调查,忧郁症使社会百分之一到五的老年人苦恼对于受到家庭照顾公共机构中的来说就常见了。

    Major depression afflicts 1 to 5 percent of seniors living in the community, and it's far more common among those in home care and institutions, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.


  • 未来主要还是想照顾家庭继续我的社会活动

    My main thought for the next 10 years is to look after my family and continue my community activities.


  • 一张龙张欢照顾自己两岁表弟,不得已上学照片被上传到网络本人获得了全社会同情以及媒体关注

    Long Zhanghuan won widespread sympathy and media attention after a photo went online showing her carrying her 2-year-old cousin to school because she had to take care of him.


  • 历史上所有社会里,或者至少现在女性都承担照顾老人小孩责任和负担。

    In all societies, at least for now, women shoulder most of the burden of looking after children and ageing parents.


  • 田鼠一夫一妻行为表现为紧密社会依附照顾后代意愿结合

    Monogamy in voles takes the form of a deep social attachment combined with a willingness to care for offspring.


  • 其他人则家里工作收养孤儿照顾他人跨越冲突线修补社会组织出现裂痕。

    Others work in their families, taking in orphans, serving as caregivers and reaching across lines of conflict to mend tears in the social fabric.


  • 其他人则家里工作收养孤儿照顾他人跨越冲突线修补社会组织出现裂痕。

    Others work in their families, taking in orphans, serving as caregivers and reaching across lines of conflict to mend tears in the social fabric.


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