• 作为美国人同时作为我们人类,我们追求既是平安生活,还是尊严社会意识这些都是工作赋予

    As Americans, and as human beings, we seek not only the security, but the sense of dignity, the sense of community, that work confers.


  • 我们大家着力创造一个公正仁爱社会给予所有人真正尊严权利

    Let us dedicate ourselves to creating a fair and caring society that affords true dignity and rights for all.


  • 进而这些女性社会孤立排斥累及她们尊严

    It furthers these women's isolation and social exclusion, and compromises their dignity.


  • 敦促所有社会成员确保食物如果不能实现一点便是人类尊严一种侵犯

    He urged all members of society to ensure the right to food, the non-fulfillment of which is a violation of human dignity.


  • 然而冰岛成功地抑制了失业率上升限制容易受到威胁的人群所遭受的痛苦;社会安全保障体系完好无损,冰岛社会最基本尊严也没有受到损害。

    But it has managed to limit both the rise in unemployment and the suffering of the most vulnerable; the social safety net has survived intact, as has the basic decency of its society.


  • 他们被剥夺尊严自我价值感,许多人至今面对白人仍然犹如惊弓之鸟,哪怕有些已经进入社会上层。

    Robbed of their dignity and sense of self-worth, many-even some of those who have made it to the very top-remain hypersensitive and acutely wary of the white man.


  • 世界社会公正就是呼吁所有国家采取具体行动切实实现尊严人人均享机会普遍价值观念

    The World Day of Social Justice is a call for all countries to take concrete actions that give meaning to the universal values of human dignity and opportunity for all.


  • 佐藤女士正经历着痛苦作为一名日本妇女尽力克制自己,保持尊严。这些是日本社会为人称道尊敬品质

    Mari Sato is hurting, but as a Japanese woman, she is doing her best to be reserved and dignified, prized by society as admirable qualities.


  • 今日西班牙社会承认了他们应得尊重、确定他们权利恢复他门的尊严肯定他们的认同归还他们的自由

    Today the Spanish society grants them the respect they deserve, recognizes their rights, restores their dignity, affirms their identity, and restores their liberty.


  • 社会每个人心中制造了一种害怕心理,害怕拒绝,害怕被人嘲笑,害怕失去尊严,害怕人们怎么

    The society creates in everyone's heart a fear of being rejected, being mocked, losing dignity and what others would say about him.


  • 保护警察执行公务维护法律尊严确保社会公共利益的需要

    Protection of police law enforcement is necessary in guarding dignity of law and insuring social public interest.


  • 医生作出这一反应是出自社会责任心,也是自身权威尊严受到挑战结果

    While the doctor responded as a result of social responsibility and the challenge to his authority and dignity.


  • 要是有了孩子承诺牺牲他自己的,因为社会习俗要求一个尊严男人这样做。

    He was saying that he would sacrifice himself if she had conceived his child, because convention demanded this of an honorable man.


  • 社会每个人心中制造一种害怕心理,害怕拒绝,害怕被嘲笑,害怕失去尊严,害怕人们怎么

    Societies create in everyone's heart a fear of being rejected, being mocked, losing dignity and what others will say about him.


  • 生活其中的中国人目睹承受着社会变迁光阴的流逝,做出各自的反应,在经常慌乱不堪的日常生活努力保持最后尊严

    Chinese in such society have been witnessing social changes and time passing-by, reacting respectively and preserving the last respect in daily lives that often go flustered.


  • 值此国际老年人之际,呼吁各国人民致力于消除阻碍老年人充分参与社会的障碍,同时保护他们权利尊严

    On this International Day of older persons, I call on countries and people to commit to removing barriers to older persons' full participation in society while protecting their rights and dignity.


  • 本文论述了人格尊严概念基本特征、人格尊严社会进步关系等内容。

    This paper recounts the concept and the fundamental characteristics of human dignity, as well as the interrelation between human dignity and social development.


  • 相信人人平等尊严乌托邦社会可以实现,实现这目标努力好事

    It's a good thing to believe that a Utopian society where everyone is treated with dignity and equality is possible and worth working for.


  • 纳尔逊·曼德告诫世人,维护每个尊严建设公正社会唯一基础

    Nelson Mandela has taught the world that the dignity of women and men is the only foundation on which to build just societies.


  • 但是大多数情况下生活贫穷人们以坚忍韧性来面对这些社会努力逃避他们日常生活中有辱尊严现实

    But, in most instances, people living in poverty respond to these societal ills with Stoic resilience as they work to escape the degrading reality of their daily lives.


  • 社会工作价值理念助人自助即尊重的价值尊严追求社会公平与公正

    Helping human to help oneself, Respecting the human value and dignity, Pursuing society's fair, is the value idea of Social Work.


  • 发生在税务系统不廉行为影响国家财政收入败坏党风社会风气亵渎了税法尊严损害了税务机构税务人员的形象

    These dishonest behaviors affect national fiscal revenues, ruin the Party conduct and social conduct, profane the dignity of the tax law, and damage the tax organizations and their image.


  • 中国人“死要面子经常使中国外国人感到荒唐可笑。然而,中国人仅仅要求实现与他们社会生活方式相一致的个人尊严

    The business of "saving face, " which often strikes foreigners in China as ludicrous, is only the carrying-out of respect for personal dignity in the sphere of social manners.


  • 由于社会进步,城市居民渴望宽敞生活空间他们期盼维护自身尊严体面的居住空间

    Because the society is advancing, city dwellers long for spacious living. They look forward to decent dwelling places which can protect human dignity.


  • 过去统治匈牙利社会遭遇尊严扫地挫败

    The Socialists, took govern Hungary for the last eight years, suffered a humiliating defeat.


  • 今天阿拉伯社会同样存在着一些相同期望,那就是争取尊严自由摆脱西方世界的管制。但是较之当初,他们已拥有了更加庞大的人口基础

    Today's Arab societies have some of the same objectives—to achieve dignity and freedom, to break with Western tutelagebut their populations are bigger.


  • 研究社会问题趋向,发挖不公理起因并且开展不同的社关事进一步提倡尊严自由正义世界和平

    Study social issues and trends, work to discover the causes of injustice, and develop programs of ministry and advocacy to further human dignity, freedom, justice and peace in the world.


  • 研究社会问题趋向,发挖不公理起因并且开展不同的社关事进一步提倡尊严自由正义世界和平

    Study social issues and trends, work to discover the causes of injustice, and develop programs of ministry and advocacy to further human dignity, freedom, justice and peace in the world.


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