• 劳动力凸显回应现代社会劳动力价值提升挑战结果

    The emergence of workforce's right is the result from response to the challenge of the modern social workforce's value promotion.


  • 我们他们训练成合格社会劳动力劳动力需要守规矩的。

    We're preparing them for the work force, and in the work force there are rules.


  • 如果曾经名全职妈妈/爸爸现在希望加入社会劳动力的群体中,那么就做把!

    If you've been a stay-at-home parent and have a desire to get into the workforce, go for it.


  • 论述义务教育公共图书馆社会知识保障制度根支柱保证社会劳动力再生产

    From economics point of view, compulsory education and public libraries are the two pillars of social knowledge security system, which ensure the reproduction of social work forces.


  • 针对一庞大社会群体建立社会保障制度有利于社会劳动力生产再生产能够促进经济繁荣社会稳定

    In response to this enormous social groups to establish a social security system conducive to social production and reproduction of labor, can promote economic prosperity and social stability.


  • 其后果社会劳动力职业结构趋于高级化同时城镇底层劳动力群体扩张构成“沉淀”的劳动力供给群。

    As a result, while the labor structure is becoming more and more advanced in the whole society, the base labor groups in cities and townships will see a large expansion.


  • 伤害不仅成为目前严重危害郑州市居民身体健康生命安全重要卫生问题之一,而且导致郑州市社会劳动力WYPLL潜在经济损失最多主要死亡原因

    Injury has become a serious public health problem endangering people's life and heath in Zhengzhou city and also the leading cause of death in loss of labor WYPLL and potential economic loss.


  • 最后,与法国政府关系密切人士私下抱怨,认为欧元区成员国应该同意一些财政社会协调例如抑制企业税率劳动力成本方面的竞争

    Finally, figures close to the France government have murmured, euro-zone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization: e.g., curbing competition in corporate tax rates or labor costs.


  • 我们社会统计数据许多方面低估了与劳动力市场相关的困难程度

    There are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship.


  • 平均明确地提示了我们,社会需要劳动力接受什么样培训

    Average starting salaries give a clear indication of what type of training society needs its new workers to have.


  • 一个国家劳动力必须耗费用以赚钱满足温饱的时间越少这个社会能用投入危机(比如这次地震)的资源越多

    The less of its time your workforce must spend just earning enough to feed itself, the more resources your society can throw into crises like this.


  • 如果没有关于附加苏北社会偏见知识很难理解上海劳动力中的卑微地位

    Without knowledge of the social prejudices attached to Subei people, their lowly position in Shanghai's labor force would defy understanding.


  • 反言之,劳动力市场不平等性帮助了社会流动

    In a similar way, removing Labour market inequality also helps social mobility.


  • 如果失业人员失业津贴到期,他们中的许多人会转而申请社会安全保险SSDI),一旦申请成功,他们很有可能不再回到劳动力市场。

    When they exhaust unemployment assistance, many workers apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)—a programme from which they are unlikely to return to the labour force.


  • 中国劳动力成本快速上升之际,要求外籍员工缴纳社会保险费可能进一步推高经营成本

    At a time when Labour costs are rising rapidly in China, new social insurance levies on expatriate staff could further increase the cost of doing business in China.


  • 通过服务领域创造就业机会扩大社会保障网络极大地促进劳动力收入消费者购买能力

    By focusing on job creation in services, massive urbanisation, and the broadening of its social safety net, there will be a large boost to Labour income and consumer purchasing power.


  • 多数劳动力集中非正式部门以及税基较小许多国家卫生社会保护工作陷入困境。

    This has meant a disaster for health and social protection in the many countries where most labour is concentrated in the informal sector and the tax base is small.


  • 劳动力流动性提高,社会变革也在加速,这些意味着一次普查结果的有效期越来越

    Rising labour mobility and the accelerating pace of societal change mean that information goes stale more quickly than ever.


  • 尽管日本失业率低,但其临时劳动力大军中却有越来越多人失去了工作暴露出其两劳动力市场的不公平性,也让这个平均主义社会不堪重负。

    Although unemployment is low, rapid job losses among Japan's army of temporary workers are exposing the unfairness of a two-tier Labour market and straining an egalitarian society.


  • 尽管看上去有违直觉,但社会需要这些边际劳动力

    As counterintuitive as it may seem, society needs its marginal producers.


  • 3有信息素质群体他们认识到需要个信息素质的群体推动有效文明社会形成一个竞争劳动力市场。

    They agreed that an information literacy citizenry is required to mobilize an effective civil society and create a competitive workforce.


  • 他们劳动力参与价格如此具有规章社会费用最低工资等等——企业不情愿雇佣年轻的未受过训练的工人

    They put the price of labor-force participation so high - with regulations, social charges, minimum wages and so forth - that businesses are reluctant to take on young, untrained workers.


  • 我们一个共同社会穿戴方式和分派劳动力的方式经常受到嘲笑,”杰夫斯说

    "We are derided for how we dress, how we go about our laborers in a common society," Jeffs said.


  • 即使欧洲不同社会社会稳定劳动力市场灵活性公共支出也有不同预期

    Different societies, even within Europe, have different expectations for social solidarity, labour-market flexibility or public spending.


  • 同样,2010年,拉美和加勒比地区社会经济数据库重点扩大覆盖面提供劳动力市场调查数据。 劳动力市场调查的频率往往高于入户调查。

    Similarly, in 2010, SEDLAC will focus on expanding coverage to provide harmonized data from labor market surveys, which tend to be carried out more frequently than household surveys.


  • 芬兰税收确实导致社会男性劳动力不足也是芬兰人均财富不及美国一个原因

    Finland's high taxes do discourage male labor supply and that is one reason why the country is not as wealthy, in per capita terms, as the United States.


  • 19世纪中期,美国农村劳动力社会劳动力的比重63%,到了19世纪末期美国实现了工业化

    In the mid-19th century, the rural labor force to the total U.S. labor force accounted for 63%, to the late 19th century, the United States has achieved industrialization.


  • 社会网站志愿者提供更多灵活个性有价值的工作而不仅仅是提供劳动力

    The social web enables a much more flexible, personalized and valuable exchange of volunteer labor.


  • 社会网站志愿者提供更多灵活个性有价值的工作而不仅仅是提供劳动力

    The social web enables a much more flexible, personalized and valuable exchange of volunteer labor.


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