• 我们应该加快建立社会信用体系

    We should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system.


  • 社会征信体系社会信用体系基础核心

    Social credit information system is the base and core of social credit system.


  • 目前我国社会信用体系建设处于初级阶段

    At present, the construction of social credit system in our country is still in the primary phase.


  • 构建社会信用体系成为我国当前解决的重要问题。

    Therefore it is important to construct a better society credit system.


  • 社会信用体系国家信用管理体系国家信用体系

    Social credit system is also called national credit management system or national credit system.


  • 因此一个完善的制度环境建设社会信用体系坚实基础

    Thus, a perfect institutional environment is the firm foundation for the construction of social credit system.


  • 企业信用风险的产生客户、企业自身社会信用体系等方面的因素。

    The enterprise credit risk can be attributed to customers, the enterprise itself, and the social credit system.


  • 消除家族企业市场环境矛盾主要出路在于建设社会信用体系

    To remove the antinomy between family enterprise and market environments, the main exit lies in forging a social credit system.


  • 企业信用风险的产生有客户企业自身社会信用体系等多方面因素

    Corporate credit risk involves such factors as customers, the business itself, the social credit system, etc.


  • 全国统一个人信用数据库正式运行大大推进社会信用体系的建设。

    The operation of unified credit database in China greatly pushes the social credit systems forward.


  • 作为社会信用体系组成部分高校图书馆读者信用体系构建迫在眉睫。

    As a part of the social credit system, the construction of reader credit system in university libraries is extremely urgent.


  • 会计信用作为社会信用体系基础组成部分得到进一步重视研究

    As the fundamental part of the social credit system, the accounting credit should get further attention and research.


  • 我国社会信用体系完善也导致短期融资券中期票据面临一定信用风险。

    Besides, our country's social credit system is imperfect, thereby leading to some credit risks of both short-term finance bonds and medium-term notes.


  • 稳定出口同时加大拉动内需力度;加强信用制度建设建立健全社会信用体系

    While stabilizing exports and enlarging efforts to stimulate domestic demand, we should strengthen the construction of the credit system and establish and improve our social credit system.


  • 税收信用社会信用体系重要组成部分诚信纳税一定程度反映社会信用状况。

    The tax revenue credit is important constituent of the social credit system, the good faith tax payment has reflected the social credit condition in the certain degree.


  • 我们应该加快企业个人征信体系建设,以此来促进整个社会信用体系重建完善

    And we should reconstruct and improve our society credit system by the means of accelerating construction of enterprise and personal credit investigation system.


  • 信用档案作为具凭证价值原始信用信息构建社会信用体系物质基础核心资源

    As the original credit information with the highest voucher value, credit archives are the material base and key resources constructing social credit system.


  • 企业作为国民经济细胞重要市场主体,企业信用体系毫无疑问是社会信用体系主体

    And enterprises, as cells of national economy and the most principal part of the market, whose credit system is no double the main body of the social credit system.


  • 助学贷款政策同时受到银行商业行为限制社会信用体系健全双重困扰,难以有效地推行

    However, the financial-aid for students is very hard to carry out effectively because of the limitation from the commercial practice of the bank and the imperfect system of the social credit.


  • 如何建立一个行之有效社会信用体系,本文将从实际问题出发,借鉴发达国家经验进行阐述

    How to found a effective social credit system is the question which we can expound setting out realistic problem and the developed countries practice use for reference.


  • 改善金融生态环境从加强金融立法,加强金融债权保护力度,建立健全社会信用体系等方面入手。

    Financial ecological environment may be improved by means of financial legislation, protecting financial daim, establishing and perfecting social credit system etc.


  • 所以必须建立规范社会信用体系失信约束机制,必须广泛倡导诚信观念基础培植维护信誉

    Therefore the social credit system and the faith breaking restraining mechanism must be established, and the credit must be cultivated and maintained based on initiating widely the credit conception.


  • 其次通过调查数据分析描述了公证员我国社会信用体系中的角色扮演现状,存在的角色冲突;

    Then, after analysis of data of investigation, it describes the current situation of the role play of notaries in the social credit system of China and role conflict;


  • 信用征信信贷征信三个概念内涵层层递进构建社会信用体系提供逻辑思路着眼点

    The three concepts of credit, credit information and credit loan information, showing a progressive nature in connotation, provide a logical philosophy and a focus for building a social credit system.


  • 摘要农村信用体系社会信用体系组成部分完善农村信用体系公共金融服务有着重要促进作用

    Abstract: the rural credit system is an integral part of the social credit system, and improving the rural credit system plays an important role in promoting public financial service.


  • 随着我国经济逐渐走向成熟建设社会信用体系对于维持持续、稳定高速经济增长状态的重大意义日益凸显。

    While the economy becoming mature, the meaning of the construction of social credit system becomes more significant to keeping sustaining, steady and fast economy growth.


  • 社会信用体系缺失导致电子商务信用问题层出不穷,电子商务信用体系作为社会信用体系重要组成部分认为社会信用体系突破口

    Lack of social credit architecture, resulting in endless e-commerce credit problems, as an important component of the social credit architecture, e-commerce architecture was considered a breakthrough.


  • 针对信用体系现状、存在问题解决问题对策进行探讨,意在降低信用风险完善信用体系营造诚信社会环境,加快社会信用体系的建设步伐。

    This essay discusses the problems and methods of solving in about credit system in order to reduce credit risk, complete credit system, and establish a faithful social surroundings.


  • 针对信用体系现状、存在问题解决问题对策进行探讨,意在降低信用风险完善信用体系营造诚信社会环境,加快社会信用体系的建设步伐。

    This essay discusses the problems and methods of solving in about credit system in order to reduce credit risk, complete credit system, and establish a faithful social surroundings.


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