• 奥陶统一间房组沉积时期区域性海水变浅的开阔台地台内浅滩沉积

    Yijianfang formation of Middle Ordovician sedimentary period is the open platform of regional seawater shoaling with platform-inter-shallow patch reef sedimentary.


  • 碳酸盐岩沉积特别是生物只有现代海洋动物群落植物群落生态学详细资料帮助下才能获得有益研究成果。

    Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modern Marine fauna and flora.


  • 碳酸盐岩沉积特别是生物只有现代海洋动物群落植物群落生态学详细资料帮助下才能获得有益研究成果。

    Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modem Marine fauna and flora.


  • 生物生存发育有着严格的生存环境由于构造剥蚀作用,造成塔里木盆地中晚奥原始沉积环境破坏殆尽。

    Organic reef formation and development rely on very unique environment, but original sedimentary environment in middle to late Ordovician in Tarim was destroyed completely due to structure eroded.


  • 精细解释表明此类丘状倾角断层构造斜坡滑塌堆积积扇等非沉积地震响应。

    The accurate interpretation shows that such domal bodies are the seismic reflections of non-reef-bank deposits of low angle thrust faults, slope slump accumulative zones and turbidite fans.


  • 可以沉积平坦表面所引起,邻近构造之上,靠近生长断层,或缘于压实作用不同的敏感性

    This can result from location on an uneven surface, such as near and over a reef structure, or near a growth fault, or from different susceptibility to compaction.


  • 在拉竹龙组中发现规模较大珊瑚体,细分前塌积角砾间相沉积

    There occur larger-scale coral reefs that may be subdivided into reef base, reef frame, reef-front collapse breccias and inter-reef deposits.


  • 三角洲沉积特征入海河流流速流量大,泥沙含量而粒级细小,三角洲前缘伴生有生物(滩)。

    The river for building the delta was characterised by low velocity, high discharge, high concentration of fine clay and sand, and associated with reef (shoal) in delta front.


  • 碳酸盐台地沉积体系又可进一步分为局限台地开阔台地、台地边缘缓坡沉积相。

    The carbonate platform sedimentary system is further divided into such facies as restricted platform, open platform, platform margin reef and ramp.


  • 介绍了微生物热泉沉积微生物研究热点

    The hot research topics of nowadays, which are microbial reefs and mounds, travertine deposits and P, Fe, Mn microbolites are also introduced.


  • 湘南碳酸盐岩沉积环境可以区别四种类型台地、广海陆棚相、生物台盆相。

    The sedimentary environments of the Devonian carbonate formations in southern Hunan, China can be divided into four types: platform, open marine shelf, bioherm, and platformbasin facies.


  • 东部为西沙隆起较高部位海水浅,基底之上直接覆盖沉积地层。

    The eastern reef island area, with shallow seawater, is higher parts of Xisha apophysis, where the basement is directly covered with reef facies carbonate rocks.


  • 选择贵州紫云台地边缘研究对象,通过大量磁化率的测试,分析整个世生物沉积演化火山作用的关系

    This paper documented the relationship between late Permian volcanism and the marginal platform reef evolution in Ziyun area of Guizhou province based on the analysis of magnetic susceptibility.


  • 生物一种海洋环境十分敏感生态系,二叠世火山作用势必影响到当时生物生长沉积演化

    Because reefs are peculiar ecosystems extremely sensitive to environment change, late Permian volcanism would surely have affected the reef growth and evolution of facies.


  • 三角洲沉积特征入海河流流速流量大,泥沙含量而粒级细小,三角洲前缘伴生有生物(滩)。

    The river for building the delta was characterized by low velocity, high discharge, high concentration of fine clay and sand, and associated with reef (shoal) in delta front.


  • 目前资料泥盆纪海绵生物首次发现不仅丰富广西生物类型而且对研究泥盆纪沉积地质学具有实际意义。

    On the basis of current information, the Devonian porifera bioherm is the first discovery, it not only richens the type of bioherm in Guangxi, but also


  • 目前资料泥盆纪海绵生物首次发现不仅丰富广西生物类型而且对研究泥盆纪沉积地质学具有实际意义。

    On the basis of current information, the Devonian porifera bioherm is the first discovery, it not only richens the type of bioherm in Guangxi, but also


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