• 为了知道独特混合物声音到底是怎样的,科学家分析了“夸克其中碰撞粒子

    To work out what this unique cocktail would sound like scientists analysed the 'quark soup' and the collisions of the particles within it.


  • 由于两个碰撞粒子之间没有量子交换,因此过程一个单纯绕射过程。

    The process is a purely diffractive process since no quantum numbers exchange between the two colliding particles.


  • 委员会需要考虑到可能性尽管几率十分微小,但是如此高密度碰撞粒子有可能形成一个微型黑洞

    The committee will also consider an alternative, although less likely, possibility that the colliding particles could achieve such a high density that they would form a mini black hole.


  • 如果大型强子对撞机LHC以7万亿电子全力运转,碰撞粒子能量相当于0.00013微克得到的能量。

    If the LHC was operating at its full 7 trillion electron volt capacity, the colliding particles' energy would equal what you'd get from eating 0.00013 micrograms of a candy bar.


  • 碰撞力量大量碎片喷射大气中,更细粒子落下之前天空会变暗几年

    The force of collision spewed large amounts of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for several years before the finer particles settled.


  • 如果方面进展顺利,对撞机十二月进行粒子加速碰撞

    If all goes well, the machine will accelerate and collide particles in December.


  • 这样模拟对于更加仔细地研究粒子碰撞黑洞形成很重要的。

    Such simulations could be important to study particle collisions and black hole formation in greater detail, he says.


  • 这种模拟技术对于研究粒子碰撞更加细致地描述黑洞形成过程非常重要的。

    Such simulations could be important to study particle collisions and black hole formation in greater detail he says.


  • 粒子碰撞杂乱无章正常情况下活动与异常现象区分开来需要周祥分析

    Particle collisions are messy and it takes a lot of careful analysis to separate anomalies from mundane background events.


  • 大型探测器放置这些交汇点以碰撞亚原子残骸寻找粒子

    Big detectors are located at these points to look for new particles in the sub-atomic wreckage of the collisions.


  • 将会在下,讲到一些情况,在碰撞过程中,粒子相互反弹

    Now, next lecture I will also deal with situations whereby during the collision, the particles bounce off each other.


  • 前期热气球实验发现沙漠中的沙暴可以电荷虽然目前尚没有完全搞清楚原因,但很可能粒子一系列的碰撞有关。

    Prior research done with weather balloons had shown that desert dust storms can become electrified through a process of particle collision that is not yet completely understood.


  • 这次试运行可能使这个庞然大物进行更高性能碰撞从而发现新的粒子

    The tests bring the giant machine closer than ever to high-energy collisions that physicists hope will lead to the discovery of new particles.


  • 制造伽马射线脉冲一种方法电子正电子碰撞——之后的湮灭,使粒子质量转化能量

    One way to create such short bursts of gamma rays is through the collision — and subsequent annihilation, as the mass of those particles converts into energy — of an electron and a positron.


  • 粒子物理学一些理论推测可能尽管这些维度蜷缩极小的闭路里,只有利用高能粒子碰撞才能探测得到。

    Some theories in particle physics speculate that it might, although these dimensions would be curled up in loops so small, they could probably be probed only in high-energy particle collisions.


  • 这些粒子主要质子电子原子核并且他们与地球高层大气中的原子核碰撞产生次级粒子簇射。

    The particles are generally protons , electrons and helium nuclei and when they collide with nuclei in the Earth's upper atmosphere they can produce shower s of daughter particles.


  • 粒子对撞机自动标记那些看起来与众不同的碰撞进一步的研究记录数据

    Particle colliders automatically flag collisions that look interesting and store data for further inspection.


  • 两个粒子在超过一个基本普朗克能量的能量下碰撞迷你黑洞产生了。

    And two particles can make a miniscule black hole in just this way if they collide with an energy above a fundamental limit called the Planck energy.


  • 木琴演奏粒子碰撞的声音。

    That’s a proton collision played on marimba.


  • 通过随机碰撞粒子能量可,能会变得很大。

    From some random collisions that just happened to bulk up the energy of that one particle.


  • 其中粒子碰撞不断产生新的电荷。

    Interactions among ash particles seem to be constantly renewing the charge.


  • 由于磁化空腔效能慢慢降低,那么那些速度还很快原子就很容易逸出,其余气体粒子不断的碰撞中消耗能量,使得温度降低。

    As the height of the magnetic barrier is slowly lowered, the fastest atoms leave the bottle and the remaining gas rethermalizes via elastic atomic collisions at lower and lower temperatures.


  • 另一种探明粒子性质的方法观测两个WIMP碰撞湮灭,此过程同时产生一系列粒子质子产生伽马射线放射物。

    Another way to probe the particles' properties is to look for the gamma-ray radiation produced when two WIMPs collide and annihilate each other, producing a cascade of particles and photons.


  • CERN(欧洲核子研究中心)大型强子对撞机上,对粒子碰撞跟踪为了解宇宙爆炸之后瞬间情况创造条件

    Here, tracks of particle collisions in CERN's Large Hadron Collider, create conditions just moments after the Big Bang.


  • 火山爆炸岩浆使得那里的岩石松动形成了冰粒子它们大气相互碰撞时,就有可能出现像图片上的那种肮脏雷雨”。

    Such "dirty thunderstorms" may occur when rock and ice particles loosed by exploding magma collide in the atmosphere.


  • 每天地球大气层发生无数粒子碰撞它们释放能量远大于LHC,地球安然无恙

    Collisions releasing greater energy occur millions of times a day in the earth's atmosphere and nothing terrible happens.


  • 一小反物质击打天文台正常”的物质碰撞两个粒子立即湮灭并转变为伽马射线-费米可以检测到它。

    When a piece of antimatter strikes the observatory and collides with "normal" matter, both particles immediately annihilate and are transformed into gamma rays - which Fermi can detect.


  • 随着那些宇宙粒子进入大气层并且空气岩石别的什么阻挡他们飞行路径东西中的原子碰撞它们就会触发其他粒子级联反应

    As cosmic particles enter the atmosphere and bump into atoms of air, water, ice, rock or anything else that happens to stand in their way, they trigger telltale cascades of other particles.


  • 所以这些单极粒子加速器里或者在高空大气宇宙射线碰撞过程可能会被找到。

    So these monopoles could well turn up in our particle acceleratorsor in the decay products of cosmic ray collisions in the upper atmosphere.


  • 如果衰变产物出现意味着它们时光倒流回去其他维度粒子产生的,这些粒子则出现产生它们碰撞之前

    If that happens, it means that they will have been produced by particles that have gone back in time - or through another dimension - to pre-date the collision that produced them in the first place.


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