• 这些粒子主要质子电子原子核并且他们与地球高层大气中的原子核碰撞产生次级粒子簇射。

    The particles are generally protons , electrons and helium nuclei and when they collide with nuclei in the Earth's upper atmosphere they can produce shower s of daughter particles.


  • 这些类星体的河外星系黑洞所发射电子爆炸遗留下来宇宙背景辐射碰撞后所形成的,它天文学家提供了关于早期宇宙线索

    These quasar jets are formed when electrons emitted from a black hole impact with cosmic background radiation left by the big bang, giving astronomers clues about the conditions in the early universe.


  • 如果大型强子对撞机LHC以7万亿电子全力运转,碰撞粒子能量相当于0.00013微克得到的能量。

    If the LHC was operating at its full 7 trillion electron volt capacity, the colliding particles' energy would equal what you'd get from eating 0.00013 micrograms of a candy bar.


  • 图为欧洲核子研究中心的Alice探测器记录下的当核子中心物质能量2.76电子下的首次离子碰撞试验

    Events recorded by the ALICE experiment from the first lead ion collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair. (CERN LHC Alice Detector)


  • 所以碰撞几乎同时,在这儿电子又回去了。

    So what happens almost instantaneously after the collision, the electron up here falls back down.


  • AEB - 1第一台实现电子循环使之垂直面上互相碰撞对撞机

    AEB-1 was the first collider where beams circulated and collided with one another in the vertical plane.


  • 这些被离子化分子如果再次电子结合,彼此发生碰撞,其所产生的能量就会把分子裂解成高速飞行的原子而进入太空。

    When the ionized molecules recombine with electrons or collide with one another, the energy released splits the molecules into atoms with enough speed to escape.


  • 假设这里过多气体,换话说,如果气体处在一个高压状态下,气体分子间碰撞将会消耗电子能量,同样,什么也没有

    If we have too much gas in here, in other words, if the gas is at too high a pressure, the collisions with the gas molecules will consume the energy of the electrons and, again, we will see nothing.


  • 这个结论来自CDF实验组对费米实验室万亿电子伏对撞机产生数以亿计的正反质子碰撞所得数据的分析

    The result comes from CDF's analysis of billions of collisions of protons and antiprotons produced by Fermilab's Tevatron collider.


  • 这些电子一个可能解释就是它们来自同一暗物质以正、反物质形式出现的一对粒子碰撞(物质湮灭),这样的暗物质被称为质量相互作用粒子”(WIMP)。

    One possible explanation for these positrons is the mutual annihilation of the matter and antimatter forms of a type of dark matter called weakly interacting massive particles, also known as WIMPs.


  • 制造伽马射线脉冲一种方法电子电子碰撞——之后的湮灭,使粒子质量转化能量

    One way to create such short bursts of gamma rays is through the collision — and subsequent annihilation, as the mass of those particles converts into energy — of an electron and a positron.


  • 车辆发生碰撞时,电子点燃焰火推进剂填料。

    Upon vehicle impact, a pyrotechnic propellant charge is ignited electrically.


  • 概念卡车装备经过碰撞试验的安全驾驶室三点式座位安全带驾驶员气囊标准设置,除此之外还包括电子操作盘式制动器

    In addition to standard equipment such as an impact-tested safety cab with three-point seat belts and a driver's airbag, these include electronically operated disc brakes.


  • 弹性碰撞电子减少能量非常

    Elastic collisions deplete very little of the electron's energy.


  • 电子标签碰撞RFID应用系统中的关键问题之一

    Tag anti- collision is one of the key problems of RFID System.


  • 这时有些电子离子碰撞粘附油滴上。

    Some of the electrons or ions then collide with the drops and stick to them.


  • 模拟结果表明,横向磁场通过改变电子中性粒子碰撞速率电子参数产生不同程度的影响

    The results show that the magnetic field affects the electron transport parameters obviously through changing the collision rate between the electrons and neutral particles.


  • 介绍了用相对论多通道理论结合量子亏损理论计算电子碰撞激发过程方法

    A method combining the relativistic multichannel theory with the multichannel quantum defect theory is presented to calculate electron impact excitation.


  • 电子之间非弹性碰撞使它们原来获得能量整个电离气体迅速分配

    Inelastic collisions among photoelectrons rapidly distribute their initially gained energy throughout the region of ionized gas.


  • 低能电子碰撞原子内壳层电离截面测量研究理论实际应用方面具有重要意义。

    The study of atomic inner-shell ionization cross-sections by low-energy electron impact is significant in both theoretical researches and practical applications.


  • 电子碰撞频率是非磁化等离子一个重要参数对等离子体电磁波相互作用的性质具有较大影响。

    The electron collision frequency is one of the important parameters of the non-magnetized plasma. It plays an important role in the interaction of the plasma with electromagnetic waves.


  • 荧光共振荧光实验数据模型定出由于电子原子碰撞而产生的原子能级转移速率

    Some electron collisional transfer rates between excited states of the atom can be calculated from this model using experimental data of both sensitized and direct resonant fluorescence.


  • 采用电子碰撞理论计算了点面式高压脉冲电晕放电过程中的臭氧产生速率

    The formation rate of ozone due to the point-to-plate pulsed high-voltage corona discharge was calculated with electronic collision theory.


  • 本文扼要阐述库仑波玻恩近似下,电子离子碰撞激发截面理论推导

    This paper briefly describes the theoretical deduction of the cross section of electron -ion impact excitation in Coulomb -born approximation.


  • 班纳博士电子碰撞领域成就无人及,头号粉丝,特别是你一生气变成绿色怪物的时候!

    Dr Barnett, you can in the electronic collision domain achievement nobody, I'm your biggest fan, especially when you're angry turned green monster!


  • 等离子电子碰撞频率磁感应强度调节等离子体反射率重要参量

    The electronic collisional frequency and magnetic inductive intensity are important parameters of plasma for adjusting the reflectance.


  • 采用R -矩阵方法首次研究电子碰撞激发s3分子过程

    The R-matrix method is used to study the electron collisions with S3.


  • 针对实验中出现的电子粉末碰撞造成的未熔粉末的飞溅,采用优化的工艺参数层进行预热,从而大大减少未熔粉末的飞溅。

    Aiming at the unmelted powders splash from collision between electron and powders, optimized process parameters is selected to pre-heat the powders to obviously reduce the splash.


  • 研究激光椭偏率基于光场感生电离(OFI)电子碰撞机制类镍氪(NLK)系统电离参数影响。

    Influences of laser ellipticity on the ionization parameters of Ni-like Kr (NLK) system based on electron collisional scheme of optical-field ionization (OFI) were investigated.


  • 研究激光椭偏率基于光场感生电离(OFI)电子碰撞机制类镍氪(NLK)系统电离参数影响。

    Influences of laser ellipticity on the ionization parameters of Ni-like Kr (NLK) system based on electron collisional scheme of optical-field ionization (OFI) were investigated.


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