• 方向x正轴方向,在碰撞,它一定动量

    Let this be the direction of increasing x, and so before the collision I have a certain amount of momentum.


  • 处理碰撞问题,物体速度碰撞号。

    When we deal with collisions, the velocities of the objects before the collision are unprimed.


  • 碰撞没有动能

    There was no kinetic energy before...


  • 原来一定量碰撞动能当然我们可以计算出来碰撞前的动能。

    Now, there was a certain amount of kinetic energy before the collision, and of course, we can all calculate that kinetic energy before the collision.


  • 典型摩托车碰撞预知交通危险典型视线下并未发生人的边缘视野局限

    The typical motorcycle pre-crash lines-of-sight to the traffic hazard portray no contribution of the limits of peripheral vision;


  • 我们可以计算差别储存能量。,碰撞动能差别,还有碰撞前动能。

    Now we can calculate what the difference is between the potential energy... the kinetic energy after the collision and the kinetic energy before the collision.


  • 他们实际是轨迹残骸滑行轨迹,计算出v’,可以复原现场,碰撞一样。

    They actually use the... the track, the... the skidding tracks of the wreck to calculate v prime, and then they can try to reconstruct the situation as it was before the collision.


  • 实际上社区比赛看来缺少众人期待英伦足坛两巨头碰撞前舆论硫磺火焰

    Indeed, the Community Shield appears to be lacking the fire and brimstone many expected in the build up to the clash of the two titans of English football.


  • 调查人员发现那名17岁的司机不仅在开车使用手机而且碰撞一刻正在发送短信

    Investigators found that not only was the 17-year-old driver using her cell phone, but text messages were also being sent just before the crash.


  • 颗粒碰撞速度大小决定颗粒碰撞后是沿声波方向运动还是声波方向运动或是停留原地振动;

    The speed of particles before collision will determine whether particles will move along the direction of sound waves, against direction of the sound waves or will vibrate in their original position.


  • 本文根据动量平衡动量守恒定律基本原理,提出了推算碰撞汽车动量碰撞速度图解方法

    Based on momentum balance and the law of momentum conservation, two new graphic methods are developed to determine the pre-impact vehicle momentum or collision speed in this paper.


  • 对于二维碰撞,可以根据车辆碰撞位置停止位置,反推计算出车辆碰撞后的分离速度碰撞接触速度。

    For collinear collision, the preceding collision velocity and post collision velocity are calculated on the basis of the impact locality and stop locality of collision vehicle.


  • 对于一维碰撞根据碰撞车辆滑移距离车辆的塑性变形量,反推计算出车辆碰撞后的速度碰撞接触速度;

    For collinear collision, the preceding collision velocity and post collision velocity are calculated on the basis of the slippage distance and unreturnable distortion of collision vehicle;


  • 体育课课外活动要作好准备活动,运动注意不要剧烈碰撞,以免撞伤摔伤

    On physical education and extra-curricular activities to prepare before the warming-up, attention should be paid to exercise when not to dramatic collision, so as not to be knocked down or fall.


  • 4亿一个火星大小的天体地球发生了灾难性碰撞从而产生了月亮。

    It was created by a catastrophic collision between our planet and a Mars-size body over 4 billion years ago.


  • 大约5500万就开始非洲大陆欧洲大陆相互碰撞形成阿尔卑斯山

    The formation of the Alps through the collision of the two continents Africa and Europe began about approximately 55 million years ago.


  • RA108 赛车设计保证所有关键领域符合国际汽联的安全规则并且防撞结构满足碰撞试验要求例如椎、单壳体车身尾部防撞结构

    The design of the RA108 ensures that all key areas comply with the FIA safety regulations and crash test requirements for the impact structures, such as the nose, monocoque and rear impact structure.


  • Google透露行车测试中,发生事故当时其中试验汽车交通信号灯停下时,后面车辆与之发生了追尾碰撞

    According to Google, only one minor accident took place during the testing, when one of the cars received a bump from behind at traffic lights.


  • 区域构造观点看,同板块碰撞有关盆地油气聚集的有利地区

    From a tectonic point of view, foreland basins related to plate collision are areas favorable for petroleum accumulation.


  • 中部韧性层阿尔卑斯和欧洲碰撞过程中,既有挤出侧向挤出。

    In the process of south Alps Europe foreland collision, not only the vertical extrusion, but also the lateral extrusion develops.


  • 本文从离子动力学方程出发,利用LB碰撞模型研究了离子-离子碰撞效应等离子体影响

    By using ion kinetic equation, the influence of ion-ion collision effects on the presheath plasma transport is taken into account through the LB collisional model.


  • 绿混杂是义敦碰撞造山带大地构造中的弧混杂带相。

    The ophiolite melange zone represents forearc melange facies of the Yidun collision orogens.


  • 这些伸展构造很显然扬子克拉通和华北克拉通三叠纪碰撞时,大别山造山带陆位置岩石圈弯曲导致地壳上部产生非弹性变形结果。

    Such structure in the collision foredeep of the Dabieshan Orogen was resulted in inelastic extensional deformation of the conver side of the flexed plate aroused by lithospheric flexure.


  • 这些伸展构造很显然扬子克拉通和华北克拉通三叠纪碰撞时,大别山造山带陆位置岩石圈弯曲导致地壳上部产生非弹性变形结果。

    Such structure in the collision foredeep of the Dabieshan Orogen was resulted in inelastic extensional deformation of the conver side of the flexed plate aroused by lithospheric flexure.


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