• 这时候一些放射性产物()开始混入水蒸气中

    At this time, some of the radioactive fission products (cesium, iodine, etc.) started to mix with the water and steam.


  • 它们不仅能够许多过渡金属络合,而且能够与元素络合,比如

    They not only bind to any transition metal, but also to main group elements such as beryllium, sulfur, and iodine.


  • 原子能设施中排出气体中,含有放射性物质必须活性炭它们吸附干净以后再行排放

    Nuclear facilities in the exhaust gas, radioactive krypton, xenon, iodine and other substances, must use clean and activated carbon adsorption them again after discharge.


  • 原子能设施中排出气体中,含有放射性物质必须活性炭它们吸附干净以后再行排放

    Nuclear facilities in the exhaust gas, radioactive krypton, xenon, iodine and other substances, must use activated carbon adsorption to clean them again after discharge.


  • 因此继续进行以纠正微量元素代谢失控为主要内容研究,对于今后肿瘤防治具有重要的意义。

    So, it is important for tumor prevention and control to go on the research on the relationship between the trace elements of se and I and T3 metabolism.


  • 不易挥发物质释放辐射逸出的挥发元素一样,对接近核电站的工作人员善后人员来说仍然一个巨大危险

    The radiation emitted by nonvolatile materials still poses a big danger to workers or cleanup crews close to the plant, along with the released volatile elements such as cesium and iodine.


  • 近年来国内外盐湖资源开发利用进展情况加以介绍,涉及到国外钾、锂、镁、硼、碘等相关产品的生产、消费价格情况。

    Progress in comprehensive utilization of salt lake and related resources in recent years is reviewed in the paper. Production, consumption, and prices of some salts are also concerned.


  • 近年来国内外盐湖资源开发利用进展情况加以介绍,涉及到国外钾、锂、镁、硼、碘等相关产品的生产、消费价格情况。

    Progress in comprehensive utilization of salt lake and related resources in recent years is reviewed in this paper. Production, consumption, and prices of some salts are also concerned.


  • 日本许多地方人们通过食用海鲜海藻得到以及生长土壤里的蔬菜中获取或者那种土壤中生长的动物获取

    In many places, like Japan, people get iodine from seafood, seaweed, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil.


  • 日本许多地方人们通过食用海鲜海藻得到,还可以生长土壤里蔬菜食草动物那里得到

    In many places, like Japan, people get iodine from seafood, seaweed, vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil.


  • 元素一定半衰期内可以释放出上述射线

    These rays are emitted during the decay of certain versions of uranium, iodine, cesium and other elements.


  • 福岛饮用水发现了- 135铯- 137放射性物质。

    Also in Fukushima City, radioactive elements, including iodine, cesium-135 and cesium-137, were found in drinking water.


  • 例如- 131放射性需要衰减原来一半,所以需要问题就能解决

    For instance, because it takes only 8 days for the radioactive isotope iodine-131 to decay away to half its original level of radioactivity, simply waiting should be a fix.


  • 测定竹炭甲醛吸附性能及竹炭体积电阻,发现所用竹炭性能较好。

    Meantime, absorption value of iodine, benzene and formaldehyde on bamboo charcoal and its volume electric resistance rate was determined.


  • 工作研究了黄铜矿,方铅矿、稀土赤铁矿锑矿,辉钼矿,黄铁矿六种矿物吸附解吸

    The work has researched in adsorption and desorption of iodine and technetium on brass ore, lead glance, rare-earth hematite, antimony glance, molybdenite and iron pyrites and so on.


  • 非离子表面活性剂作为络合单质载体加入化钾、助剂,使聚醚性能更加稳定

    With the non-ionic surfactant as the carrier of the iodine, by join iodide potassium, iodate potassium, make the polyether-iodine property more stable.


  • 油脂酯交换催化剂有:常用酸碱催化剂固体金属配合物

    The oil transesterification catalysts include usually used acid-base catalyst, solid base, lipase, iodine, metal complex, et al.


  • 第一方法利用氧化还原反应,采用分离萃取升华工序回收液中工艺

    In the first method we make use of oxidation-reduction to adopt iodine reclaiming process of separation, extraction and sublimation from waste iodine liquid.


  • 在我国辽阔海域内陆水域中生长着多种藻类绿藻藻及蓝藻、微藻,其中产量较大的海带、裙带菜紫菜,海藻化工上多用于生产、胶、醇。

    There are many kinds of algae in vast sea area and the inland water in China, such as brown alga, green alga, red alga, blue- green alga and microalgae and so on.


  • 用原子吸收、价分析、BET比表面测定XRDIR手段上述催化剂以及进口催化剂进行物理化学表征

    Physical and chemical characterization of the catalysts as well as some import catalysts also was carried out by means of atomic spectra, activity and BET surface area measurement, XRD and IR etc.


  • 实验结果表明离子交换纤维离子具有交换速度快交换量大再生处理便利重现性好优点。

    The results showed that the fiber has features of fast and larger iodine ion exchange capacity and easy regeneration.


  • 原子吸收、价分析、活性BET比表面积测定XRDTG -DTAIR手段,催化剂和产物进行物理化学表征。

    Physical and chemical properties of the catalysts were studied using activity measurement, BET surface area measurement, XRD, TG DTA and IR spectra etc.


  • 结论造影剂克沙醇冠状动脉造影具造影剂肾病高危因素患者肾功能无明显影响

    Conclusion the isotonic contrast medium has litter effect on the renal function of the patients with high risk factors.


  • 本文引述文献中所采用的测定微量方法包括分光光度法、极谱法和气相色谱法

    Many methods have been developed for determining trace iodine. including spectrophotometry. polarography and gas chromatography etc.


  • 提取指纹通常采用方法墨粉进行处理,但在渗透性材料上,如纸张、硬纸板最合适的方法是采用熏法。

    Now the generally accepted method to handle and collect invisible fingerprints of sweat is by means of lime or ink powder.


  • 试样王水分解、泡塑富集分离金,硫脲解脱,以硝酸-硫酸破坏硫脲,氟化氢胺- EDTA掩蔽干扰元素化钾使之析出,以淀粉指示剂,用硫代硫酸钠进行滴定

    Conceal disturbing elements like iron, copper, lead with hydrogen fluoride amine-EDTA, add the potassium iodide to separate iodine, and take starch as indicator, titrate with sodium hyposulfite.


  • 试样王水分解、泡塑富集分离金,硫脲解脱,以硝酸-硫酸破坏硫脲,氟化氢胺- EDTA掩蔽干扰元素化钾使之析出,以淀粉指示剂,用硫代硫酸钠进行滴定

    Conceal disturbing elements like iron, copper, lead with hydrogen fluoride amine-EDTA, add the potassium iodide to separate iodine, and take starch as indicator, titrate with sodium hyposulfite.


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