• 名字罗伯特·是我的确认

    My name is Robert Sue. And here is my confirmation card.


  • 他们重新确认后面号码然后继续你问题。

    They will also reassure you that you can call the 0800 number on the back of the card should you have any further questions.


  • 已经确认只是遇到一点轻微一级脱臼所以不是很严重,很可能在圣诞复出。

    I has been certified that in fact Camoranesi suffered a slight dislocation of the first degree which is therefore less serious. Possible recovery before Christmas.


  • 当然,蒂·瓦拉博士也认为,确认这一结果推而广之,还有很多工作

    Yet much work remains to be done to confirm the results and to expand upon them, Dr. Khatiwala said.


  • 剧《丑女贝蒂》虽然已经完结,主演亚美·费雷拉的人生又有了新的开始。昨天这位女演员确认相恋已久的导演男友订婚

    Ugly Betty may have just ended, but America Ferrera is on to new beginnings: Yesterday, the actress confirmed her engagement to longtime beau, director Ryan Piers Williams.


  • 然而没有确认Hulu具体收费计划暗示Hulu到2010年时进行收费。

    While Carey did not confirm that there were concrete plans to introduce charges to Hulu, he suggested that a paywall could be introduced in 2010.


  • 人们思考一下,我们处在建立人居住永久太空站互联网时代,如果我们仍采用相片塑料确认自己身份,是否似乎有点陈旧

    When you think about the fact that we have a permanently manned space station and the Internet, using plastic cards with pictures on them to officially identify ourselves seems a bit archaic.


  • 我们没有得到有关(穆阿迈尔)扎菲下落确认信息,至少扎菲的两个儿子扣留。

    We have no confirmation of [Muammar] Gaddafi's whereabouts, but at least two of Gaddafi's sons have been detained.


  • 立即返回信用检验结果可能很重要的,但是需要订单系统马上确认订单的所有内容有效的。

    You may decide that it is important to immediately return the credit card verification, but you may not need to get confirmation from your ordering system that all the components are available.


  • 确认信用包括了车损险永远不要想当然地假设投了这部分保险

    Make sure that your credit card does, in fact, include collision coverage. Never assume you're covered.


  • 医生可以心音回放从而加以详细诊断、也可以将其保存患者就医可以全部打包发邮件给心脏病学家确认诊断结果。

    The doctor can play the sound back at half speed to diagnose a problem more confidently, save the file to the patient’s chart, and e-mail it all to a cardiologist to confirm the diagnosis.


  • 每人现在可以设立时间表,最后帷幕。这是新篇章开始,”格马扎菲确认如是说。

    "Everyone can now draw a line. This is the final curtain. This is the beginning of a new chapter," declared Guma al-Gamaty after Gaddafi's death was confirmed.


  • 来自西亚男子事发不久便警方逮捕对自己的行为供认不讳,其具体姓名尚未被警方确认

    The man, who is from Carinthia but was not identified by name, was arrested shortly after the incident and has admitted the act, Klammer said.


  • 信用车损附带险在下述情形有效:(1)信用支付全部租车款,而且(2)确认拒绝租车公司的车损险

    Credit card CDW works only if you (1) charge the entire rental to the card and (2) make sure you decline the rental company's CDW.


  • 马尼拉警察指挥官雷欧迪欧.圣地亚哥告诉当地广播:“我们确认绑架境况以及发生的事情”。

    "We are still trying to determine the circumstances of the hijacking and what happened, " Manila police commander Leocadio Santiago, told local radio.


  • 马尼拉警察指挥官雷欧迪欧.圣地亚哥告诉当地广播:“我们确认绑架境况以及发生的事情”。

    "We are still trying to determine the circumstances of the hijacking and what happened," Manila police commander Leocadio Santiago, told local radio.


  • B9用户确认储存系统中的信用

    B9 User confirms credit card that is stored in the system.


  • 会员们要求拿出他们身份证验证,他们被鼓励着信用一小部分钱确认他们的地址

    Members are asked to check each other's identity on their passports, and encouraged to verify their location by making a small credit card contribution to the site.


  • 中国人不用支票使用信用收到确认短信降低诈骗风险

    In China people do not use cheques but can get text-message confirmations when they have used their credit CARDS, reducing the risk of fraud.


  • 确认客户证书身份验证(特定证书接受),可以在ssl选项中将通道DN改成不同于证书的DN的值。

    To verify the client certificate authorization (which specific certificates are accepted), change the DN for the channel on the SSL TAB to something other than what is on your certificate.


  • 大多数信用确认60借记期限30或者更少

    For most credit CARDS, it's 60 days, and for debit CARDS the limit can be 30 days or less.


  • 项未确认报告显示,亚尼将军和帕夏此次访问带回了哈网络领导人之一美国头号通缉犯——西拉杰丁·

    One unconfirmed report even had the two generals on one visit bringing Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of the network's leaders, who is on America's most-wanted list.


  • 尼娜杰米调离解码钥匙工作帮助法医确认那具无名尸体身份。

    Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body.Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.


  • 尼娜杰米调离解码钥匙工作,帮助法医确认那具无名尸体的身份。

    Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body. Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.


  • 后来安德鲁办公室确认扎菲2008年的11月一起进餐,安德鲁对费萨尔说的最后的一餐,并主动要求和拍照留念。

    Later Andrew, who's office has confirmed he dined with Gadaffi in November 2008, told Faisal it was the finest meal he had ever had and posed for a picture with him.


  • 如果需要更进一步确认问题,请看Memory选项

    Check the Memory TAB if you need to further confirm the problem.


  • 使用WS-Security信用信息可以加密的格式传递,并且发出付款确认银行系统解密

    Using WS-Security, the credit card information can instead be sent in encrypted form that can be decrypted only by the banking system that issues the payment confirmation.


  • 使用WS-Security信用信息可以加密的格式传递,并且发出付款确认银行系统解密

    Using WS-Security, the credit card information can instead be sent in encrypted form that can be decrypted only by the banking system that issues the payment confirmation.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定