• 虽然对其回答一点困难但是肯定工具可以找出确实邪恶安全性漏洞复杂代码性能瓶颈

    While the answer to that one is a bit intractable, it's certainly the case that tools can find security holes, complex code, and performance bottlenecks that are evil indeed.


  • 可以肯定的是,自动化工厂雇佣的工人不会传统流水线装配厂那样确实更多的就业机会带回欧美

    To be sure, automated factories aren't going to employ nearly as many people as traditional assembly line operations, but they will bring jobs back to the West.


  • 使用角质产品肯定是正确的,比如含砂糖花生磨砂膏确实可以去除老化的表皮,让皮肤重新变得柔嫩而焕发光彩。

    There’s no question that using exfoliants, such as scrubs that contain sugar or ground nut shells to slough off dead surface layers, can indeed reveal softer, healthier-looking skin.


  • 如果一个老拖,肯定有好多人跟你作伴:75%大学生认为老拖,50%确实是要问题拖延者。

    If you're a procrastinator then you're not alone: 75% of college students consider themselves procrastinators and 50% are problem procrastinators.


  • 你们当中一些能力进行分析,使我们确实可以肯定这种可能性存在,相信这些同意成为我们的工作人员

    The capabilities of some of you are being analyzed, so that our encounter can in fact offer some of you this possibility, with the trust that those people will agree to become members of our crew.


  • 部分法律业务确实可能便宜,比方说如果企业正面临决定生死的判决,肯定希望有一个有才华的律师你辩护。

    Some legal tasks cannot be done cheaply. If the fate of your company hinges on the verdict, you will want a brilliant lawyer to argue your case.


  • 这个极具挑战工作确实获益匪浅现在如果没有稳定工资,我肯定不接受这个工作。

    It's true that I have learned a lot from the challenging job, but now I think that if I cannot be guaranteed a stable salary, I will quit the job.


  • 不能肯定回答的——确实不能肯定Krugman的断言和假设正确的。

    I'm not sure my answers are correct -- but I'm really not sure that Krugman's assertions/assumptions are correct.


  • 现在可以肯定的说,那天晚上我并没有怀上乔恩。但是确实丢掉了什么不仅是身体上的,更是心理上的丢失。

    All I am sure is that I didn't get little Jon at that time. But I did lose something, not physically but psychologically more.


  • 只是方面说明不错可以肯定是中间的长凳上宝石确实工作,摆在店里

    Just a side note: Yes, be certain the store has a bench jeweler, the one who actually does the work, in the store.


  • 上述研究结果确实令人惊讶,而且肯定支持长期存在且被广泛接受的关于CRRT转归优于IHD的观点。

    The results of the above studies are surprising and certainly do not support the long-standing, widely held belief that CRRT provides better outcomes than IHD.


  • 但是确实有一些因素改善了提供护理环境整体健康结果方面肯定会产生积极结果

    But there certainly are elements whereby improving the environment in which care is provided certainly produces positive results in terms of health outcomes as a whole.


  • 有一件事肯定的,不过——地狱密歇根居民确实拥抱名字

    One thing is for sure, though - Hell, Michigan residents sure do embrace the name!


  • 接受英国天空新闻采访时,希拉里告诉记者:“只能说,婚礼确实很棒但是之前准备工作喘不过气来,相信他们(指威廉凯特及双方家族成员,译者注)现在肯定感觉到了这种压力。”

    "I can only tell you that the wedding itself was wonderful but the preparations, and I'm sure that they're feeling some of the same, can be stressful, " she told Britain's Sky News in an interview.


  • 由于外貌人类求爱过程扮演自然角色可以肯定外表确实客观重要性

    Because of the natural role of appearance in human courtship, I can say with certainty that physical beauty does have some objective importance.


  • 确实成就辉煌璀璨,传媒奖赏只不过反映大家她的肯定和爱护而已。

    Her achievement was really too outstanding, those awards from media just reflected the love people bestowed on her and their acknowledgment of her accomplishment.


  • 可以肯定的一点是,容易失去理智确实就是爱情

    To be sure that the people most vulnerable to losing one's sense of, surely it is love.


  • 由于外貌人类求爱过程扮演自然角色可以肯定外表确实客观重要性

    Because of the natural role of appearance in human 11 courtship, I can say with certainty that physical beauty does have some objective importance.


  • 因此认为足够肯定对于柏拉图本人以阿珀洛罗斯名义说话,保撒尼亚斯的论述,确实某件可笑事。

    Therefore I think it is sufficiently affirmed that for Plato himself, in so far as it he is who speaks here under the name of Apollodoros, the discourse of Pausanias is indeed something derisory.


  • 情况来看,有一点似乎是可以肯定确实沿公路人行道徒步回来的,不是顺风车穿越野地。

    What seems certain, judging from the state of its PAWS, is that it walked home by road and pavement, rather than somehow hitching a lift or going cross-country.


  • 事实证明我们简单信念前瞻性行动确实得到消费大众社会肯定

    Evidently, our simple beliefs and forward actions have been approved by the general public and the society at large.


  • 它的出生一个惊喜,因为动物管理员甚至不能完全肯定她的熊猫妈妈当时是否确实怀孕了。

    Thee birth was unexpected as zookeepers were not entirely certain the mother panda was pregnant.


  • 确实时机正合适正如我们一直这唠叨的:如果某只秒起来向鸭子,叫起来嘎嘎的,那么肯定不是只孔雀

    Certainly, the timing fits to a tee, and as stated here regularly in the past: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it surely is not a peacock.


  • 目前大规模地区战争概率肯定远远低于气候变化确实以及温室气体罪魁祸首的概率。

    Currently, the probability of local wars occurring in many areas is significantly lower than the probability that climate change exists and greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change.


  • 本论文意义在于:论证劳务派遣这种非标准化的用工方式值得肯定的方面,指出派遣行业在迎合市场需求的同时确实存在派遣滥用的情况。

    The purpose of the dissertation is that while agreeing with labor dispatching to meet the economy developing, points out that there are abusive labor dispatching.


  • 如果这样问肯定回答确实困难的,将来的事没有人能肯定

    If you ask me this way, I must reply that it's difficult because there is nothing guaranteed.


  • 不敢肯定这种说法完全准确——即使理想工作也可能辛苦不过如果的是你所热爱的事情的话,那么确实可以使生活变得格外轻松。

    I'm not sure if that's entirely 1 accurate-even dream jobs can be hard work, but, it does make life much easier if you are doing something you love.


  • 不敢肯定这种说法完全准确——即使理想工作也可能辛苦不过如果的是你所热爱的事情的话,那么确实可以使生活变得格外轻松。

    I'm not sure if that's entirely 1 accurate-even dream jobs can be hard work, but, it does make life much easier if you are doing something you love.


- 来自原声例句

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