• 对于比较轻微抑郁症某些形式心理疗法确实有效。

    For milder depressions, certain forms of psychotherapy do work well.


  • 这项运动奇怪形式确实脚踝臀部带来了相当大的压力所以此类伤病接受这项运动时可能谨慎一些。

    The sport's strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport.


  • 如果一下笛卡尔坐标,我确实笛卡尔坐标的形式在这里小声自言自语时,不要介意

    If I look at the Cartesian, I did have the Cartesian form, don't mind while I mutter to myself here quietly.


  • 这时一个概念但是现在这种技术确实某种形式存在

    It's just a concept but the technologies do exist in some form now.


  • 了解多数工具支持后一种(2001)名称空间形式可能W3C决定回到原来名称空间的原因这种名称空间的变化撤销确实带来一些混乱

    Most tools I know of only support the latter (2001) namespace form, which may be why the W3C decided to go back to it, but they did sow a bit of confusion with this namespace change and reversal.


  • 流星不是真的星星,但确实来自太空,他们流星这种我们看到形式进入地球大气层。

    While not actual stars, “shooting stars” do come from outer space, in the form of meteoroids entering the Earth’s atmosphere.


  • 表明愚蠢或许确实具有传染性——尤其是如果叙述形式呈现的话。

    This suggests stupidity may indeed be contagious - particularly if it is presented in narrative form.


  • 我们确实可以活着树枝嫁接活着的树上面或者是动物活人身上活着部分移植到到其他的部分上面,不是我们正之共事生活仅仅形式

    We may indeed graft living branch to living tree, or living part of animal or man to other living part, but it is not life with which we are working; it is form only.


  • 确实,2008年的奖金数额相比略有减少,仅仅是因为其中很大一部分是以公司股票形式支付,而这些股票当时价格历史低位。

    Indeed, bonuses in 2008 fell a bit compared to the previous year but only because much of it was paid in companies stocks whose prices fell to record lows at the time.


  • 空巢综合症确实存在,不过对于各种形式失落感悲伤感来说个可喜的消息

    The empty-nest syndrome is real, but there is good news for this and all forms of loss and grief.


  • 确实目前的危机也许激发部分国家通过储备其它形式审慎储蓄方法寻求甚至更多的自我保护措施。

    Indeed, the crisis may have spurred some countries to seek even more self-insurance in reserves and other forms of prudential saving.


  • 沉思一种形式确实就是坐着

    It's simply sitting. It's a form of meditation, but really it's just sitting.


  • 人们确实适应气候挑战——以自相残杀形式

    People do adapt to climate challenges-by fighting each other.


  • 然而尽管伊朗叙利亚进行某种形式对话确实有所帮助—不仅伊拉克同样也对饱受冲突折磨的黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦有益—但是对话并不是万灵药

    But although some sort of dialogue with Iran and Syria could indeed help-not only in Iraq but also in strife-torn Lebanon and palestine-talking is no panacea.


  • 今天科学发表六个单独文件,多科目研究者们表示确实水,形式存在——有着令人印象深刻的数量

    And in six separate papers published today in Science, researchers across a wide range of disciplines showed that it's there all right, in the form of ice - and in impressive amounts.


  • 告诉你们解决方案形式确实无关紧要

    What I am saying to you is that it really doesn't matter what form it come in.


  • 光之工作可以任何形式确实并不只限于提供治疗

    Light work may take all kinds of forms; it is certainly not limited to offering therapy.


  • 不过其他时候,如果确实需要文本表达式一种很好的缩写形式

    Other times, though, when you really just want a textual expression, it's a nifty shortcut.


  • 对于国际数学界而言,这又确实一种市场形式在这里各式各样人为获得双赢而彼此交易他们智慧结晶。

    But international maths is a form of marketplace, where all sorts of people trade their intellectual wares to enormous mutual benefit.


  • 那些和Storey一样确实需要留心,可使用某种形式激素替代疗法当然不是毫无风险的。

    Those, such as Storey, who do need attention are prescribed some form of hormone replacement, although this is not without risk.


  • 希廷格尔(Hittinger博士怀疑基本形式酿造拉格(贮陈)啤酒---时间很而且还是低温发酵---确实比真贝酵母(eubayanus到来之前发生,但是这些早期的拉格啤酒质量不太好。

    Dr Hittinger suspects lagering in its basic formlengthy and cool fermentationdid precede the arrival of eubayanus, but that these early lagers were poor.


  • 然而Web服务(按照W3C的定义)确实需要可以用来描述服务的形式功能某种基于XML描述机制(wsdl)。

    However, a Web service (as defined by the W3C) does require an XML-based description mechanism of some kind (such as WSDL) that can be used to describe the service's form and function.


  • 确实一些激动人心玩意,如苹果iPod但是没有人相信他的衍生物能够电话形式有朝一日互联网移动”起来。

    There was some excitement about a fairly new gadget, Apple’s iPod, but nobody suspected that its progeny, in the form of a phone, might one day make the internetmobile”.


  • 确实交流形式(web邮箱社会网络微博客)时,病毒营销才起作用

    It only works when it is a genuinely new form of communication (webmail, social networking, microblogging).


  • 并不是应该改变睡眠形式但是有时候这么做确实产生奇效

    I'm not saying that you should change your sleeping patterns, but sometimes it can do wonders.


  • 没错,书面形式表单确实可以转换对等的在线表单,仅仅是个开始。

    Yes, the paper form is translated into an online equivalent, but that's only the beginning.


  • 确实是这样因此我们知道我们有可能我们形式电荷

    And it does, so we know that we're probably on target in terms of calculating our formal charge.


  • 对于这种情况无奈别无选择,因为在现在的形式回来和父母住在一起确实是个理性选择。

    I don’t spend a lot of time pitying myself. Moving back home was the rational choice to make, under the circumstances.


  • 消费者行为学一个非常专业领域,听起来要网页设计师们精通此道确实有些悬,但是令人振奋的是,设计师们可以通过自己客户网站进行大量对比测试,用他们特有的形式深入掌握该领域技能。

    Consumer behavior is a specialized field and web designers can get on a steep but exhilarating learning curve for it by engaging in split testing on their own and their clients' websites.


  • 奥斯汀特别擅长这种形式写作确实英国著名的小说家之一。

    Jane Austen, who excelled at this form of writing, is indeed one of the greatest of all English novelists.


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