• 一个特定地区植被类型通过识别计算那里发现各种花粉确定的。

    The type of vegetation in a specific region is determined by identifying and counting the various pollen grains found there.


  • 另外特性允许评估识别资格差距因此有助于确定弥补那些差距最佳方法

    Additionally, this feature allows you to assess and identify competency gaps, thus helping determine the best way to fill those gaps.


  • 响应时间显示每个应用程序的时间花费指标这样可以轻松地最高的响应时间识别应用程序,确定花费时间最多地方

    The response time columns show you the time spent metrics per application so that you can identify the application with the highest response time easily, and determine where the most time is spent.


  • 协议使用端点标识识别服务器端中间件中的目标对象它们都使用方法标识符来确定调用方法签名

    Both protocols use endpoint identifiers to identify a target object within the server-side middleware and they both use method identifiers to determine the signature of the method to be invocated.


  • 识别能够帮助确定团队结构架构层次对于购买软件候选接口

    Identify interfaces that could help determine team structure, architectural layers, and candidates for off-the-shelf software.


  • 会话创建识别如何能够确定何时的确需要一个新的会话,而且它确实已经创建了?

    Session creation and identification: How can you ensure that, when a new session is needed, it is indeed created?


  • 然后确定客户服务器配置成可识别符合这些模式XML文档需要它们转换对象对象中转换出来。

    Then ensure that both client and server are configured to recognize XML documents conforming to these schemas and can convert them to or from objects as necessary.


  • 前所述任务分析可以帮助识别任务确定用户是如何执行任务的。

    As mentioned, task analysis can help you identify tasks and determine how users perform them.


  • 除了前三文章中讨论力学提供许多识别方法之外,鼠标使用情况提供更多数据帮助确定用户身份

    In addition to the many identification options presented by keystroke dynamics discussed in my three earlier articles, mouse usage provides additional data to help determine identity.


  • 只能提供一些有关如何识别服务确定服务的范围方面的指导

    All I can offer is some guidelines on how to identify and scope a service.


  • 他们将研究目标确定训练免疫系统识别攻击携带这些链的癌细胞。另外,疫苗含有提高免疫反应物质

    The goal is to train the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells bearing these peptides; the vaccine would also contain substances designed to boost immune response.


  • 分析pwh中的数据有助于识别潜在性能问题趋势,或确定更改DB 2配置后的结果。

    Analyzing the data in the PWH helps you to identify potential performance problems or trends or to determine the effects of changing a DB2 configuration value.


  • 通过确定词元名词代词形容词语型变化,以及动词词形变化都会识别出来。

    Through the identification of lemmas, inflections of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, as well as conjugations of verbs, are recognized.


  • 款相机都有内置的自动场景识别功能,也就是说它们分析场景确定哪种拍摄模式适合。

    Both cameras have built-in automatic scene-detecting capability, meaning they can analyze a scene to determine which shooting mode would work best.


  • PWH中分析数据有助于识别潜在性能问题趋势以及确定改变DB 2配置效果

    Analysing the data in the PWH helps you to identify potential performance problems or trends, or to determine the effects of changing a DB2 configuration value.


  • 度量有助于识别关键领域确定进行改进优先次序。

    This measurement helps in identifying the focus areas and prioritizing their improvement accordingly.


  • 数据质量度量指标应用到来自已识别的数据存储的数据上,确定数据质量级别。

    Apply data quality metrics to data from identified data stores to ascertain data quality levels.


  • 一旦识别愿景最初干系通过思考所有需要参与,来确定项目其他的干系人。

    Once the vision has been identified, the original stakeholders work out who the other, incidental stakeholders for the project are by thinking of all the people who need to be involved.


  • 执行一些模式识别步骤确定声音

    Perform some pattern recognition steps to identify the sound


  • 能够下钻应用程序代码识别显示问题查询源代码中的位置,从而使开发人员能够更加轻松地确定问题。

    Problem determination made easier for developers with the ability to drill up into the application code to identify and display the source code location for problem queries.


  • 这个实践过程描述了7种用于确定服务补充技术技术不同角度解决一个服务识别问题

    The practice describes seven complementary techniques for identifying services, with each technique attacking the service identification issue from a different perspective.


  • 识别db 2问题确定工具功能(例如db2pddb2mtrk)。

    Identify the functions of db2's problem determination tools (for example, db2pd and db2mtrk).


  • 对于用来识别HTML页面元素辅助技术来说,ID应该惟一的否则产生混乱,无法确定一个才是正确的元素。

    For assistive technology to identify the element on the HTML page, the id should be unique, or there will be confusion about which element is the correct one.


  • 无需应用程序中的每个面板专门创建一个屏幕自定义甚至无需确定应用每组CICS屏幕屏幕识别元素

    You did not need to create screen customizations unique to each panel in the application, or even determine screen recognition elements to apply to groups of CICS screens.


  • 应该关键实践识别度量数据收集必要数据确定这个项目团队是否执行了这个实践

    You should identify a small number of metrics for key practices and collect the data necessary to determine if the project team actually follows the practice.


  • 通过报告电子表格,将识别输入字段建立公司标准列表匹配确定哪些输入字段需要定义标准。

    Through reports or spreadsheets, match the identified input fields to the list of established corporate standards to determine which input fields need standards defined.


  • 确定应该如何识别定位远程应用服务器访问应用服务器建立了基本安全模型

    It establishes how a remote application server should be identified and located and determines a basic security model for accessing an application server.


  • 这些放大器一种复杂敌我识别系统(iff)的重要组成部分,专门用来问讯飞机确定他们是敌是友。

    These amplifiers are key components in a complex Identification friend or foe (IFF) system used to interrogate aircraft to determine their friend or foe status.


  • 确定正在使用开发模式当前使用的开发模式决定需要识别标志数量

    Identify your development model in use: Which development model you currently use will determine the number of needed signatures.


  • 确定正在使用开发模式当前使用的开发模式决定需要识别标志数量

    Identify your development model in use: Which development model you currently use will determine the number of needed signatures.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定