• 一定程度气候变暖确定无疑的,程度融化海洋水蒸气云和植物变化循环过程决定

    Some warming is certain, but the degree will be determined by cycles involving melting ice, the oceans, water vapour, clouds and changes to vegetation and plants.


  • 因此,确定现在位置决定想要什么找到一个上帝承诺提出然后要求上帝帮助

    So determine your present position, decide what you want, find a promise from God to hold onto, claim it, and then ask God for help.


  • 应用服务器运行时使用这些绑定确定是否特定用户授予某个角色然后决定是否访问保护的资源

    The application server runtime USES these bindings to determine if a specific user has a role assigned, and then decides whether or not the protected resource can be accessed.


  • 定义查询元素中的行顺序决定它们在ORDERBY子句中从左顺序确定了它们的排序优先级

    The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the order BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.


  • 确定到了下午班机决定在机场订更早一班的飞机。

    He had confirmed reservations for an afternoon flight, but decided to try to try to board an earlier flight on standby.


  • 如果决定你在读学校之外高校上课确定学分是可以转移的。

    If you decide to take a class at a school other then your own college, make sure the credits transfer.


  • 无论我们做什么决定有一件事确定付出110%的努力时以为没有人注意到,我了。

    Regardless of what we decide, one thing is certainwhen I was out on the field giving it 110% and feeling like nobody noticed, I was wrong.


  • 第一主要设计决定就是确定应该如何标记一个单独的。

    Our first major design decision was determining how an individual should be marked up. We settled on the following structure.


  • 第二估算团队速度方法确定迭代长度团队规模然后决定团队一个迭代内能完成多少故事

    The second approach to estimating a team velocity is to determine the iteration length and team size, and then decide how many stories the team could complete in an iteration. This is done as follows.


  • StudioNow早期时候,同事需要决定使用哪些技术并且确定提升学习一些技能最佳途径

    Early on at StudioNow, my colleagues and I had to decide what technology to use and determine the best way to ramp up and learn a new set of skills.


  • 确定清晰的目标就会帮助决定到底什么样的事情应该的,什么样的是不应该的。

    Having clear goals will help you decide which is which.


  • 每个周末所有人在一起评估下收集到材料并且决定确定强烈的反响地方

    At the end of each week, everyone got together to evaluate the material collected and determine where the strongest feelings lay.


  • 确定自己什么规划未来决定你自己的命运

    Decide what you want to be, pick out your future, and make your own destiny.


  • 确定每个地点团队将要使用工具并且决定工具可用,以及能其他地点的工具集成所需基础结构

    Identify the tools the teams at each site will use and determine the infrastructure required to enable their use and any integrations with tools at other sites.


  • 决定体系结构确定何处存在开发风险工作中,开发团队技能集中相关知识同样非常重要的

    Knowledge of the skill sets of the development teams can also be very useful in determining the architecture and deciding where development risks exist.


  • 健康身体思想感情促进作用的,它使做出更好决定妥善的处理飓风确定

    A healthy body can have a positive impact on your thoughts and emotions, enabling you to make better decisions and better deal with the hurricane's uncertainties.


  • 这样实例中系统分析人员可能会决定确认那些确信因子高于一个具体限制——比方说80%——的特性作为确定需求

    In such instances, the system analyst might decide to validate only those features whose sureness factor is at or above a specific limitsay 80 percent — as firm requirements.


  • 确定正在使用开发模式当前使用的开发模式决定需要的识别标志数量

    Identify your development model in use: Which development model you currently use will determine the number of needed signatures.


  • 这时突然出现之前没有想到新的注意事项我们于是很全力做这件是之前确定自己决定

    There are times when new considerations pop in and I want to be certain of the decision before committing myself.


  • 大批公司决定停产,部分是由于供应链中断有受确定电力供应影响的缘故。

    A slew of businesses have decided to close, in part because of disrupted supply chains, but also because of the uncertainty over access to power.


  • 科学上存有很大确定情况下,需要很快做出具有深远影响决定

    Decisions with far-reaching consequences need to be made quickly in an atmosphere of considerable scientific uncertainty.


  • 决定计划未计划中断的实际成本因而确定合理附加冗余容量成本防止它们

    Determined the effective cost of planned and unplanned outages, and hence the justifiable expense of additional redundant capacity to prevent them.


  • 确定中所做决定”,伯南克写过,很有可能导致商业里的“投资热”。

    The "resolution of uncertainty, " Bernanke wrote, can lead to "an investment boom" by businesses.


  • 一点可以确定处理时间可能性能力决定的。

    But it's clear that the ability to manipulate time and possibility is a crucial feature.


  • 通常人们不会轻易决定离开他们自己的国家除非确定目的地支援他们的人脉网络存在,这种人脉网络可以这些非法移民提供诸如工作住所渠道

    People typically don't decide to leave their home country unless there is some support network waiting for them in the destination country that provides access to things such as jobs and housing.


  • 通常人们不会轻易决定离开他们自己的国家除非确定目的地支援他们的人脉网络存在,这种人脉网络可以这些非法移民提供诸如工作住所渠道

    People typically don't decide to leave their home country unless there is some support network waiting for them in the destination country that provides access to things such as jobs and housing.


- 来自原声例句

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