• 这些奇怪的联系超出量子确定性领域可能性Aerts表示。

    The strange links go beyond probability, Aerts argues, to the realm of quantum uncertainty.


  • 确定性探寻未知领域过程固有特点,而不可当作缺点而加以避免

    Uncertainty is intrinsic to the process of finding out what you don't know, not a weakness to avoid.


  • 商业其他任何领域厌恶几周债务问题上两党相互装逼所酿成确定性。正是这种不确定性造成他们搁置了很多企划方案

    More than anything, businesses have hated the uncertainty of the weeks of posturing over the debt, which has caused many of them to put their plans on hold.


  • 但是气候变化是否明确我们从而知,科学领域没有确定性

    But we do not believe that climate change is a certainty. There are no certainties in science.


  • 理论上说,原告必须要证明,正是由于环保局迟疑不决,才导致他们一些具体的损失,这些损失通过采取监控可能挽回——在同气候学一样充满确定性的这个领域里,这是个很苛刻的要求。

    In theory, they must prove that the EPA's foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedy-a tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology.


  • 不论美国经济是否在消退如今有一件事明朗确定性弥漫而且几乎影响到了每个经济领域包括就业市场

    Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector, including the job market.


  • 新农表示,住友达成的协议带来了更大价值确定性”,涉及一项在多个业务领域进行合作的协议。

    It added that the deal with Sumitomo provided "greater value and certainty" and involved an agreement to co-operate across business areas.


  • 农民正在老龄化(英国农民平均年龄50多),加上很少有年轻人愿意进入一个艰难的,具有不确定性领域

    And farmers are ageing (the average British farmer is now well into his 50s), with few young people keen to enter a hard, uncertain business.


  • 为了解决规划失效问题我们必须超越确定性科学思想,走向不确定性研究领域

    We have to go straight to the field of uncertainty study instead of certainty theory, for solving the problems bringing by the inefficiency of planning.


  • 分析构造机械加工故障诊断专家系统领域知识确定性

    The uncertain problem of the domain knowledge in building machining operation expert system for fault diagnosis is analysed.


  • 姚兰·巴塞尔产权经济分析是以科斯核心定理公共领域产权的确定性基础的。

    Yoram Barzel based his economic analysis of property rights on the Core Theorem of Coase and the ambiguity of property rights in the public domain.


  • 粗糙理论一种新的处理模糊确定性知识数学工具人工智能数据挖掘等众多领域已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Rough set theory is emerging as a powerful tool for dealing with vagueness and uncertainty of facts, which has important applications to artificial intelligence and data mining.


  • 粗糙理论一种新的处理模糊确定性知识软计算工具人工智能认知科学等众多领域已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Rough set theory is emerging as a powerful tool for dealing with vagueness and uncertainty of facts, which has important applications to artificial intelligence and cognitive science.


  • 作为一种数据分析理论有效地从不确定性的数据中发现知识目前知识发现领域研究热点之一

    Rough set, as a theory of data analysis, can deal with uncertainty efficiently , and is one of current hot research directions in knowledge discovery.


  • 利用隶属度模糊综合评判概念方法有效处理领域知识描述诊断推理中的确定性问题

    The concept and the method of membership and fuzzy comprehensive judgement are used to deal with the field knowledge description and the uncertain problem in diagnosing inference.


  • 基于产生式规则探讨了领域关系确定性不确定关系建模过程中的传递合成

    Based on the production rules, the transfer and synthesis of the domain relation uncertainty are discussed in the process of uncertain relation modeling.


  • 空间数据确定性当前GIS领域研究难点之一

    Uncertainty of spatial data is one of the current research issues in GIS domain.


  • 最后岩土工程安全监测领域确定性知识处理进行了初步探讨。

    Finally, the processing of the uncertainty knowledge in this domain is discussed.


  • 现实世界中普通存在确定性风险产生根源,风险决策分析是决策理论研究重要领域之一。

    The universal uncertainty is the root of risk. Decision analysis under risk has been an active research field of decision theory.


  • 土壤非饱和确定性数值模型在农业环境工程领域有着广泛应用

    Deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone can be widely applied to the fields of agronomy, environment, engineering etc.


  • 地理空间数据确定性理论方法研究当前GIS学科研究热点和前沿领域之一

    Theories and methods of geospatial special data uncertainty nowadays is one of the most important researching fields in GIS.


  • 尽管驱动器故障补偿控制领域已经取得了很大进展,但很多重要特别是那些围绕系统确定性问题尚未解决。

    Despite substantial progress in the area of actuator failures compensation, there are still many important problems to be solved, in particular those involving system uncertainties.


  • GIS确定性理论研究领域中,位置确定性属性确定性主要研究对象

    In the domain of GIS uncertainty research, positional uncertainty and attribute uncertainty are of the major research objects.


  • 作为一种数据分析理论有效地从不确定性数据中发现知识目前知识发现领域研究的热点之一

    Rough set, as a theory of data analysis, can deal with uncertainty efficiently , and is one of current hot research directions in knowledge discovery. This paper introduces rough set theory briefly.


  • 混沌理论诞生解决现代物理理论研究有关传统确定性理论领域中的随机性现象传统的随机性理论研究的确定性问题

    The birth of "Chaos theory" helps to solve the problem of determinacy for random phenomena in traditional determinacy theory of modern theory physics and those in traditional random theories.


  • 混沌一种确定性非线性运动不是随机初始条件敏感依赖许多领域研究证实混沌的存在

    Chaos is a deterministic nonlinear structure, which is not a stochastic process, but sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Studies in numerous fields have shown the existence of chaos dynamics.


  • 混沌一种确定性非线性运动不是随机初始条件敏感依赖许多领域研究证实混沌的存在

    Chaos is a deterministic nonlinear structure, which is not a stochastic process, but sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Studies in numerous fields have shown the existence of chaos dynamics.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定