• 乳化稳定性确保增长乳化液寿命

    High emulsion stability, ensuring a long sump life.


  • 确保增长造福于全社会世行工作重点放在以下方面。

    To ensure that growth creates benefits throughout society, the Bank is placing priority on.


  • 但是,仅仅寻求平衡增长不够我们需要确保增长的可持续性——为了我们地球为了将在地球上生活子孙后代。

    But it's not enough to pursue growth that is balanced. We also need growth that is sustainable -for our planet and the future generations that will live here.


  • 163个被调查国家中,英国确保经济增长转化公民生活水平提升方面表现得最差的国家之一。

    Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens.


  • 官员们预测增长足以确保拥挤而造成延误不会增加

    Officials predict that this increase is sufficient to ensure that the incidence of delays due to crowding does not increase.


  • 美联储确保新的一年里失业人数增长不会打击消费者信心

    The Fed is keen to ensure that rising joblessness does not hit consumer confidence in the new year.


  • 为了确保经济增长他们需要国内和平以及邻国援助捐赠者建立良好关系

    To ensure economic growth they will need peace at home and decent relations with Nepal's neighbours and aid donors.


  • 尽管如此为了确保平稳长期增长斗争设法商品景气的泡沫看起来有其正当理由

    Nevertheless, trying to scoop the froth from the commodity boom looks justified in the struggle to ensure more balanced long-term growth.


  • 国际认可行为准则框架下透明度问责制对于确保持续全球经济增长和稳定仍然至关重要

    Transparency and accountability within an internationally agreed framework of codes and standards remain key to ensuring sustained economic growth and stability at the global level.


  • 戈尔非洲国家经济多样化确保强劲稳定增长但是这种情况没有出现

    Gore says diversification of African economies could ensure more robust and stable growth, but this has not occurred.


  • 避免轻易商品价格大起大落伤害唯一方法建立一种确保内生经济增长广泛分配收益机制

    The only way to avoid vulnerability to rapidly fluctuating commodity prices is to build mechanisms to ensure endogenous economic growth and wide dispersal of its benefits.


  • 方面的调包括确保可以增长应用程序需要大小以及通过调整垃圾收集参数避免垃圾收集影响过大。

    Your tuning efforts in this area involve making sure the heap can grow to the size your application needs and tuning the garbage collection parameters to avoid the effects of heavy garbage collection.


  • 长期重新调整经济确保经济高速增长最好方法

    But in the long term, rebalancing the economy is the best way to ensure higher growth.


  • 可信的是,已经实施一个卓越的策略带来激动人心服务确保以后增长

    It believes it has hit upon a brilliant strategy to deliver exciting new services and guarantee future growth.


  • 欧洲人若是确保经济增长和生活方式不变,就必须折中他们理想。要让他们明白这一点,需要一段时间。

    It may still take time before Europeans conclude that they must compromise their ideals in order to secure the growth needed to preserve what they can of their lifestyles.


  • 我们正致力于确保拨给孤独症的保联邦资金增长合适的水平

    We are making major inroads to ensure that federal funding for autism begins to rise to a more appropriate level.


  • 我们确保全国最低工资增长一直于通胀率

    We have ensured that the national minimum wage has risen always above the rate of inflation.


  • 他们不得不提升自身已有的资产总量——用以填补亏损——2%增长4.5%,进而确保金融系统可以未来冲击中幸存下来

    They will have to raise the amount they hold in common equity - the best capital for absorbing losses - from 2% to 4.5% to ensure the financial system can survive future shocks.


  • 已知信息预先填充的表单可以增长用户经验并且确保精性

    Pre-filling forms with existing information can further improve the user experience and ensure accuracy.


  • 他们认为亚洲经济体正在目的地奉行压低货币汇率政策从而确保出口拉动经济增长的强劲势头。

    They argue that Asian economies are pursuing a deliberate policy of currency undervaluation to ensure strong export-led growth.


  • 如果内存需求继续增长wlm确保RAM分配页面而是增加分页活动

    If memory requirements continue to grow, WLM would ensure that no more new pages are allocated from the RAM; rather, there will be increased paging activity.


  • 作为全球最大日用品消费国中国维持经济增长理所当然应该确保稳定的原料供给

    As the world's biggest consumer of many commodities, China naturally wants to ensure a steady supply of them to keep its economy going.


  • 对于各项税收非税收入依法征收,应收尽收,确保财政收入稳定增长

    We will collect both tax and non-tax revenue in accordance with the law and to the fullest extent possible to ensure a steady increase in government revenue.


  • 怎么样保证增长的同时,也确保这种增长全面性

    How do you sustain growth, but at the same time how do you ensure that this growth is inclusive.


  • 面对Internet持续快速增长确保存在足够的地址至关重要的。

    Given the continued rapid growth of the Internet, ensuring there are enough addresses is crucial.


  • IPv 6下一代互联网协议提供了四十亿以上空间确保网络继续目前增长速度

    The next Internet Protocol generation is IPv6, which provides four billion times more space, to help ensure the web continues its current growth rate.


  • IPv 6下一代互联网协议提供了四十亿以上空间确保网络继续目前增长速度

    The next Internet Protocol generation is IPv6, which provides four billion times more space, to help ensure the web continues its current growth rate.


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