• 如果想要移动硬盘启动安全性灵活性呢?

    What if you want the safety and flexibility of actually booting from your portable hard drive?


  • 对于服务器可能希望可用硬盘启动

    For servers, you probably simply want to boot from an available hard drive.


  • 任意硬盘启动点击ESC进行重启

    Press any key to boot from hard disk or ESCape to reboot.


  • 时不要按键,等待硬盘启动启动后出现。

    Press any key to Boot from CD …


  • 另一个电脑便携方法安装可以移动硬盘启动操作系统

    Another solution for making your computing portable is to install an operating system that can be booted straight from your thumb drive.


  • 技术事件:“硬盘故障”、“服务器启动或者数据库空间80%已满”这些都是系统技术活动以及配置相关事件的例子

    Technical events: "Hard disk failure", "Server started" or "Database 80% full" are examples of events that relate to the technical activity and configuration of the system.


  • 示例事件包括操作系统启动CPU内存硬盘高度使用

    Example events include startup of the operating system and high usage of CPU, memory, and hard disk.


  • 如果正在加载一个庞大的。NET客户端应用程序类库或者硬盘速度很慢,那么这种应用程序的“启动占用较多时间

    If you are loading a large.net client application or library, or are using a slow disk, these cold startup scenarios can require many seconds for your application to start.


  • 如果可以那么可能就是文件硬盘驱动器扇区,从而导致无法正常启动

    If you can, it is most likely have one or two bad files or a bad sector on the hard disk drive that leading to not start correctly.


  • 更换有问题硬盘驱动器之后再一次启动服务器观察结果

    After replacing the defective hard drive, I started the server again to observe the results.


  • 我们启动虚拟,将硬盘添加进行格式化

    We booted the virtual machine and added the new disk to the volume group and formatted it for use.


  • 系统重新启动时,有关信息硬盘读入内存恢复休眠前的状态,睡眠模式醒来一样。

    When the system is powered on again it reads information from the hard drive back into memory and should pick up where it left off, just like waking from sleep mode.


  • 试着启动启动计算机是否访问硬盘驱动器

    Try using a boot disk to restart the computer to see if you can access to hard drive.


  • 问题在于硬盘启动优先级高于光驱

    The problem is that your hard drive has a higher boot priority than your optical drive.


  • 不必将计算机到电子污染废品站,而是提供全新的、便宜硬盘CD 或 USBflash驱动UFD启动计算机重新配置为客户机

    Rather than consigning an old computer to the e-waste scrap heap, give it a new, inexpensive hard diskor just boot from a CD or a USB flash drive (UFD)—and re-purpose the computer as a thin client.


  • 注意如果项目需要硬盘(许多客户机属于这种情况),则必须通过CD、u SBPreboot eXecutionEnvironment (PXE—也就是网络)来启动

    Note that if your project does not require a hard disk, as is the case for many thin clients, it must boot via CD, USB, or Preboot eXecution Environment (pxe-that is, network boot).


  • 使用Clonezilla Live,首先物理服务器创建一个系统映像然后使用启动CD将映像恢复虚拟硬盘中。

    With Clonezilla Live, you first create a system image from the physical server, then use the boot CD to restore the image onto the virtual machine's hard disk.


  • 第六安全通过海关后信任的朋友那儿取回你的密钥启动你的电脑重新加载你平常的那个密钥,以此进入你的硬盘驱动器

    Step Six: When you're safely through customs, get that random key back from your confidant, boot your computer and re-add the key you normally use to access your hard drive.


  • 这项技术带来好处在于,利用它计算机服务器可以实现瞬间启动配备了目前最快SSD硬盘还要

    The benefits of such a memory technology would allow computers and servers to boot instantaneously – much faster than what even the fastest SSD today can do.


  • 这个只跟硬盘有关,跟操作系统什么没有关系。引导记录告诉机器哪里启动系统,所以一般来说分区安装系统的。

    This limitation is due to something called the Master Boot Record which tells the computer which partitions it can boot from, and so primary partitions are usually reserved for operating systems.


  • 启动睡眠模式之前我们至少应该确保所有重要数据存储网络硬盘

    At the very least we need to make sure that all important data is saved to the network or the hard drive before going into sleep mode.


  • 一些BIOS允许ide驱动器启动硬盘驱动器启动

    Some BIOS also allows non-IDE drive from the main boot, and boot from the hard drive.


  • 基本上如果得到可以启动的liveCD版本可以将它应用外部可移动硬盘而不是CD !

    Basically if you can get a bootable live CD version, you can use an external portable hard drive instead of a CD!


  • 扫描磁盘需要一些时间扫描启动几个小时里最好其它事情更大硬盘可能花费更长的时间

    Scan Disk will take sometime; best go do something else for few hours after the scan started. It could taker longer if its larger hard drive.


  • 现在键入root (hd0, 0)(或者自己得到的返回值),告诉Grub哪个分区启动然后键入setup (hd0)以在你硬盘引导记录重新安装引导程序

    You should now type root (hd0, 0) (or your equivalent) to tell Grub which partition is being used to boot from, followed by setup (hd0) to reinstall the boot loader into the disk's master boot record.


  • 当然肯定希望断开包含Linux分区硬盘我们需用它再次启动Linux !

    Of course, you won't want to unplug the disk that contains your Linux root partitionwe'll need to boot Linux again!


  • 对于硬盘驱动器mbr加载一个阶段1启动加载程序,程序通常Linux系统上的LILOGRUB阶段1启动加载程序。

    For a hard drive, the MBR loads a stage 1 boot loader, which is typically either the LILO or GRUB stage1 boot loader on a Linux system.


  • 硬盘电源关闭启动备份方式

    I have to to the hard power shut off and start it back up that way.


  • 如果硬盘操作系统并无故障接下来我们就可以看到启动画面了。

    If there is no hard disk and operating system failures, then we can see the splash screen.


  • 硬盘不同硬盘MBR(引导记录),是因为一个硬盘可以多个分区并且其中的任何个分区都可以是启动的。

    A hard disk is different. A hard disk has an MBR (Master boot Record), this is because a hard disk can have multiple partitions and any one of them can be bootable.


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