• 通过新的硬件协议存储控制协议减轻节点存储压力降低网络编码中继节点的要求

    The new hardware protocol and storage controlling protocol can lessen the storage pressure of the node and lower the requirements of the network coding on the relay.


  • 应用以太网硬件协议芯片技术设计实现了具有网络数据高速传输功能DSP嵌入式系统

    The DSP embedded system offering high speed transmission function for network data is designed and implemented by adopting the technology of Ethernet hardware protocol stack chip.


  • 文章介绍了如何通过PCI局部总线实现高速数据传送,即介绍了对PC I接口板开发介绍,其中包括它的硬件协议软件协议讨论

    It introduces how to design a PCB board of high speed data transmitting system based on PCI part bus, including the discussing of hardware agreement and software agreement.


  • 所有软件系统开发中都存在着通过语言硬件网络拓扑通讯协议和底层架构选择所带来的重要约束

    In all software and system development there are important constraints implied by the choice of languages, hardware, network topology, communications protocols and infrastructure, and so on.


  • 作为程序员很多挑战应付不断更改新的协议应用程序编程接口(API)、客户需求硬件约束

    As a programmer, much of your challenge is to cope with unceasing change: new protocols, application programming interfaces (APIs), customer requirements, hardware constraints, and so on.


  • 早期网桥协议转换器路由器简单专用硬件设备通常是通过直接连接设备本身串口终端来配置的。

    Early network Bridges, protocol converters, and routers were simple dedicated hardware units typically configured through a terminal directly connected to a serial port on the unit itself.


  • 这些代理使用设备本机协议硬件设备通信

    These agents communicate with hardware devices using the device’s native protocol.


  • 协议下面另外一个无关接口层,它将协议具有很多各种不同功能硬件设备连接在一起。

    Below the protocols layer is another agnostic interface layer that connects protocols to a variety of hardware device drivers with varying capabilities.


  • WS-AT规范定义了使现有事务处理系统能够包装它们的专有协议不同硬件软件供应商互操作协议

    The WS-AT specification defines protocols that enable existing transaction processing systems to wrap their proprietary protocols and interoperate across different hardware and software vendors.


  • 1月13日惠普微软联合推出硬件和软件捆绑的协议

    On January 13th HP and Microsoft announced a pact to come up with tight packages of hardware and software.


  • 虽然任然那么一小部分“勇敢坚持用着苹果机,对普通用户来说,必须遵守最终用户许可协议:必须苹果硬件MacOSX

    And while there are a few brave souls out there sticking it to The Man with their Hackintoshes, for normal people the EULA rules: they run Mac OS X on Apple hardware.


  • Google钱包成功,运营商必需推出支持钱包的Android手机或者Google会通过协议公开迫使Android绑定Google钱包(硬件+软件)。

    For Google Wallet to succeed, carriers will have to distribute Wallet-enabled Android phones, or perhaps Google will "openly" force every Android licensee to carry the Wallet (hardware + software).


  • 容量业务关键型应用程序可能具有服务水平协议(SLA),这些协议要求专用硬件软件环境

    Higher volume, business critical applications might have Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that demand dedicated hardware and software environments.


  • 麻烦在于硬件驱动总是完全执行这个协议规范

    The trouble is that hardware drivers have a habit of not fully implementing the specification.


  • 依据协议条款,不对任何软件代码进行反向工程,反编译拆解/或预先发布公开方向接收公开硬件设备

    Refrain from reverse engineering, decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-release hardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement.


  • 介绍了系统硬件配置画面编辑通讯协议

    Introduced this system hardware configuration, the picture edition and the communication agreement.


  • 微软作为诺基亚共同运营协议一部分这家芬兰公司作为他们的相关硬件制造商。

    As part of a co-operation agreement with Nokia, Microsoft is using the Finnish company as its hardware-maker of reference.


  • ARP协议作用通过IP查找建立IP地址之上的计算机网卡硬件地址。

    The ARP protocol is used by IP to find the hardware address of a computer network card based on the IP address.


  • 方法硬件丌销较小通讯协议简单但是压缩效果非常明显。

    This method needn't heavy hardware cost, and the communication protocol is simple, and the compression is obviously.


  • 设计开发了消费总线硬件平台软件协议支撑软件、关键设备演示系统等。

    A platform for the development home networks is constructed with hardware platform, protocol stack, supporting softwares, the key equipments and a demonstration system.


  • 详细地介绍研究所完成网络接口卡硬件设计思想低层协议支持软件设计

    The design of the network interface card completed in our research is presented in detail on hardware and the software supporting lower levels of the protocol.


  • 机器定理证明数学定理证明、协议验证软件硬件形式化验证等方面发挥出越来越重要的作用。

    It has become more and more important that the application of theorem proving on mathematic theorem proving, protocol verification, hardware verification and software verification.


  • 网络协议最低级的层次成分TCP/IP协议是与硬件无关的。

    This is the lowest component layer of the Internet protocols, as TCP/IP is designed to be hardware independent.


  • 蓝牙传输协议基础给出了应用镜面能动磨盘加工中的硬件实现方案

    The design concept of the software and the hardware based on bluetooth transmission protocol is present'ed, which is applied in large mirrors process.


  • 提出基于CAN总线智能大厦火灾检测系统给出了系统的网络协议硬件以及软件设计方案。

    A fire-detection system is introduced for intellective building based on the controller area network(CAN), with the designs of network protocol, hardware and software.


  • 根据ATA协议,该系统利用FPGA硬件加密方法实现数据透明加密流水线操作达到吞吐

    According to ATA protocol, PHES used hardware encryption method in FPGA to achieve the transparent data encryption and high data throughput rate by pipeline operation.


  • 达到目标现场总线网络硬件通信协议上对传统网络作出了改进。

    Aiming at this goal, it improves its hardware and communication protocol from traditional computer networks.


  • 本文介绍了基于MODBUS 通讯协议信号采集硬件软件设计

    The paper introduces hardware and software design of signal collection card which is based on MODBUS protocol.


  • 本文介绍了基于MODBUS 通讯协议信号采集硬件软件设计

    The paper introduces hardware and software design of signal collection card which is based on MODBUS protocol.


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