• 表征陷阱材料主要物理量陷阱深度准确计算出陷阱深度对于研究陷阱材料具有重要的意义。

    The mainly characteristic of trapping materials is the trap depth. So it is significant to calculate the trap depth for the trapping materials.


  • 认为避免研究陷阱偏见最后的方法之一就是跟踪个体整个生命过程。来看哪些特征影响后来品质行为结果

    I knew that one of the best ways to avoid research traps and biases is to follow individuals for their whole lives and see which characteristics influence subsequent qualities, behaviors and outcomes.


  • 研究人员有效的陷阱这些群体中捕获了一些个体

    The researchers caught individuals from each of these groups in a live trap.


  • 如果我们扫清障碍的目的研究这些陷阱,就一定免受一些痛苦

    If we study the traps with intent to steer clear, surely we save ourselves some pain.


  • 另一些陷阱里放的是化妆棉,这些化妆棉是学童放到袜子里放交给研究人员的。

    Others will contain cotton pads that schoolchildren will put inside their socks for a day and then deliver to researchers.


  • 公平贸易局早先研究(于2008年10月发表)称,公平贸易局发现这些“售后回计划无数陷阱导致一些甚至能够作为租户留在自己房子里

    In an earlier study, published in October 2008, the OFT found numerous pitfalls with the schemes, which had led to some people not even being able to remain in their homes as tenants.


  • 因此本文中的重点不是案例研究数据使用哪些量度而是目标、要避免陷阱如何SelfCheck团队工作

    Our focus in this paper, therefore, is not on case study data or which metrics to use, but on goals, traps to avoid, and how to make a Self Check work for your team.


  • 已经了解如何日常饮食控制脂肪胆固醇以及转化脂肪的时候,研究现在另一个日常食谱中的陷阱提出了警告——

    Just when you had figured out how to manage fat, cholesterol and trans fats in your diet, researchers are now warning against another common mealtime pitfall - salt.


  • 探测器研究细沙陷阱援救勇气号策略使探测器顺着这些痕迹行驶。

    The rover team's strategy to extricate Spirit from the sand trap was to follow these tracks out, heading north.


  • 如果你的,避免共同研究陷阱

    You can too if you do your research and avoid common pitfalls.


  • 此同时Takken的队伍发明了可以使这个发现得到进一步研究工具:一种人类动物作为诱饵陷阱这个陷阱所有其他的方法有效

    Takken's group, meanwhile, has developed a tool that could help shed more light on the discovery: a trap that USES human or animal scents as bait and that is more efficient than current methods.


  • 因此研究人员把目标研究一种可以用来蚊子引进陷阱特殊诱饵

    So the researchers have been zeroing in on specific "attractants" that could be used to lure mosquitoes into a trap.


  • 危险边缘》对于IBM研究来说一个具挑战性的语音合成问题因为虽然回答短,但很多潜在的发音错误陷阱

    "Jeopardy!" was a particularly challenging speech synthesis problem for IBM's researchers because although the answers were short, there were a vast number of possible mispronunciation pitfalls.


  • 于是就开始如何避免招商中的陷阱方面研究

    So I started the "how to avoid falling into the trap of investment in" this kind of research.


  • 发光(EL)一种研究聚合物陷阱特性、空间电荷存贮输运特性、聚合物的结构转变和分子运动的重要工具,现已获得广泛应用。

    Electroluminescence (el) has been widely used as a tool to study the trap character, the charge storage and transport, the structure transformation and molecular motion in insulating polymers.


  • 基础上提出一种比较实验法研究电场作用介质产生新陷阱动力学过程

    Based on that, a comparison experiment is performed to study the kinetic processes of trap creation in solid organic dielectrics under strong electrical strength.


  • 电子陷阱技术掺杂技术一个分支,近年来有关它研究应用开始受到人们的重视

    Shallow electron trap technology is one part of doping technology, the research and application of shallow electron trap has become important in recent years.


  • 一项可行性研究包括评估管理团队市场前景潜在的陷阱

    A feasibility study includes the assessments of the management team, market prospects and potential pitfalls.


  • 陷阱电荷限制传导理论为基础数值方法研究单层机电致发光器件发光电势电场载流子密度的空间分布。

    The electrical potential, field and carrier density in emission layer of single layer organic light-emitting devices are numerically studied based on the trapped charge limited conduction theory.


  • 通过陷阱电荷泄漏模型,对MNOS结构保留特性进行研究

    In this paper, charge retention characteristics of MNOS memory structures is investigated by a discharge model of the shallower trap.


  • 重点研究退化PMOS器件退火效应氧化陷阱电子的退陷阱机制。

    Also, High electric field annealing of stressed PMOSFET and detrapping of trapped electrons on the gate oxide are studied deeply.


  • 通过对载流子扩散机理研究数学公式的推导,得到陷阱电荷分布电场变化的函数关系。

    Substituting the electric field distributions into the formula we ve induced, we got the trapped charge distribution inside the buried oxide during total irradiation under different bias states.


  • 采用GJ89陷阱检测器钢板害虫物种分布组成及主要害虫书虱和螨类不同储藏期各部位分布进行了调查研究

    GJ89 type probe traps were used to monitor stored grain insects species, distribution in different storage periods in the steel silo.


  • 但是几年之后意识到自己似乎已经落入一个陷阱科学研究热爱使疏远

    Several years later, however, he recognized the trap into which he seemed to have fallen: his passionate love of scientific research had alienated11 him from man.


  • 我们了解作出证明最好策略所有不要任何入侵者研究通过你的陷阱

    Show us what you are made of and prove that you are the best strategist from all, by not letting any intruder fellow to pass by you trap…


  • 我们了解作出证明最好策略所有不要任何入侵者研究通过你的陷阱

    Show us what you are made of and prove that you are the best strategist from all, by not letting any intruder fellow to pass by you trap…


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