• 波士顿学院所私立研究大学想要更好地了解潜在捐赠者时它会心理学家罗伯特·肯尼调查超级富豪心态

    When Boston College, a private research university, wanted a better feel for its potential donors, it asked the psychologist Robert Kenny to investigate the mindset of the super-rich.


  • 由于农村居民交通需求了解很少因此第一阶段,即1985年12月到1987年12月,主要集中调查研究上。

    Little was known about the transport demands of the rural households, so Phase I, between December 1985 and December 1987, focused on research.


  • 所以他们收集来自国民人口统计调查数据根据他们对各个国家人口增长情况的了解做进一步的研究

    So they took the data they gathered from national censuses and surveys, and projected it forward based on what they knew about population growth in each country.


  • 我们重视韩方其他国家进行联合调查以及各方反应认真了解研究方面情况。

    We value the joint investigation by the ROK and other countries as well as reactions from all sides. We will look into and study situation of all sides.


  • 请转而研究供应商网站产品使用该供应商的客户交流ForresterGartner之类的地方展开深入调查,从而粗略了解这些供应商。

    Instead, do cursory reviews of vendors by researching products on their Web sites, talking with others who have used the vendors, and digging up research from places like Forrester or Gartner.


  • 研究希望他们研究结果成为一个跨越帮助人们深入地调查了解能否通过训练提高从而提高数学成绩

    The researchers hope their findings will be a jumping point for a deeper look into whether training can help kids improve their number sense, and hence their math performance.


  • 为了了解选择吸烟的影响因素是否包括父母同龄人吸烟状况,研究搜集了所调查未成年人的社会背景资料。

    Knowing that smoking attitudes are influenced by factors such as whether an individual's parents and peers smoke, the researchers also gathered data about the adolescents' social background.


  • 为了了解兄弟的存在是否影响女孩子的生殖情况,研究人员调查访问了197位女性76位男性

    To learn whether they also had an effect on their sisters' reproductive success, researchers investigated 197 women and 76 men.


  • 这个资金是否有效使用的问题,研究们对公众进行了调查他们减少一起犯罪给出一个现金价值

    To work out whether this was money well spent, the authors surveyed the public to put a cash value on each crime prevented.


  • 由于此前位《闲说华尔街读者指责不够了解克莱斯勒的产品昨天晚上仔细地研究了《美国消费者报告》所作的调查,发现情况甚至我想像的还要糟糕

    Last night, after being accused by several Mean Street readers of not knowing enough about Chrysler's line-up, I did more research in Consumer Reports. It was even worse than I thought.


  • 研究过程中,研究人员通过问卷调查方式,对受访者是否心态乐观是否患有精神抑郁疾病作了深入的了解

    During the study, participants filled in psychological questionnaires which researchers used to assess a range of issues, including whether they had a positive outlook and any mental health problems.


  • 美国研究团队调查了180个年轻男性女性,经过详细了解他们以往的感情史与爱情观之后,他们名为DRD4基因检测,据悉,这种基因能够影响大脑多巴胺的含量

    Researchers quizzed 180 young men and women about their attitude towards relationships and tested them for a gene called DRD4, which affects levels of the brain chemical dopamine.


  • 第二研究当中,研究人员不同的大学机构进行调查了解不同大学的男女学生要求室友频率多少

    In a second study, the researchers surveyed three separate institutions to see how frequently male and female students requested to change roommates. Here are those results.


  • 应激对于记忆影响补充调查研究我们提供了更多的信息,有助于我们更好地了解创伤应激障碍综合症以及其他应激相关的情绪障碍。”芬顿博士补充说。

    Additional investigations into the effects of stress on memories could shed light on PTSD and other stress-related mood disorders,” added Fenton.


  • 年前一个研究团队进行调查记载下这些愿望,此调查旨在了解患者电子视网膜假体期望

    These wishes were documented by a survey conducted by a research team ten years ago to find out what patients' expectations of electronic retina prostheses (retina implants) were.


  • 研究试图通过调查高中生外在学习动机内化特点进行了解

    This study attempts to investigate the characteristics of the motivation of high school students.


  • 研究人员目前正在调查为什么有些其他人容易产生脂肪组织疤痕以及如何进一步了解SPARC从而有助于未来糖尿病治疗

    Researchers are now investigating why some people are more prone to fat tissue scarring than others and how further understanding of SPARC could contribute to future treatments for diabetes.


  • •利文森认为大多数美国博物馆努力研究调查,在做出选择之前更好地了解中国艺术展

    Jay Levenson: Well, I think most American museums are really trying to do research and study, and understand the Chinese art scene better before they make their choices.


  • 招聘员工了解已经做过调查研究

    Show the recruiter that you've done your research.


  • 本文旨在通过调查研究了解南通市区中学教师体育锻炼现状分析不足进而提出相应对策

    Through investigation and study of this paper is to understand the secondary school teachers Nan tong the status of physical activity, analysis of its shortcomings, and proposed countermeasures.


  • 他们必须通过调查研究来使自己了解被遗漏部分情况

    They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.


  • 总评导演了解观众喜好不是凭空来的,经过调查研究

    General comments: directors understand the preferences of the audience, not to the abstract, is to go through investigation and study.


  • 了解我国窄带ISDN业务的近期实际需求潜在市场,有关部门、穗三城市对ISDN业务做了缜密调查研究

    To understand the real demands and potential market in China for narrow-band ISDN, a meticulous research has been made into the ISDN service requirements in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


  • 了解四川省农村皮下埋植避孕法(简称皮埋法)宣传教育现状该法使用情况的影响,本研究对农村1473例皮埋法使用者进行调查

    The Numbers of 1473 Norplant users were studied to understand the status of propagation and education of Norplant, and its influence on acceptability in countryside in Sichuan province.


  • 通过调查研究了解我国公共卫生护理管理存在问题

    Some problems existing in Chinese public health nursing management are found out by research.


  • 通过调查研究了解我国公共卫生护理管理存在问题

    Some problems existing in Chinese public health nursing management are found out by research.


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