• 美国研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜

    Researchers in the US claim they have discovered the answer to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.


  • 例如一些研究者声称女孩更好隐藏这些症状

    Some researchers claim, for example, that girls are better able to hide their symptoms.


  • 研究者声称他们的研究恰恰说明应对出现病毒有多么困难

    The researchers say their work illustrates just how difficult it is to deal with newly emerging viruses.


  • 研究者声称许多自然生态系统受到全球气候变暖的影响。

    Many physical and ecological systems are being affected by the world's warming climate, researchers say.


  • 研究者声称,在这项研究之前没什么证据表明苔藓的生长和气候这么紧密联系。

    Until this study, the researchers write, there was little evidence to suggest the moss responded so strongly to the climate.


  • 研究者声称英国人正在放任他们骑士精神悄悄流逝变成一个正在消亡的文化。

    Britons are allowing their manners to slip as chivalry becomes a dying art, researchers claim.


  • 牛津大学研究者声称生活印度8个穷人26个贫穷非洲国家人口加起来还要

    Researchers at Oxford University claim that more poor people live in eight states of India than in the 26 poorest African countries combined.


  • 医学研究者声称新的研究显示定期服用阿斯匹林,降低女性发生常见乳癌风险

    Medical researchers say a new study shows women who regularly take aspirin may lower their risk of developing the most common type of breast cancer.


  • 拜尔公司抗生素——莫西沙星取代一种药后研究者声称发现治疗效果增加了17%。

    By substituting the Bayer antibiotic moxifloxacin for an older drug, researchers said they saw a 17 percent increase in effectiveness.


  • 研究者声称测试结果暗示随着配备能力医学植入数量增加安全没有投入更多的注意

    The researchers said the test results suggested that too little attention was being paid to security in the growing number of medical implants being equipped with communications capabilities.


  • 研究者声称尽管人模型技术了长足进步验证新的安全特性仍然没有任何东西能超越骨肉组成的尸体。

    Researchers claim that, despite advances in dummy technology, there's still nothing like good old flesh and bone to validate new safety features.


  • 一幢温暖舒适房子冬天让人觉得很惬意,但一些研究者声称温暖室温可能也是造成肥胖病的罪魁祸首之一。

    While a warm, toasty house may feel great in the winter, some researchers suggest warm temperatures also may play a role in the obesity epidemic.


  • 来自阿姆斯特丹自由大学研究者声称看一眼就知道这块石头不是来自月球,并有实验可以证明结论

    Researchers from Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.


  • 流行的观点经历苦难他们生活中很强人格相反有些研究者声称苦难苦难让人产生误导

    Contrary to the very popular belief that people who have suffered from hardship in their lives have stronger personalities, some researchers claim that hardships can be very misleading.


  • 研究人员判定记忆“被遗忘准确时刻研究者声称只要时间地刻意不想起某件事,就能将永久遗忘。

    They were also able to pinpoint the exact moment a memory is "forgotten", and claim that long-term suppression of a memory is a sure-fire way of permanently erasing it.


  • 研究者声称笔迹成为一种有用的工具显示出某些疾病心脏病癌症等,可以用来揭示人心态情绪波动

    Researchers say it can be a useful tool in indicating some illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer, and can reveal psychological states and emotional disturbances.


  • 研究者声称似乎衣服我们变成色盲因为我们不会仅仅依靠肤色来辨认一个认识黑人还是白人而是他们穿什么样的衣服。

    Clothing, it seems, can make us colour blind, because whether we perceive someone as' white 'or' black 'depends not just on skin tone - but also how smartly they are dressed, according to researchers.


  • 威尔士的阿波利斯·特维斯大学研究者声称他们已经建造第一可以自行提出科学假设、自行试验自行得出结论的机器

    Researchers at Aberystwyth University in Wales say they have created the first machine that can independently hypothesize, test, and recognize new scientific discoveries.


  • 医学电报新闻英国研究者声称变应性疾病演变形式多种多样,先是出现湿疹然后哮喘接着发生鼻炎成为它的常见演变顺序

    MedWire News: There are numerous variants of the "allergic march, " with eczema followed by asthma and then rhinitis being the most common sequence, say UK researchers.


  • 但是专家声称这个结果没有依据的,因为这些研究者只是选择了武断观点

    But one expert says the result isn't valid because the researchers chose an arbitrary end point.


  • 研究者声称这个系统不是设计完美地重放过去的,而是设计为我们头脑中富于弹性地构造未来场景

    The system is not designed to perfectly replay past events, the researchers claimed. It is designed to flexibly construct future scenarios in our minds.


  • 声称首次探究多重宇宙观察数据研究者们,现在无法证明我们宇宙不是唯一

    The researchers, who claim to be the first to search observational data for the presence of a multiverse, cannot yet prove that our universe is one of many.


  • 研究者只是声称得到“与beta细胞非常相似的细胞。”

    The researchers claim only to have madecells that closely resemble beta cells.”


  • 研究者声称医疗救助的数据为基础,这些数据1152个人,包括曾经有心脏病中风包括曾经有攻击牙齿行为的人。

    The researchers looked at data from Medicaid claims, which included 1,152 people who'd had a heart attack or stroke, and who'd also had invasive dental work.


  • 研究者声称女性体重指数男性时,夫妻双方满足感。

    Researchers claim both partners are more content if the woman has a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) than the man.


  • 这些发现可能说明灵长目进化变种的过程很长,这是之前没有考虑到的。但是研究者声称非洲早些时候这些位置并没有出现类人猿。

    The findings might suggest these primates spent far more time evolving and diversifying than before considered, but the researchers contend that anthropoids seem absent at earlier sites in Africa.


  • 研究者声称,他们发现源自于对一种人类手指DNA的研究,这种人类生活大约迄今480003000年之间,生活在亚洲中部的艾泰尔一带。

    The researchers base their claim on DNA from a finger bone belonging to a hominid that lived in the Altai Mountains of central Asia between about 48, 000 and 30, 000 years ago.


  • 研究者声称,他们的发现源自于对一种人类手指DNA的研究,这种人类生活大约迄今48000到3000年之间,生活在亚洲中部的艾泰尔一带。

    The researchers base their claim on DNA from a finger bone belonging to a hominid that lived in the Altai Mountains of central Asia between about 48,000 and 30,000 years ago.


  • 研究者声称,他们的发现源自于对一种人类手指DNA的研究,这种人类生活大约迄今48000到3000年之间,生活在亚洲中部的艾泰尔一带。

    The researchers base their claim on DNA from a finger bone belonging to a hominid that lived in the Altai Mountains of central Asia between about 48,000 and 30,000 years ago.


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