• 撰写金融议题相关领域书籍研究文章

    He has authored books and research articles on topics in finance and related fields.


  • 资料选择视觉听觉通道返回抑制研究文章

    STUDY SELECTION: The articles about visual, auditory and cross modality inhibition of return were selected.


  • 研究文章标题不是疑问号的标题常见吗?”

    The paper wasn't called "Are Question-mark Titles Becoming More Common?"


  • 国内外已有不少关于齿轮传动系统优化设计研究文章

    There is a few good researching articles about optimization design of gear transmission system at home and abroad now.


  • 几年研究文章曾说女生可能高中毕业。

    A couple of years ago a published paper reported that girls who lost their virginity early were less likely to finish high school.


  • 同时,不断援引墨菲案例当作自己研究文章中的成功案例.。

    Meanwhile, Rekers continued to cite Murphy's case as a success story in research articles and books.


  • 最近读到一篇研究文章提到葡萄具有对抗阿尔茨海默症的潜能

    I recently read a study about grape seeds having the potential to combat Alzheimer's Disease.


  • 2010年7月7日世界胃肠病学杂志上发表了一研究文章

    A research article was published on July 7, 2010 in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.


  • 2004发表的晚唐文学研究文章有75篇(不包括李商隐杜牧研究)。

    It is calculated that about 75 research papers on the late Tang Dynasty been published through the year 2004 (apart from studies about li Shang-yin and DU Mu).


  • 目前上海博物馆馆藏战国楚竹成为学术界研究热点相关研究文章纷纭而至。

    At present, Chu bamboo slips collected by Shanghai Museum has become the hotspot of academic research, and many relevant theses have been published.


  • 发表了此类研究文章之后,有红头发人群给塞斯勒医生写信抱怨他们的牙疼问题看牙医恐惧

    After publishing research on the topic, Dr. Sessler began hearing from redheads who complained about problems with dental pain and fear about going to the dentist.


  • 目前大量有关物流物流成本研究文章是从宏观上、物流的使用者角度出发的。

    At present majority of papers on logistics and cost on logistics are constructed from macroscopic view and the Angle of logistics users.


  • 表现一流的学术水平详细阐述了对于世界事件有趣的观点一些其他研究文章能够在这里找到

    Several other research papers by him exhibiting what seems to be first-rate scholarship and elaborating on his intriguing views about world events, can also be found here.


  • 村庄治理研究目前学者广泛关注一个领域,合作社研究文章很多,但是二者结合起来研究文章相对较少。

    Nowadays, the study on rural governance has been paid more attention by scholars and also there are a lot of papers on cooperation.


  • 根据2009年艾滋病患者医疗性传播疾病》中的研究文章,割礼所产生预防效果来源于以下几个临床事实

    According to researchers writing in a 2009 issue of AIDS Patient Care and STDs, the prophylactic effect of male circumcision is owed to the following physical facts.


  • 文献题目摘录文献摘要选择可能入选研究文章如果题目或摘要不足以达成最后的入选,我们就获取全文以决定取舍

    Potentially eligible studies were selected by abstracting the title or abstract. If the title or the abstract was inadequate to reach a final decision, we obtained the full paper.


  • 一个消费者研究杂志发表研究文章指出那些看了黄色录像男人们在关于金钱、汽水糖果选择时会寻找立刻满足倾向

    A study published in Journal of Consumer Research found that men who watched dirty videos were more prone to seek immediate gratification when it came to making choices about money, soda, and candy.


  • 寻找关于幸福研究,他发现33年里接近2000文章研究幸福。生活满意度研究最多,超过2500篇研究文章

    He looked at research on happiness, and he found close to 2000 articles on happiness in 33 years. Life satisfaction came on top: over 2500 studies.


  • 共同参与撰写此研究文章纽约罗切斯特理工学院的GroverSwartzlander称:“人们早已经知道可以推动物体。”

    “The ability of light to push on something is known,” says study coauthor Grover Swartzlander of the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.


  • 发表份叫做青少年研究杂志研究文章Witkow还是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校研究时候就开始展开调查了。

    Witkow was a UCLA graduate student when she conducted the study, which was recently published online in the Journal of Research on Adolescence.


  • 最近刊登于《美国医学会杂志》(Journal ofthe American Medical Association)研究文章进一步证明,某些长期生活习惯可能降低老年人智力减退风险

    Two studies published in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association add to evidence that long-term lifestyle habits may reduce the risk of mental decline in old age.


  • 斯坦伯格有关问题法律文章写道,关于这个主题研究很少

    There's been little research on the topic, Steinberg wrote in a law article about this issue.


  • 通常关于科学时事文章故事有关于研究进展论文

    It usually has articles and stories about current affairs about science, as well as papers about new developments in research.


  • 科学家需要期刊发表他们研究所以他们提供文章不需要金钱回报

    Scientists need journals in which to publish their research, so they will supply the articles without monetary reward.


  • 研究其他文章中,我发现与《美国周末》调查相同模式

    In my studies and others I have read, I find the same patterns as in USA WEEKEND'S survey.


  • 文章论述研究使用方法

    Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.


  • 文章论述研究使用方法

    Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.


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