• 研究小组这证明黑猩猩自己文化

    It was evidence, the team said, that chimps have their own cultures.


  • 研究小组他们的发现被证明有助于将来保护工作

    The team say their findings could prove useful for future conservation efforts.


  • 研究小组调查发现十个主要透镜事件木星质量大致相同行星证据

    The survey found ten brief microlensing events, which the team says are evidence of planets of roughly Jupiter's mass.


  • 马萨诸塞州剑桥麻省理工媒体实验室研究小组这个主意可以使打电话有趣

    According to a research team at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge. Massachusetts, the idea will make phoning more fun.


  • 研究小组这项研究有助于理解家庭各种长期压力对子女的特定免疫功能生物影响

    The research team, said the study helps to understand the long-term pressure on the families of children immune function of the specific biological effects.


  • 研究小组技术已经偿清了债务除了日本病人的死亡率下降了12%之外,没有发现地区差别

    They said the new technology had paid off. Aside from Japan where 12 percent fewer people died, there were no regional differences.


  • 研究小组拥有成长心态周围影响之前所知更大学生们可以通过学习获得这种心态。

    Having a growth mindset, which children can also be taught, appears to have more impact on the others around them than previously realised, the research team said.


  • 研究小组基因疗法可能用于治疗GUCY2D突变引起的锥杆营养不良(线)的隐性显性形式

    The research team says that the gene therapy might also be used in treating recessive and dominant forms of cone-rod dystrophy (CORD) caused by mutations in GUCY2D.


  • 夏普博士意识到小组研究结果以往的研究发生了冲突

    Dr Sharp said that he realised the results of his team's research clashed with previous studies.


  • 研究小组一位来自哈佛大学安德鲁H诺尔:“过去我们一直觉得,虽然火星现在生存环境恶劣,但很久以前,火星的生存环境可能地球相似

    "Our sense has been that while Mars is a lousy environment for supporting life today, long ago it might have more closely resembled Earth," said Andrew H. Knoll, also of Harvard and on the study team.


  • 西班牙研究小组今天科学》杂志上发表文章他们可能已经偶然发现了一种成为终极记忆强化者的物质。

    A group of Spanish researchers reported today in Science that they may have stumbled upon a substance that could become the ultimate memory-enhancer.


  • 小组虽然大豆食用起来安全大豆食谱婴儿影响没有进行全面研究

    The panel said that while soy is safe for consumption, there has never been a comprehensive study of the effects of a soy diet on babies.


  • 研究小组成员之一、社会学家施恩•鲍曼恩:“研究表明我们审美喜好反映出我们的‘道德喜好’。”

    Dr Shyon Baumann, a sociologist involved in the study, said: "What the research shows is that our aesthetic preferences operate to reflect moral preferences."


  • 科技导报报道研究小组已经发现有所术。

    Wang's team is already building on the rat findings, Tech Review reports.


  • 他们这个地区从来没受到这么大一蚊子的侵扰研究小组今天的《生物学快报在线版上报道了这则消息。

    At lower altitudes, they complained of mosquitoes that had never before infested the area, the team reports online today in Biology Letters.


  • Kent教授他们小组通过研究HIV阳性的患者的血液样本并且分析了这种抗体是如何锁定病毒的。

    Professor Kent said his team studied blood samples of HIV-positive people and analysed how the antibodies (called antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity) targeted the virus.


  • 研究小组负责人You Bum - Jae份声明中:“Mahru一款具有人类特点机器人跳舞走路是被开发用来代替从事一些工作的。”

    "Mahru, which can dance while walking on its legs, was developed as a humanoid robot capable of working in place of a human," team leader You Bum-Jae said in a statement.


  • 然而提醒其他研究小组完全有可能挑战这项最近研究结论争论还会某种方式继续下去。

    However, he cautioned, other research groups may well challenge the conclusion of the latest study, and the debate may have some way to run.


  • 比如一个英国研究小组宣布通过观察大脑中的血液流动他们能够识别出计算机生成虚拟环境中的主体

    For example, one British group announced that they could discern where subjects where in a computer generated virtual environment by looking at where blood flowed in their brains.


  • 研究结束时“谢谢”小组相比其它小组而言,成员之间关系更为牢固

    Those who expressed gratitude reported stronger relationships at the end of study than those in the other groups.


  • 即将出版地球物理学研究快报》上,一个研究小组报道无线电信号变化土星极光的强度正好一致

    In an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters, a team reports that the variations in radio signal coincide with the intensity of the planet's auroras.


  • 波尔斯波士顿研究小组中的百岁人高加索白人意味着研究结果可以复制其他种族参与者中去。

    The centenarians in the Boston group's study were all Caucasian, meaning the results should be replicated with participants of other ethnicities, Perls said.


  • 默斯,系马克斯·普朗克鸟类研究感官生态学研究小组负责人蝙蝠达能到8个八度最好人类女高音发出的音调更高

    Siemers, research leader of the Sensory Ecology Group at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, said the bats reach notes that are 8 octaves higher than what the best human sopranos can produce.


  • 兰姆这个因子没有研究选取尽管他的小组确实抑郁症状基本线

    Lam acknowledges that this factor may not have been picked up in his study, although he and his team did account for baseline symptoms of depression.


  • 研究他们软件来自澳洲国立大学研究小组第一绘制辛普森沙漠35的河流的大致航线

    Using their new software, the team from ANU mapped the course of the rivers buried roughly 35 m under the Simpson Desert for the first time.


  • 研究小组成员约尔根·舒米茨:“认为证明迁徙澳洲目动物其他大陆有袋目动物有共同祖先理论的一个有力的证据。”

    "I think this is pretty strong evidence now for the hypothesis of a single migration [to Australia] and a common ancestor, " said Juergen Schmitz, one of the research team.


  • 例如个叫做“联合超自然研究”的小组这样道:“艾伯特·爱因斯坦能量不能凭空创造消失只能形式转变另一种形式。”

    For example, a group called Tri County Paranormal states, "Albert Einstein said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another."


  • 例如个叫做“联合超自然研究”的小组这样道:“艾伯特·爱因斯坦能量不能凭空创造消失只能形式转变另一种形式。”

    For example, a group called Tri County Paranormal states, "Albert Einstein said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another."


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