• 癌症研究中间最新陈述,身高超过跨过4英寸,罹患乳腺癌的风险概率将进步百分之十六。

    According to the latest Cancer Research study, the chances of developing the disease rises by 16 per cent for every 4in in height.


  • 本文提供了一种研究中间夹杂运动方法认可采用挡墙控制钢水流动,可有效地排除钢水中的夹杂物。

    The method for study on movement of inclusions in tundish is provided in this paper, and the control on steel flow by using DAMS is proved to exclude effectively inclusions in molten steel.


  • 当然对老鼠研究到对研究中间还有很久的路要走,而且研发基于G9a的戒除毒瘾疗法夕之功。

    It's a big leap from a mouse study to a human study, of course - and an even bigger leap to consider developing a G9a-based treatment for addiction.


  • 研究并未提供大脑划分男性女性证据而是表明大脑的划分范围广,大多数刚好位于中间

    Rather than offer evidence for categorizing brains as "male" or "female", research shows that brains fall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.


  • 先前的研究发现能够引起不快声音那些令人痛苦部分处在可听频率范围中间

    Previous research found that the painful parts of unpleasant sounds appear to be in the middle range of audible frequencies.


  • 日本以及美国研究人员组成的小组志愿者看两个不同大小正方形,其中中间线

    For example, one group of Japanese and American researchers showed people two squares of different sizes, one of which had a line inside in.


  • “‘注意选择朋友’说起来很容易,”马奎大学奥尔加·雅库舍瓦教授表示她的研究发现减肥行为大学女生中间传染

    "An easy thing to say would be 'Choose your friends wisely,'" says Olga Yakusheva of Marquette University, who has found that weight-loss behaviors can be contagious among college women.


  • 西伯利亚南部游牧民族——以放牧牦牛为生的图瓦人中间研究时发现,单词可以固定用在特定地点

    As I learned working among the Tuvans, nomadic yak herders of South Siberia, words can also be anchored to a specific place.


  • 这种预测就是为什么男子喜好女子中间无聊”,协同研究彭恩—瓦卡

    Such predictability is why studying "men's preferences [in women is] very boring," study co-author Penton-Voak said.


  • 然而2006年4月以来,“云”卫星雷达一直在提供全球范围内中间云层样板,这是以前大气研究从未涉及的领域。

    Since April 2006, CloudSat's radar has, however, been providing a globe-circling slice of the middle layer, a previously unobserved part of the atmosphere.


  • 研究们发现,这些还没有被探测到的东西弥漫所有星系中间

    This as-yet-undetected stuff permeates all galaxies, researchers believe.


  • Kasting表示那么正好居住区中间堪称完美”,研究过之前位于区域边缘颗星球

    "You're smack dab in the middle of the habitable zone, so that's perfect," says Kasting, who has studied the two planets on the zone's edges.


  • 但是,在2000年开始的技术研究演变成世界最大电子产品公司+电影制片商阵营之间争斗,而消费者被夹在了中间

    research became a battle between the world's largest electronics


  • 糖尿病研究中心研究发现这种趋势并不存在于妈妈儿子爸爸与女儿中间

    Researchers from the EarlyBird Diabetes Study found the trend did not exist between mothers and sons and fathers and their daughters.


  • 至于排行中间孩子,就算研究人员来说,也还是谜团一个

    And middle children? Well, they can be a puzzle-even to researchers.


  • 下面案例研究说明了如何使用SOA方法集成重用现有应用程序以便处理信用卡支付系统中间操作

    The following case study illustrates how you could integrate and reuse existing applications using an SOA approach to handle the middleware operations of a credit card payment system.


  • 为了演示深度防御工作原理我们首先研究包含三个主要层次的中心模型核心层中间最外层

    To show how the defense in depth works, we will first examine a centric model of three primary layers: core, middle, and outermost.


  • 系统中间系统(应用程序服务器以及网关之间通信所需带宽进行流量研究

    Run traffic studies on bandwidth required to communicate between the backend system and the middleware system (application server) and gateways.


  • 每个片段两个中立”的样本中间,给研究团队提供一个基准测量胎儿活动任何变化

    Each clip was sandwiched between two "neutral" samples so that the team could measure any changes in fetal movements against a baseline.


  • 本文一个系列文章第二篇,系列文章研究如何可以集成IBM中间功能解决金融市场前端办公室技术需求

    This article is the second in a series that explores how IBM middleware capabilities can be integrated to address the technical requirements of the financial markets front office.


  • 准确拿到西姆斯希望得到的东西,取样者必须同时具备攀岩技巧相关的科学知识这些研究中间不多合适人选之一。

    Yet he also understood that he was one of only a few people with both the climbing skills and scientific knowledge to get exactly what he wanted.


  • 最新研究表明仅仅工作中间小憩一下是远远不够回复我们精神状态有效的办法就是户外活动

    Just having a break from work is not enough suggests new research, it is activities in the open air which have the strongest restorative effects on our mental states.


  • 研究结果显示周内我们中间大约80%不在乎它了

    Studies show that within six weeks, approximately 80 percent of us break our New Year's resolutions.


  • 他们研究我们大脑一小部分中间暂时

    It has to do with a small part of our brain called the middle temporal area.


  • 研究建议重新规定生物信号阈值减少造成阳性机会,假阳性通常出现饮用酒精饮料接触了其它形式的酒精的人们中间

    Researchers suggest redefining the thresholds for specific biomarkers to reduce the chances of false positive tests among people who did not consume alcohol but were exposed to ethanol in other forms.


  • 最近泰坦内部研究揭开了这颗奇异星球更为怪诞的一面:脆弱甲烷地表之下,覆盖着一更深处依然一个地下海洋,最中间是冰岩石并存的固态核心

    But a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.


  • 最近泰坦内部研究揭开了这颗奇异星球更为怪诞的一面:脆弱甲烷地表之下,覆盖着一更深处依然一个地下海洋,最中间是冰岩石并存的固态核心

    But a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.


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